Zarya Volkov vs Audrey Hunter

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Zarya Volkov vs Audrey Hunter

Unread post by Ironsoldier »

Standard Match: Victory via pin fall, submission or knockout.

The anticipatory murmer of the crowd grew hushed as the LAW titantron went dark, along with most of the arena lights. A low chorus of Russian voices, male and female spilled from the speakers, softly at first, before the Russian Victory March erupted in both speed and intensity.
Theme music
The lights came back on with it, bathing the arena in warning red as a tall, imposing woman stepped through the curtain and onto the stage. Zarya Volkov wore a long cape of crimson trimmed with gold and her long dark hair was braided into a semblence of a mohawk tight against her skull. Dark blue eyes focused on the ring, wasting no time with the now jeering crowd as she moved down the ramp as she was announced.

"Introducing first! From Saint Petersburg, Russia, The Iron Soldier, Zarya Volkov!"

Serious and sullen eyed, she reached the ring and climbed onto the apron, stepping easily over the top rope and sleeping the cap off as she did so. In her revealing red and gold two piece, Zarya looked every bit as solid as her *iron* moniker would suggest, while her plump breasts and narrow waist lent her an hour-glass figure that was distinctly feminine despite her intensely trained musculature. The only flaw to her well sculpted physique were the long, slash-like scars along her arms, shoulders and thighs, as if she'd been raked with a bears claws.
Ring Attire
It gave her a savage appearance as she paced back and forth in her corner, eyes watching the ramp, waiting for her opponent the way a captive tigress awaits feeding time.
Last edited by Ironsoldier on Sat Apr 21, 2018 3:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Zarya Volkov vs Audrey Hunter

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

It looked like Audrey would be pitted against one named Zarya Volkov. Knowing that this would be a match to remember, the blue-haired mature woman prepared herself for the match, already putting on her tight blue leotard. So far, she had yet to achieve a victory here in LAW, but that would be fine, because so far, her opponents were formidable women who definitely knew how to wrestle. But this time, Audrey was planning to leave the ring with a win, and this Zarya fellow would be the one to be defeated by her.

When it's her cue to make her entrance, Audrey made her way into the arena as the announcer did their job announcing her entrance.

"And now, introducing...! From Winnsboro, Louisiana... Audrey Hunter!!"

Raising her arms, she was greeted by cheers from the crowd. While she might not have quite a stellar record here in LAW, she had quite a storied career that many among the crowd were her long-time fans. And when she walked down the ramp, she would give some people high-fives, showing her gratefulness over their supports.
Audrey Hunter
Once she reached the ring, she climbed up the steel steps before slipping through the ropes before going to one corner, climbing it up to rouse the crowd some more. She would then point at one direction just to get more reactions from that particular area before she got down from the corner so that she could take a look at her opponent.

From what she could see, Zarya seemed to be quite a rugged fellow, with her impressive physique and scars all over her body. But Audrey showed no fear towards her Russian opponent as she placed her hands on her hips and stood in front of her. "So, are you ready? I apologize in advance, but the winner of this match will be me..." she said confidently to Zarya, telling her that she wasn't planning to lose against her.

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