A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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Emma hummed as she prepared herself for her next match. It was against someone named Lucy Andersen, and from what she had seen, a sweet and nice woman. Emma hoped the two could have a good match tonight! It’s been a while since she had a fun match and that’s what she was hoping for against Lucy.

Walking through the curtains, Emma smiled brightly as she walked down the ramp while her music played. Everyone cheered as Emma walked down the ramp, smiling and high-fiving her fans.
The blonde haired woman wore her regular attire, a simple tight, black sports bra, matching black shorts and thigh high stirrup socks. To finish the look, she has black elbow and knee pads. Once she was near the ring, she would slide underneath the bottom rope.

Afterwards she would run to the ropes and showed off her years of balance training by jumping on the second rope and holding a post on the top rope. The audience cheered at the sight as Emma flashed everyone her best winning smile.

After a few seconds of doing this, she would jump down and walk to her corner, ready to face Lucy.

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Re: A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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Lucy adjusted her top one last time to ensure a perfect fit. The tight fitting fabric snapping tight to her flawless pale skin. "Why do you always check and double check your outfit? You always look perfect!" Lucy's friend Rebecca was almost always nearby when Lucy had a match. "You're one talk! You show up hours ahead of time just to choose an outfit!" The two blondes were inseparable and almost mirrors of each other when it came to looks and personality.

"This is a new outfit. Just want to make sure it fits right." Like Rebecca had said Lucy always looked on point when it came t looks. "Alright I'm off!" The two women engaged in a quick hug before Lucy popped out of the locker room to make her way to the ring.
Lucy walked confidently toward the ring. She knew her opponent well based on her research. Emma was another beautiful blonde much like herself. However, there was one glaring weakness that Lucy had discovered during her research on her opponent. She hoped that knowledge would come in handy during their match. Even with this knowledge, Lucy didn't want to underestimate Emma. She was still a dangerous opponent and worthy of respect.

Lucy would pick up the pace as she neared the entrance to the arena. Ready to face her opponent with her new outlook on wrestling and pushing herself beyond what she had previously aimed for!

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Re: A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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Cream was having a nice night. She had a nice good sleep the night before, a delicious breakfast, a good workout and later she was gonna meet some friends! Only thing was she forgot to grab something from her locker, so she had to go grab it. But just as she was about to go to the locker room, she immediately spotted a person who she honestly found annoying and a pest, Lucy Anderson.

The only good thing was remembering all the times of how she dominated and made the stupid blonde haired girl beg for mercy. Hmmm…honestly it’s been a while since she saw her and it’s already been such a great day. Mmmm, maybe it’s time for the two two reunite so she could have a better day~

Grinning at a new idea forming, Cream would duck underneath something, making sure Lucy didn’t spot her till she saw her back. Cream would quietly and swiftly walk behind Lucy and just as the other blonde hair woman was about to make a turn, Cream would grab Lucy and push her against another wall! Slamming the poor against the wall before letting go, allowing Lucy to slide to the floor.

Hey you! It’s been a while.” Cream said with a big smile on her face. Which allerted Lucy that nothing good was about to come. Not with Cream grinning down at her. Cream would stomp down on the girl.

I haven’t seen you since….well you know. I left you in tears and begging for mercy.” Cream said with a big smile on her face, remembering how she made Lucy beg and cry for mercy. Though that also triggered some members with Cream against Rebecca with Lucy coming in and saving her fellow blonde from Cream. That only made Cream kick Lucy's face again before choking her against the wall with her foot. “I think it’s time for me to teach you some more manners~

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Re: A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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As Lucy rounded the corner of the hallway a sudden assault form behind slammed her into the wall. Her back went flat against the wall and the force meant her head made solid contact as well. The blonde slumped to the floor as one hand reached behind her head to soothe the spot it had hit the wall. Then, a voice that had become all to familiar to her pierced the air that sent a shiver down her spine. Behind gritted teeth Lucy would look up to see Cream standing over her.

Before she could utter anything, Cream sent a stomp into Lucy's torso. Hrghh! Lucy was dazed by the sudden attack as she heard some ringing in her ears. As Cream continued, Lucy tried to get back to her senses, but before she could Cream continued her assault with a kick to the blonde's face. "Arrghh" The kick stunned Lucy once again creating further haziness.

