Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

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Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Jaystar »

Astra Nova vs Spectre
Match rules: *TBD*
Match rules revealed by post 6
Best 3 out of 5 POW Match
Victory via pinfall, submission or KO
Spectre can't be disqualified
Winner gets to capture the loser for the night

Astra Nova was anxious.

Only three days ago, the Interstellar Heroine had visited the LAW headquarters for a brief chat about her future, career, and oncoming matches. The blonde heroine had been somewhat dissatisfied. After having fought a convincing victory over fellow, supposedly "heroine", Super Mashiro, match opportunities given to her had been sparse. Frustrating! Her confidence was now on an all-time high, and the blonde couldn't wait to get into the ring once more... And to fight some baddies! So what was up? Why weren't she being set up in any?

Asking these questions from the management had frankly made Sabine, the girl acting as the heroine, rather embarrassed. Of course, her own activity was crucial as well! Why had she assumed that the management would simply hand opportunities out for her on a silver plate? Granted, many wrestlers had such luck... But as the officials had very aptly pointed out, a wrestler with a gimmick such as hers was even supposed to take initiative. If she wanted to be a real, respected heroine... Well, shouldn't she had gone after the bad girls herself?

Of course she should have. And that's exactly what she was going to do tonight.

Calling out someone though... Making a big scene and a number of herself... It just wasn't really her thing. She was going to have to go out of her comfrot zone tonight. But surely, it was going to be worth it. Surely it was something that was expected from her. And when being a wrestler in a place such as LAW... That was the least that could be asked from her. If she was going to perform in matches in front of huge crowds, she could easily issue a challenge to someone, right?

But to whom? That was another question Sabine had asked from the management. The response had been vague... But still quite clear enough. "Well, that's up to you... But you might want to take a look at this villain called Spectre..."

And that's exactly what she had done. And oh, what a perfect suggestion it had been! Apparently Spectre was a villainess, who was wreaking havoc among the LAW ranks. And quite devastatingly so... Having even earned the nickname "LAW's Malevolent Virus". Clearly someone, who was begging to be stopped by a real heroine!

Besides, one could have assumed based on the history that Spectre was this some kind of big and strong villain... But Sabine's research had proven quite the opposite. For a wrestler, she was small... And while the blonde herself wasn't the biggest either, Spectre seemed like someone she could surely handle. There was even a good chance that she could convincingly overpower her! Now what would be a better look for Astra Nova, than being a mighty heroine tossing a hated villain around the ring...?

This had to be it. Spectre was obviously the one Astra needed to challenge.

But why was she anxious then? Of course, she couldn't be sure what was to happen. Would the villainess even take up her challenge? How would the crowds react? She still needed to go outside her comfort zone... But she was still pretty confident that it was going to be worth it.

Astra Nova's Promo Shoot Pic
Astra Nova's Entrance Theme: Paola - Interstellar Love

Going to issue a challenge to another wrestler apparently also earned some privileges for Astra's entrance - namely, the lights dimmed while her entrance theme began suddenly playing without a match announcement, accompanied by a promo shoot pic being projected throughout the arena. Sure, it all had sounded very cool to the Interstellar Heroine - but right now, she wasn't very keen on the idea of making this any bigger deal than it was already.

But of course, all those anxious feelings were just misguided and useless. Sabine knew that. They had no place any longer when Astra Nova would make her entrance.

Trying to stride as confidently as she could down the ramp, the dimmed lights provided a slight relief for the blonde heroine. Naturally, some close by could have maybe seen a figure heading towards the ring, but it wasn't until Astra had taken her place in the middle of the ring, equipped with a mircrophone, and having taken as an imposing stance as she could, that the spotlight did finally turn on to illuminate her.

Astra Nova - The Interstellar Heroine

"Good evening." the blonde heroine began addressing the crowds in a rather stern and serious tone, who weren't quite sure at first how to react. Sure, they liked her looks and heroesque habitus, but it wasn't as if she was already some established megastar in LAW's ranks. If anything, the main goal of tonight might have just been to make some substantial progress with establishing herself as one... Taking down someone like Spectre should have granted lots of bragging rights, right?

