Match rules: *TBD*
Match rules revealed by post 6
Victory via pinfall, submission or KO
Spectre can't be disqualified
Winner gets to capture the loser for the night
Astra Nova was anxious.
Only three days ago, the Interstellar Heroine had visited the LAW headquarters for a brief chat about her future, career, and oncoming matches. The blonde heroine had been somewhat dissatisfied. After having fought a convincing victory over fellow, supposedly "heroine", Super Mashiro, match opportunities given to her had been sparse. Frustrating! Her confidence was now on an all-time high, and the blonde couldn't wait to get into the ring once more... And to fight some baddies! So what was up? Why weren't she being set up in any?
Asking these questions from the management had frankly made Sabine, the girl acting as the heroine, rather embarrassed. Of course, her own activity was crucial as well! Why had she assumed that the management would simply hand opportunities out for her on a silver plate? Granted, many wrestlers had such luck... But as the officials had very aptly pointed out, a wrestler with a gimmick such as hers was even supposed to take initiative. If she wanted to be a real, respected heroine... Well, shouldn't she had gone after the bad girls herself?
Of course she should have. And that's exactly what she was going to do tonight.
Calling out someone though... Making a big scene and a number of herself... It just wasn't really her thing. She was going to have to go out of her comfrot zone tonight. But surely, it was going to be worth it. Surely it was something that was expected from her. And when being a wrestler in a place such as LAW... That was the least that could be asked from her. If she was going to perform in matches in front of huge crowds, she could easily issue a challenge to someone, right?
But to whom? That was another question Sabine had asked from the management. The response had been vague... But still quite clear enough. "Well, that's up to you... But you might want to take a look at this villain called Spectre..."
And that's exactly what she had done. And oh, what a perfect suggestion it had been! Apparently Spectre was a villainess, who was wreaking havoc among the LAW ranks. And quite devastatingly so... Having even earned the nickname "LAW's Malevolent Virus". Clearly someone, who was begging to be stopped by a real heroine!
Besides, one could have assumed based on the history that Spectre was this some kind of big and strong villain... But Sabine's research had proven quite the opposite. For a wrestler, she was small... And while the blonde herself wasn't the biggest either, Spectre seemed like someone she could surely handle. There was even a good chance that she could convincingly overpower her! Now what would be a better look for Astra Nova, than being a mighty heroine tossing a hated villain around the ring...?
This had to be it. Spectre was obviously the one Astra needed to challenge.
But why was she anxious then? Of course, she couldn't be sure what was to happen. Would the villainess even take up her challenge? How would the crowds react? She still needed to go outside her comfort zone... But she was still pretty confident that it was going to be worth it.
Astra Nova's Promo Shoot Pic

Astra Nova's Entrance Theme: Paola - Interstellar Love
Going to issue a challenge to another wrestler apparently also earned some privileges for Astra's entrance - namely, the lights dimmed while her entrance theme began suddenly playing without a match announcement, accompanied by a promo shoot pic being projected throughout the arena. Sure, it all had sounded very cool to the Interstellar Heroine - but right now, she wasn't very keen on the idea of making this any bigger deal than it was already.
But of course, all those anxious feelings were just misguided and useless. Sabine knew that. They had no place any longer when Astra Nova would make her entrance.
Trying to stride as confidently as she could down the ramp, the dimmed lights provided a slight relief for the blonde heroine. Naturally, some close by could have maybe seen a figure heading towards the ring, but it wasn't until Astra had taken her place in the middle of the ring, equipped with a mircrophone, and having taken as an imposing stance as she could, that the spotlight did finally turn on to illuminate her.
Astra Nova - The Interstellar Heroine

"Good evening." the blonde heroine began addressing the crowds in a rather stern and serious tone, who weren't quite sure at first how to react. Sure, they liked her looks and heroesque habitus, but it wasn't as if she was already some established megastar in LAW's ranks. If anything, the main goal of tonight might have just been to make some substantial progress with establishing herself as one... Taking down someone like Spectre should have granted lots of bragging rights, right?
"It's me, Astra Nova. And I have come here to complete a mission that you all will, I'm sure, certainly support me with..." she then continued, trying to sound as noble as she could. "It has come to my attention, that there's a certain villain plaguing LAW, one who has brought too much misery to my fellow wrestlers already... And I'm here to stop her!" she explained the reason for her entrance... But not many sounded quite that excited yet. Obviously, they needed more details... Or then Astra had to make this sound even more exciting, and herself even more fearless than she already had. "So, SPECTRE, I'm calling you out... I'm challenging you to a match. Right here, right now. It's time to put an end to your shenanigans! Come here to this ring, right now, and face me in battle! I'm not afraid of you... And I'm perfectly willing to play by your rules!" the blonde heroine concluded, happy to hear a bit stronger reaction from the crowds now... But also growing anxious again over whether Spectre would indeed be showing up at all. "You may call yourself the virus... But I am the antidote!"