Lucy couldn't find her bearings enough to even respond to Cream's provocations. Just moments after the kick to the face Lucy felt Cream's foot across her throat restricting Lucy's ability to breath. "hrhghhghghghh" Both hands moved to Cream's foot trying to pry it off. She would give herself enough reprieve to utter a simple defiant response between choked gurgles. "Fuck...grhgrh....you!!"
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Re: A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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Aww, what’s wrong?” Cream asked with a taunt, her foot kept on pressing Lucy’s throat against the wall, doing its best to remain on Lucy’s throat despite the blonde haired woman's hands trying to pry it off. This only in fact made Cream dig her foot more, really wanting to make Lucy suffer some more. “Now now, that’s no way to talk to your betters!” After saying this, Cream would bend down and grab Lucy’s hands.

After doing this, she would pin them above Lucy’s hands and to the wall. Without anything stopping her, she would press her foot more forward and if she could, would try to insert the tip off foot into Lucy’s mouth, just wanting to humiliate Lucy a bit more! “Hehe, there you go! Just where you belong.” Cream said with a smirk on her face, wiggling the tip of her boot in Lucy’s mouth.

Cream would try to keep her boot for a bit longer before backing away, enjoying her superiority. Not giving the annoying woman a chance to recover, Cream would kick Lucy’s stomach a few more times before grabbing her by the air and forcing her to stand up. After forcing the blonde haired bombshell to stand up, Cream would then attempt to tuck Lucy’s head underneath her arm and hope to land a DDT Lucy onto the normal, non-wrestling ring floor!

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Re: A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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Lucy knew Cream well enough that the simple provocation would lead to more taunting. Lucy continued to gurgle as Cream pressed her foot deeper into the blonde's throat before her hands were ceased and hauled over her head. This left Lucy more defenseless as she tried to clear her head while Cream tried to insert her foot into Lucy's mouth. Lucy would try and seal her mouth, but Cream eventually pressed enough that her boot broke the seal of Lucy's lips.

After a few moments, Cream would back away causing Lucy's arms to flop to her lap. One hand would raise to rub her throat to ease the pain from Cream's choke. "I hate you!" The reprieve lasted only long enough for Lucy to utter those words. After only seconds, Cream's boot was buried into Lucy's stomach several times putting Lucy fully to the floor.

Lucy's chances of even making it to her match were lessening by the moment. The thought was crossing her mind just as a firm tug of her ponytail hauled her up to her feet followed by being tucked under Cream's arm. Lucy was staring at the solid concrete floor. "NO! DON'T!" The words barely passed her lips before Cream hauled backward which folded Lucy forward and crashed her head onto the floor. The blondie somersaulted as her back smacked the concrete leaving Lucy spread on the floor.

Lucy could hear foot steps running, but they were only muted claps against the floor to her. Hearing the commotion and yelling of multiple voices, Rebecca opened the door to see some officials running down the hallway. Given Lucy had just left minutes before, Rebecca followed them to the curious about the commotion. As a group of LAW staff came to view Rebecca saw Lucy's nearly motionless body on the floor, and Cream standing nearby. A flood of rage came over Rebecca as she began running down the hallway brushing past the staff making their way to assist. "CREAM!!!!" Rebecca was intent on getting there first and tackling Cream to the floor.
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Re: A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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Hey….sooooo do I just win automatically?” Emma asked confusingly to the ref. It’s been at least a minute or so before she got into the ring and usually within a few seconds after entering it, another wrestler is supposed to have arrived. However there was no sign of her opponent, which made Emma not too sure if her opponent dipped or she was just late. Which don't get her wrong, she was fine with winning by her opponent not showing up but something felt weird.

The ref also looked confused and not too sure as he was muttering to his earpiece. Emma guessed he was also stumped on why she didn’t have an opponent.

Strangely enough for Emma, this wasn’t the first time this had occurred for the young blonde haired woman. The first time it was discovered that her opponent for the match got attacked backstage. Though Emma scoffed at that thought. What were the chances this was the same situation?


Cream giggled at seeing the pathetic look Lucy had after she shoved her dirty boot into her mouth and cruelly kept it there for a few seconds. “Really? You hate me? Well I guess that means I should have no problem doing this next move!” Cream said as after her kicks, she forced the other blonde haired woman up to her feet and tucked her into her armpit to lock in a DDT position.

Aww, what’s wrong? You don’t like this?” Cream taunted at hearing Lucy’s pleading before she fell back and slammed Lucy’s face directly into the floor from a DDT! Cream got right back up, and while it did hurt a little, her pain was nothing compared to the pain Lucy was feeling at the moment. The lightweight wrestler smirked smugly down at the loser down at her feet.