"It's me, Astra Nova. And I have come here to complete a mission that you all will, I'm sure, certainly support me with..." she then continued, trying to sound as noble as she could. "It has come to my attention, that there's a certain villain plaguing LAW, one who has brought too much misery to my fellow wrestlers already... And I'm here to stop her!" she explained the reason for her entrance... But not many sounded quite that excited yet. Obviously, they needed more details... Or then Astra had to make this sound even more exciting, and herself even more fearless than she already had. "So, SPECTRE, I'm calling you out... I'm challenging you to a match. Right here, right now. It's time to put an end to your shenanigans! Come here to this ring, right now, and face me in battle! I'm not afraid of you... And I'm perfectly willing to play by your rules!" the blonde heroine concluded, happy to hear a bit stronger reaction from the crowds now... But also growing anxious again over whether Spectre would indeed be showing up at all. "You may call yourself the virus... But I am the antidote!"
Last edited by Jaystar on Sat Oct 12, 2024 2:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

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Re: Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Monsy »

Spectre was set for a night of recon.

She wasn’t booked for tonight, so did her usual of prowling the LAW arena for interesting footage and developments to always be ahead. And as usual, she was up in the rafters. A safe place for someone like her -- in the dark, with all the clear view she wanted and her two laptops.

When she picked up the phone to dial a number, that’s when she heard her name being used. Spectre glanced down at the ring, then stood, walking along the catwalk to a railing that perfectly overviewed the arena. She listened. At first she was thinking they were just going to rant about her. Name exposure was good for the brand.

Alena Stepanova had tried this exact same approach early in her career. That same offer. A free match, but this time, with stipulations of Spectre’s choosing. She nearly smiled in her mask. The bravery was toxic. Overall bad when over ten matches in. It would be impossible to stamp that completely out, but there was a line. She wanted Astra’s skin to crawl when saying her name, just as the audience does, feeling the air get colder as they began looking everywhere.


Spectre turned to her laptop, turned on one of her programs that was hacked into LAW’s AV systems, including the titantron. It sputtered, flashed and made a buzzing sound as the circuit boards warmed up. Then the chrome skull flashed on screen right in the middle.

“Shenanigans. Is that how you summarize it?” Spectre said with a voice that seemed to penetrate every space with a speaker. The chrome skull glowed with each stress of a word. “Just what will you do, Astra Nova? What will you do that’s different from those who tried already? You’re making a promise to everyone when you speak like this, so you must have a plan. Don’t you know they’ve been waiting for a real heroine?”

The crowd murmured. The praise was an honest way to see things. But it asked whether it was too good to be true. Was Astra really that person? Everyone knows, in LAW, everyone gets beaten eventually. The skin is weak compared to the ego. And they wanted to believe: THIS is that person. Despite that want, though, their throats were still clenched with worry.

What if she isn’t? What if Astra fails? A true heroine can’t just--

“As have I.”

The skull disappeared. The lights dimmed. And in that time, Spectre had left her post to her hook and cable, now rapidly descending to the ring. She dropped off as usual at the six-foot mark, free-falling and landing on the top turnbuckle pad. Her hands between her legs on the pad, knees spread and pointed out. Ankles together, toes out. A squat.

The lights came back. And now the two were sharing a ring. Heroine and Villainess. The crowd collectively gulped.

“Nowhere to run now, Astra Nova.”
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
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Re: Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Jaystar »

Oh, the wait. Astra could have already guessed beforehand that it was going to be an anxious part... But she couldn't have really guessed that it would have been this anxious. No, taking the stage, addressing everyone with a microphone and issuing a challenge were no longer the dreadful parts - sure, probably partly because they were done by now. Now the wait was the dreadful part - what was going to happen and when, how were things going to turn out, or whether Spectre would even take up her challenge. What if she didn't? What would happen then?

Then again, Sabine could calm herself down with the notion that had that been a likely thing to happen, the management probably wouldn't have allowed her to take the stage like this in the first place... But still. She couldn't help but wish that she would see the villainess walking down the ramp to meet her in the ring sooner rather than later. Especially as even the crowds sounded like acting a bit weird... She had gotten a mediocre rise out of them by issuing her challenge, but there seemed to be more murmur than genuine excitement over what was to happen. Or silence even... It was as if they were expecting something, or as tense as Astra was over what was to happen, would Spectre show up...

Suddenly the crowds let out a collective gasp though, which Astra soon realized to stem from the titantron seemingly somehow malfunctioning. "Oh great... Now what? Do I need to evacuate?" the heroine began thinking rather concerned - until a peculiar image filled the screens. Another gasp from the crowds - they seemed to be somehow better aware than Astra of its meaning. But based on the looks of it, the blonde felt like having a decent guess on its meaning. Surely, the villain was about to enter.

