Pure Pleasure - Akiko Azuma vs Luna

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Pure Pleasure - Akiko Azuma vs Luna

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Akiko Azuma vs Luna

Match type: Trib match

Match rules: First to cum loses. Both women must maintain vagina to vagina contact at all times. If broken, they must reset. No other body part can pleasure the vagina.

Location: A LAW matted room, with cameras for viewing.

Attire: Nude

Today was a day Akiko had not seen coming. Her first lewd match of LAW, and it was going to be rough. From the very second they start, her virginity would be lost, and she would be classified as a hentai fighter for life. But her mother always told her to never back down from a fight, no matter how arduous, so here she was.

Arriving at the room she saw 2 baskets, both empty, with her name on one and Luna on the other. She had no clue who Luna was, but she was certain that was her opponent. She wasnt particularly confident, after losing her debut, bit she had to try and win, for her mother. She stripped naked in a cubicle that was nearby and went into the room, which was empty.
She then stood in the centre of the sonewhat spacious room, and waited for her opponent to appear.

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Re: Pure Pleasure - Akiko Azuma vs Luna

Unread post by LuigiN64 »

Soon in the room finally arrives Luna!- After taking off her clothes, she'd approach her shorter opponent, completely naked, before crossing her arms under her tits and smirking out. "well well well. what do we have here? you look quite confident..." The goth lady says, looking Akiko up and down.
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Re: Pure Pleasure - Akiko Azuma vs Luna

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Akiko had no idea where her opponent had got that from. She was anything but confident. Her heart raced when she saw her opponent, and the pussy that she would be facing. She looked up and down Luna, before holding a hand out to her.

"A-Akiko Azuma..." She said nervously, blushing hard.

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