Before she could attack the down woman again, she heard multiple people running towards her. Cream huffed and turned towards them. She saw multiple officials before her eyes locked onto Rebecca glaring at her and charging at her.

The blonde haired woman grinned at the sight of Rebecca. She gave Lucy’s stomach one last kick before she took off at Rebecca. Seeing Rebecca going to tackle her, Cream would match her rival as both women colidated! Sending both of them to the floor with Rebecca on top of Cream. Though Cream wouldn’t take this lying down as she would attempt to roll Rebecca onto her back and sit on the other wrestler before pounding away on her. Though this wouldn’t last long if it did happen before the officials came in and pried both women off each other.

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Re: A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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As Rebecca ran down the hall, her eyes locked on Cream's as an evil grin shown across her rivals face. The smile enraged Rebecca and was only increased when Cream gave a final stop to Lucy before charging forward. No number of LAW staff was going to keep them from at least getting hands on each for long enough to inflict some kind of damage.

The two women collided sending them to the floor in heap with Rebecca on top. Rebecca would immediately start trying to throw everything at Cream without regard for anything else. This lapse would allow Cream to reverse the position, but Rebecca had one thing on her mind. The two blondes began wailing on each other wanting nothing more than to inflict as much damage as possible on the other. This was only for a few seconds before the majority of the LAW staff began trying to pry Cream off Rebecca.

Despite a lot of effort, the two were eventually separated and being held back by multiple people. "I've been waiting to get my hands on you again bitch!" As the scuffle between the two continued and attempts to quell the violence persisted, Lucy was being tended to by several staff members. Sitting up on one elbow, Lucy held her head with the other hand. Coming back to reality she had one thing on her mind. "My match! I have to get to the ring!" Lucy began to try and use the onlookers to pull herself back to her feet. "Ms. Andersen you can't compete after that."

Lucy ignored the warnings, and pushed through them to continue down the hall. As she rounded the final corner she saw some confusion at the entrance the arena. "I'm here!" Lucy was adamant on competing regardless.
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Re: A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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Cream released a few grunts at Rebecca slamming her fists into her face while being on top of her. But luckily for her it didn’t last long as she swiftly changed their positions. Cream grinned down on Rebecca before she swiftly unleashed a few punches towards Rebecca, taking great joy at her punches connecting.

But before she could take real enjoyment at taking down her rival, she was pulled off of Rebecca by multiple other people. “HA! Same for me bitch! I’m gonna take you down again and make you beg for mercy!” Cream shouted back as the LAW staff kept on pushing the two women away. Despite both women struggling to get to each other, it was pretty much pointless as they were “led”(forced) to opposite directions, allowing Lucy the time she needed to get back up and head towards her match.
Emma was getting more confused about what’s going on. First she saw the ref giving her a suspicious look(Which, what the hell ref?!), then the ref looked confused and annoyed. And now it was concerned and worried? Honestly Emma was getting more anxious and worried about what was going on.

Hey so wha-” “Sorry Miss Waterson but we’re currently…what do you mean she’s here?!....I thought you said….Alright. Fine. Okay I understand.” The ref said interrupting Emma before talking through his ear piece, which only annoyed Emma further as behind the ref's back she would make a fake strangling motion with her hands before she took a breath to calm down.

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Re: A spot of revenge: Lucy Anderson vs Emma Waterson

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Everyone stood around the entrance to the arena staring at Lucy who stumbled her way before righting herself enough that she stood upright with the assistance of the wall. Anyone could tell that she wasn't at full strength and something had clearly happened, but no one argued against her demand for her music to be played.
As her music filled the space, the crowd cheered as its attention turned toward the entrance where Lucy would walk out and strike one of her signature poses. However, even those in the crowd realized that Lucy wasn't quite her bubbly self jogging down to the ring with a smile on her face. She had a serious expression and walked to the ring while still giving out high fives along the way.

Rather than slide into the ring, she would use the steps before stepping over the middle ropes giving the fans a final few waves. She would walk over to her opponent and extend her hand like she had many time before. "Hi I'm Lucy!"

Backstage, the shouting between Cream and Rebecca continued as they were held back. "Like you screamed for mercy against Veyle?! I saw that match and it gave me some good ideas!" Rebecca knew bringing up that match would likely draw anger out of Cream given how humiliating the defeat was. The staff members continued to pull the pair away from each other hoping to end the stand off between the two.

"Ladies that's enough! I need the both of you to return to your respective locker rooms! You want at each other this bad then you'll need to do it in a sanctioned match"
Lemme's Ladies
Discord: B.Lemme

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