She couldn't see a figure emerging from the gorilla position though. Instead, a haunting sound surprised everyone in the arena... With a voice that Astra could feel in her bones.

Aside from the horrific tone, Spectre's words managed to bring up a mix of embarrassment, concern and pride inside the brave heroine. "Shenanigans?" No, that probably hadn't been Astra's proudest choice of words. A bit embarrassing. But truthfully, that was the smallest of her concerns right now. The heroine kept glancing nervously around at first in an attempt to locate the origin of the voice, before concluding that Spectre must have still been backstage. It was still a concern... Which also was when the voice mentioned "a plan". Truthfully, Astra's plan here was to wrestle and win. But hadn't it probably been everyone else's plan before, who had already tried and failed? That sounded like a legit point. But the point that made Astra proud was being called "a real heroine"... Surely, she was deemed one by now. And that could make the difference... And be the plan. Right?

Suddenly once again, the titantron then went dark and the lights dimmed. Astra focused her eyes on the entrance... Surely she was going to see Spectre's figure coming down the ramp any second now.

Quite quickly the lights came back on, and there was a collective gulp from the crowds - and Astra, who was taken completely by surprise by Spectre's sudden appearance on the top turnbuckle. The surprise and shock was clearly visible for a moment on the blonde heroine's face, who couldn't help instinctively taking a couple of steps back in addition to the gulp, before her brain managed to once more tell her that she looked stupid and weak doing so, and should adopt a confident composure once again as soon as possible. Luckily, this time it wasn't the hardest thing to do. She had been prepared to face a sneaky villain after all... And Spectre's size was giving herself confidence, even if her masked looks and all were pretty mean.

"Good. Because I'm not about to run anywhere." Quickly regaining her composure, Astra took those steps back towards the center of the ring... Before deciding to take a few towards the corner Spectre was occupying as well. Still, being mentally prepared for any possible leap that the villain might decide to take towards her... "My plan is to defeat you, capture you, and... Punish you for your deeds." the blonde stated in a stern tone to her foe, admittedly improvising a little with the last part.

But the question had actually been good. Astra could use it herself as well.

"And what's your plan then, Spectre? How do you think you'll defeat a real heroine? Your time's up... Your luck has run out."

Astra was pretty proud of that little improvisation. It was crucial to appear mighty and confident, right?
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
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Re: Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Monsy »

Defeat. Capture. Punish.

She liked that choice of wording. Defeat. Capture. Punish. Her mind ran with it into a rhythm that gripped her mentalscape.

Defeat. Capture. Punish.

The outfit she wore was completely new, sending the crowd into murmurs amongst them. She stood up, a failing spotlight behind her adding to the attention. A high-cut leotard that exposed her hips, completely skin tight to her small frame and granting her a mouth this time, a black upper-lip. A window for her smooth small belly and her modest chest. Her identity was concealed with a new domino mask, with dark purplish eye-shadow running underneath and filled the eye gaps. Inside, a predator’s gaze locked on the heroic Astra Nova, calling on Spectre’s plan. That her luck has finally, thank god, ran out. Spectre stood on the spot, high up on the turnbuckle. Her spine tingled with the race of a good chase coming up.

The crowd's cheer made her hearing crack. She didn’t let the discomfort show.

"Get her Astra Nova!" "Give her Interstellar Justice!"
"Don't back down!" "Destroy her, Astra!"

The Malevolent Virus, SPECTRE! (New)
“My plan?” Spectre jumped into the ring. Her boots cut just below the knee, with a black tongue and purple trim and laces. Her sleeves didn’t match. One was full black latex and the other a translucent sleeve over fishnets. Her stance was tall… as her meagre size allowed. Legs bare, part from a belt wrapped tightly around her upper-thigh. She was cold, undaunted by the crowd… who so wonderfully kept quiet.

She walked carefully from her corner with her shoulder pointed to the heroine. She attempted to approach her from the flank. “What I’m going to do is this.” If Astra moved to turn towards her, face her, then Spectre would move to quickly seize one of their wrists, turn it into a wrist-lock and then move beneath that arm, appearing at the back and folding the limb into a hammerlock. Her second hand, with its sharper purple fingernails, placed against Astra’s belly. Spectre’s head was by the Heroine’s shoulder, speaking into her ear. “I’m going to rip this open, then bruise it black. I want to know how many times you’ll succumb to it… In a best of five match.” She paused, letting her stipulation sink in. When thinking about it, her heart started to throb with yearn. Her cheeks warmed into a blush. Has her hand even moved?

