Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Match Type: Hardcore Hentai. best 2 out of 3.
Rules: Winner must completely exhaust their opponent until they are knocked out. Submissions are not to be accepted. Winner may also do what ever they want with the loser after the match.
Ally Rostin would be waiting back stage, stretching and preparing for her match. She had been told that her opponent was going to be a new comer and that's all Ally thought she needed to know. She planned on teaching the new girl everything there is to a hardcore hentai match. She was looking to wipe the floor with her.

As Ally finished her stretches, The stage hand would get her attention and tell her that it was her time to enter the arena. Ally would hear her music begin and make her way out of the curtains and towards the ring. The crowd was excited as they saw the curvy blue haired girl make her way down the ramp. Her assets barely kept in by her small and tight bikini.

Ally would make sure to have a slight hop in her step as she made her way down to add a nice jiggle to her large curves hoping to make the crowd go wild. She would make it to the ring and slowly put one leg over the middle rope before stopping and shaking her ass, hoping to get another loud cheer. She would even go as far as slapping her own ass with a spank making it jiggle and bounce.

After Ally's sensual entrance, she would go to her corner where she would begin stretching again, watching the entrance to the arena as she waited to see who exactly her opponent was. Whoever she was, Ally was expecting to get to know very well.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Mariya had been a professional wrestler and sexfighters for two decades, dropping all sorts of body fluids all over the continents across the world, and this time, she planned to make her way to the top in LAW. She had been doing the same thing over and over in numerous promotions, and LAW wouldn't be any different. Already donning her signature red wrestling outfit, which was tight and showed off her mature yet voluptuous body, Mariya waited for her cue to make her appearance.

Once her entrance music, Shadow, was played, Mariya walked through the entrance, strutting down the ramp as fog machines made their jobs adding to the effect of her entrance. One could see how sure she was of her victory as she headed over to the ring, making sure that her whole body would be displayed perfectly for everyone to see and for all the cameramen to capture. It would be their privilege to gaze upon her body, after all.
Mariya Vasilyevna
Once she entered the ring, she barely acknowledged Ally's presence as she would walk around, getting herself used to the new ring. Then, she looked at her opponent and sneered. "So... ready to be fucked, girl?" She spoke to the girl, her Russian accent barely heard. She stood in front of Ally, projecting herself as someone to be feared by the girl.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Ally would continue watching the entrance waiting to see who her opponent was. When the music started, Ally's eyes would widen when she saw who came out. It was a beautiful mature looking blonde. Ally would get a bit less confident as the blonde made her way closer until she was finally in the ring.

Ally couldn't help but feel slightly nervous and turned on in the blondes presence. It was unusual that an opponent would simply ignore Ally's existence in the ring like this woman had.

Ally's mouth would slightly water as she took in the look of her opponent. She had an amazing body that looked like it had been in multiple matches before. "So much for being a squash..." Ally thought for a moment while she continued staring her opponent up and down.

When Ally heard Mariya's question, Ally would blush and quickly shake her head. "No... I'll be the one doing the fucking here..." Ally would say trying to keep a confident voice but as the woman stood in front of her, Ally let out a nervous squeak that would show her nervousness. Ally would clear her throat before saying "The name is Ally... I look forward to showing you the ropes tonight. Hope you don't mind being turned into a toy for the night." Ally would say in her best confident voice but there were obvious shakes and quivers in her voice as she stood face to face with her opponent.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Hearing Ally's words, Mariya couldn't help but chuckle, noting her nervousness. Grinning evilly, the Russian sexfighter put her hands on her hips, standing confidently before Ally. "Oh, really? How cute..." she said. "I can't wait to see you eating those words once we're done, though it'll be hard for you, considering you'll be left as a babbling wreck here on the puddles of your own cum..." She licked her lips, loving what she was currently seeing. The girl looked like a pushover, but her body was something that she would like to get her hands on, and being Mariya, there would be nothing stopping her from getting what she wanted.

Then, the referee would call for both wrestlers, giving them a brief explanation about the rules. Mariya paid little attention to the explanation as she kept on looking at Ally, playing a little bit of a mind game with her. She envisioned herself as a serpent cornering a frightened rat, with the rat being Ally. Playing with Ally's plump, sexy body would be something that she would greatly enjoy in this match, and once again, she was licking her lips as she imagined what she would do to her opponent next.

