Rules: Winner must completely exhaust their opponent until they are knocked out. Submissions are not to be accepted. Winner may also do what ever they want with the loser after the match.

As Ally finished her stretches, The stage hand would get her attention and tell her that it was her time to enter the arena. Ally would hear her music begin and make her way out of the curtains and towards the ring. The crowd was excited as they saw the curvy blue haired girl make her way down the ramp. Her assets barely kept in by her small and tight bikini.
Ally would make sure to have a slight hop in her step as she made her way down to add a nice jiggle to her large curves hoping to make the crowd go wild. She would make it to the ring and slowly put one leg over the middle rope before stopping and shaking her ass, hoping to get another loud cheer. She would even go as far as slapping her own ass with a spank making it jiggle and bounce.
After Ally's sensual entrance, she would go to her corner where she would begin stretching again, watching the entrance to the arena as she waited to see who exactly her opponent was. Whoever she was, Ally was expecting to get to know very well.