“Then after you let down everyone who believes in you tonight, I’ll be the one capturing you, Astra Nova.”

At the end of her statement, in the faintest of ways, Spectre had a brief smile. She let the moment sink in again, then asked... “Scared yet? You can always... run.”
Last edited by Monsy on Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
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Re: Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Jaystar »

Astra had indeed managed to take a few steps towards Spectre - but when the villain decided to stand up on the turnbuckle, she suddenly no longer felt like doing so. Yes, rationally her brain knew that her foe hadn't grown any bigger, but her tall and imposing stance did make her look probably mightier and stronger than she actually was.

Besides, there was the attire. It looked so powerful, mean, dangerous, villainous... And admittedly sexy as well - not that it was going to play any role in this match - but the heroine couldn't deny that the outfit was doing a good job with making the blood run a bit colder in her veins. And her intrigue rising at the same time... If her mission was to play the heroine, she certainly appreciated an enemy who looked like a true, pure villain.

An enemy, that was about to hunt her down... Although Astra soon realized, that it certainly wasn't what the crowds were hoping to see. All that chanting, all that support... Wow. Just wow. Choosing to challenge Spectre certainly seemed already to be the wisest choice for her career so far. They really wanted to see her bringing that villain down.

So, that's what she should do.

For a moment, that was Astra's mighty plan. For a moment, she truly believed in it with all her soul.

That was, until Spectre began describing her own plan.

Granted, she should have seen something sneaky coming. She should have never let the villain approach her from the flank. But Astra had been so focused on trying to appear as confident, adamant and unwavering as possible, that she had simply shrugged off the risk of not following the villain's movement with her body. And now was the time to pay for it.

It was an easy feat for Spectre to grab hold of Astra's wrist and twist it into the hammerlock as if the heroine was simply a sweet little doll. By the time her fingernails dug into Astra's belly, the heroine managed a slight twist and a wiggle, but it was all whimsically too little too late. The villain had already gotten hold of the heroine.

As Astra was forced to listen to Spectre's plan from behind her shoulder, the blonde had to admit that there was far more weight in her words than there had been in her own. Astra's plan had been, while valid, generic, while the villain already had a clear idea what she was about to do to her opponent - while almost demonstrating it in the process. At least Astra was quickly worried that she already would...

The heroine stayed still, very still while listening to the villain's words... And the claws never dug deeper into her belly. For now, at least... The stakes had become very clear though. This was going to be a long, hard, tough battle... With one of them eventually getting captured. Frankly, Astra had to find this kind of stakes very suitable for a battle between a hero and a villain. She just had to ensure to come out on top...

Right now though, she was still frozen from terror. She could only hope that Spectre wouldn't take advantage of the control she was already having over the heroine... Who of course couldn't let her terror show the slightest bit to anyone.

The least to the villain. "Scared? You can't make me scared. Your stipulations won't deter me. And the only time I'll run is with victory... And with you as my prisoner!"
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
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1. I will not be online there very often, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
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Re: Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Monsy »

Astra Nova already in her clasp?? The crowd worried with bitten tongues and squeezed knuckles against their knees.

Did anyone doubt this outcome, though?

With Astra held, Spectre pushed her body against the heroine. She seemed so very small and defenseless like this. Just a hand and their belly, soon to mingle for much longer in fist-form. Spectre was free to roam. Her finger-claw stayed put through Astra’s rebuttal, drawing the fans attention by her bravery. The subconscious smiles formed on the faces of many, becoming enthused to believe her.

Spectre, the prisoner? The crowd cheered. The wishful thinking became hope for them. Anticipation.

The virus herself was mildly impressed, with her face flinching for a moment. But it changed little in what she planned for her new rival.

“Try as you like, Astra Nova. There’s just one more aspect I haven't mentioned…” And now, Spectre pulled Astra in closer, putting her belly firmly to Astra's back, supple chest against her shoulder-blades and her chin just over the heroine’s collar to whisper directly into her ear. “I can’t be disqualified.”