Once she's done, the referee called for the bell, starting the match. To start the match, Mariya would lower herself, dropping into stance as she would prepare to lock up with Ally. The sight of their nubile bodies mashing against each other would be something the crowd would greatly enjoy, though Mariya herself didn't care about the crowd at all. She just wanted to make Ally her toy once she's done breaking her.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Ally's cheeks would redden in embarrassment and nervousness as she heard the blonde woman speak. She felt as though Mariya's eyes were piercing her skin as they went up and down. She could tell her opponent liked what she saw and Ally had to admit she wasn't disappointed in what she saw either. The blonde was fit, had an incredible set of breasts and a dominating attitude that Ally couldn't desire anymore.

As the Ref called them to the center of the ring, Ally would have a hard time listening as she found herself distracted, her mouth watered as she was staring down at her opponents voluptuous breasts. She would snap out of it as the bell rung. She would blush deeper as it was very unlikely her staring went unnoticed.

Ally would get into a lock up position as well. squatting down slightly, giving the lucky crowd behind her a good view of her plump rear in the squatting position. She would raise her hands up hoping to meet Mariya's with her own and if that happened, she would attempt to push and mash her plump soft body into Mariya's hoping to push her back but odds are Mariya had a different plan.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Seeing the embarrassment in Ally's face, Mariya's devious smirk widened, knowing that her chance to win this was getting bigger by each passing second. She knew that she could take the girl on without difficulty, and the girl would become her first victim here in LAW, and there would be nothing stopping her from getting what she desired.

Now pressing her own voluptuous body against Ally's own curvaceous figure, Mariya would take her time feeling the plushness of her opponent's body, having her own pair of breasts mushrooming against her opponent's. Just to toy with her, Mariya would grind herself against Ally, letting the girl feel her body as she would try to push her back, bringing her closer and closer to the nearest corner where she planned to have her way with her.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Ally would blush deeper and deeper until her face was beat red. The smirk on her opponents face said it all as it was the exact opposite look on Ally's face. A worried and nervous face. She had to admit that Mariya's body felt amazing against hers. Their breasts mashed and mushroomed together causing Ally's nipples to stiffen quickly. The thin fabric of her top didn't do much to help that.

Ally would feel her nipples becoming little stones and would try to pull away but this would end up causing her to be pushed back much easier into the corner. Once they were in the corner, Ally would be pressed all the way into the corner, trying to push Mariya out of her way but odds are Mariya had different plans.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Mariya chuckled darkly as she managed to push Ally towards the corner. Pushing her own curvaceous figure against Ally's ample bust, Mariya would grab her opponent by her wrists, making sure that she would not be able to push her back now that she was at the corner. Feeling Ally's nipples hardening, she licked her lips as her own nubs were starting to harden as well.

"Now... whatever shall I do to you...?" Mariya said before she leaned forward, looking to have a sweet, deep kiss with her younger opponent. She would like to bully the girl's tongue as she kissed her, planning to leave her a flustered mess before she could start having her way with her in this match.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

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Ally would easily be backed into the corner. Her own curvaceous body pressing into Mariya's. She would yelp as her wrists were grabbed making her defenseless. Both women had their breasts pressed into each other as their nipples got hard. Ally's grew hard first and she would blush as it seemed that Mariya's grew harder when hers did.

Ally would hear Mariya's question and wouldn't answer. She would lean back as Mariya leaned forward for a kiss but there was only so much space that allowed this. Eventually, Ally ran out of space to lean back too and her lips were met with the Russian's soft lips. Ally became flustered already as her cheeks reddened as the kiss deepened. Her tongue was dominated in its own wrestling match with Mariya's tongue, making the kiss quite wet and sloppy. Ally was nearly putty in Mariya's hands.

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Re: Hardcore Hentai match. Ally Rostin vs Mariya Vasilyevna

Unread post by PrinceArjuna332 »

Strong and dominant, Mariya would keep on kissing Ally, overpowering her at the corner. She would continue pressing her busty chest against Mariya's own impressive rack, loving the feeling of Ally's nipples mashing against hers. But soon, she would break the kiss, forming a bridge of saliva between their lips before she broke it by licking her lips.

"Huhu... you're so cute... I can't wait to eat you whole..." Mariya said before she brought her hands to Ally's breasts as she would start kneading those bikini-clad tits, groping and fondling them to her heart's content. "My, my... quite a nice body you got there, hehe..." she complimented Ally's figure before she went for another kiss, giving her younger opponent no respite as she would keep on molesting her.

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