And before any protests can be uttered, Spectre thrust her knee between Astra Nova’s legs to attempt to debilitate the heroine with a crushing and sudden low blow!
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Jaystar »

So, were things going still exactly to Astra's plan so far?

Hell no. The only part that still was, were her words, valiant attitude and defiance - the things that she still had control over. Unfortunately, she no longer had control over her body, and the likely way this match was about to begin... Not with the way the sneaky villain had already stolen the initiative.

Should she had seen this coming? Was she already making herself look like a weak and vulnerable challenger? Did she have only herself to blame for it?
The answer to all three questions was admittedly likely a solid yes. But Astra wasn't letting any of that get to her head. Or the fact that she was already locked in Spectre's grip, or that her claws were feeling like they were getting ready to rip her belly wide open. She was still keeping her head together.

Why? Ironically, there had been some solace in Spectre's words. If the rules were going to be best of five... There was always going to be some room for back and forth. Of course, Astra wanted to win as dominantly as possible... But with rules like that, she could afford a bad start. Just had to make sure not to let her endurance get too depleted in the process... Besides, she was going to get many chances to outsmart the villain, right?

Unfortunately, Astra's mental defences were soon crumbling. What happened next sunk her world, both figuratively and literally.

The mental blow? That was the no disqualifications. Well, for the villain at least... Sure, it wasn't unheard of that villains often loved issuing such stipulations. And she had given Spectre every right to decide so. It was just something that she had failed to anticipate, and really caught her off guard now... And inevitably, sent her imagination running on what all kinds of torment the villain controlling and pressing herself against her already might be capable of. It wasn't exactly a fun thought...

And it wasn't a fun feeling either - the physical (low) blow that followed. It was a torturous feeling. The blonde heroine became immediately incapacitated for the moment, fighting against the urge to humiliatingly cover her crotch... And if Spectre would let go of her, the heroine would likely drop straight down to her knees in front of her - right as the bell was likely to ring any second now.
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
However, please note that:
1. I will not be online there very often, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
2. I won't be doing IM matches
3. Please note that I reply to messages a bit slower and often longer, as I need time to think and reflect instead of rapid-fire communication

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Re: Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Monsy »

Astra Nova was today's deer.

A deer in headlights. She got a feel for the girl. She was soft, but still strong, with a lean towards compliance with how she just couldn’t escape Spectre’s clutch. Did she even try? No, because Astra was vulnerable. Her belly was palpable, smooth but firm. Fit, she’d say. Although her claws could only infer so much on this material. She needed to tear this. Her mouth would salivate til she did. Teased.

Meanwhile, Astra was showered with silent encouragement, whistles and shouts. Signage too. It was like the whole of wrestling was waiting for that clever bite back, the back-elbow to Spectre’s head or donkey kick to send her flying.

And while they looked for courage in the girl’s face, Spectre found weakness between her legs.


Her knee kept in its place. Spectre pulled the girl back against her smaller body, placed her chin over their collar and whispered into their ear. “On your knees.”

Then shoved the heroine down.

And beautifully, Astra did JUST that. After one sharp look at the referee, the bell was sounded. DING-DING-DING. Immediately, Spectre grabbed Astra’s hair, walked to Astra’s front, then grabbed her hair with a second hand. She started to yank it, pull it up, wrap her fists in that silky blonde hair. Her expression intensified moment by moment, engrossed and focused to make the pain so great, Astra would HAVE to protect her head instead of her groin.

But as the audience saw, Spectre’s right foot was pulled back. If Astra went for it, then the crowd would point, gasp and one front member shouted, “Look out, Astra!”

Before Spectre’s boot sought to deliver a SECOND low-blow, this time of the cunt-punt toe-bash variety.


And she kept her foot there. She stepped in, practically hovering over the Heroine, looking down at her, with a twitch on her upper-lip that silently asked 'Stunned already?’ as the crowd’s hate-bone finally kicked in.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Jaystar »

The benefit of hindsight was a nasty thing. It usually made anyone feel pretty disappointed in themselves. Whether it was disappointment for foolish actions, lack thereof, not taking a chance or running blindly into the deep end, it was one of the benefits that usually produced the least joy.

Sometimes, it held bittersweet tones though. This was one of those moments for Astra Nova. By now, she could clearly tell what would have been the easier road to take. What would have saved her from a world of pain. What would have made her look less like the deer in the headlights, that even the blonde herself could tell she must have had.

But would that have been the right thing to do? Would taking it to Spectre, even before the bell had rung, been the heroic thing to do?

Absolutely not. Staying stoic and still in the villain's clutches had absolutely been the morally right thing to do. And while the decision had left her vulnerable - and thus, in a world of pain - she had still managed to showcase her spirit. Display her true inner self.

It was just bloody painful. And she couldn't deny that most inches of her skin were regretting the decision right now. Low blows were usually effective with breaking even the strongest of façades.

The fact that the heroine dropped down to her knees exactly when "ordered" by Spectre didn't help. Sure, this wasn't yet merely enough to alienate all the support she was getting, especially with all the heat towards her villainous opponent. But it did however get her for some already perilously close to falling into the "yet another unprepared victim for Spectre" -category, that had seemed to be growing in numbers lately.

Astra really wanted to turn that trend. Unfortunately, the villain was having none of it. Neither with letting go of her control, which she adeptly secured by acquiring ownership of the heroine's blonde hair, nor with her chosen method of assault, manifested by yet another low blow suddered by the poor heroine.

Could this have been it? Were a couple of sneaky, devastating moves going to be sufficient with taking down the Interstellar Heroine?

For all the world, Astra may had looked pretty demolished for the moment. And yes, stunned as well. But inside, all the pain was strengthening her grit... And the surprising amount of support she was getting from the fans, and conversely, the intense volume of hate her foe was triggering, were heightening her determination.

She couldn't let the villain continue like this. She had to clench her teeth, and power her way out of this.

Through narrowed eyes, the blonde heroine observed the figure in front of her. The villain's thighs looked dangerous, and it was likely best for her to stay as far away from them as possible. On the other hand, her attire had this peculiar opening exposing her belly... And her heroic instincts were strongly suggesting her, that she may had just detected the villain's potential weakness...

Astra simply had to find a way out of this predicament, with Spectre's fingers punishing her hair, and the villain's toes punishing her crotch. She had to bury her gloved fist as deep into her masked foe's belly as possible.

Luckily, the rhythm of the starting bell had already given her inspiration. *SMACK-SMACK-SMACK*
Jaystar's Realm of Heroes and Villains

Jaystar's Quests
Please feel free to contact me on Discord: jaystar_92820
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1. I will not be online there very often, so don't wonder if I won't be responding immediately.
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Re: Astra Nova vs Spectre - The Interstellar Antidote?

Unread post by Monsy »

The crowd’s faces froze, then soured.

Another unprepared victim. The thought was now planted, swaying with beliefs. Those who held onto the heroine, hedged their bets, believed and hoped for her. The people who favoured her image, the guardianship against LAW’s many evils. So, so many, drawing their admiration to the few, like Astra Nova, to ride her star in running through every villain in Japan! To some, she was their one. Their favourite. And to see their favourite, kicked between the legs again, downed, wilting and with hardly resistance felt on Spectre’s grip. It was heart-wrenching!

"Get up Astra!"
"Look out!"
"Get out of there!"

And now, Spectre’s foot properly stepped down on the mat between Astra’s legs. She stepped close, with her leg near Astra’s midsection. She yanked on Astra’s hair to make her look directly up, twisting the hair in her hands, clawing the scalp then turning the head back. Astra’s face stayed near the belly window. “What’s the matter, Astra Nova?” Her voice was cold, chin pointed down. After a pause, a lopsided grin started to appear.

“Weak already?”

SMACK-SMACK-SMACK! “G-ggahhh… G-g-m-my-….AAH!”

Suddenly her eyes go big. Her cheeks white, then glances down. She couldn’t see the knuckles on Astra’s hand, now pressing into her tight belly, re-shaping it with a fresh, well-earned crater of a punch that shoved her weightless body back, stumbling two steps before collapsing to her own knees, sitting on her calves, shivering at her core, then raising her arms to inspect her belly with a periled expression. "A-Ahh..." Her stomach had three fat red patches, along with a glimmering layer of sweat beginning to break.

I can't think like this...

She was feeling her body heat, even on her palms and face. She covered her belly with crossing forearms, lurched over and started to cough and spit. Cough… Cough-cough… Cough… Cough-cough-cough. As soon as she could muster, she lifted her head, glaring, drool on her bottom lip, then grouching the simple word, “Y-You…” with gutteral hate. Then right as she was about to rise, she suddenly sagged and slumped, placing a hand on the canvas.

And back to coughing.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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