Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale vs Lillian Byrne

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Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale vs Lillian Byrne

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Standard match.

Things were finally rolling for her, she was getting her matches now after finally voiding some silly no compete clause that had kept her out of action for a bit. She went from sitting around unable to officially wrestle to finally getting her matches on paper. And she wasn't about to waste time getting her fun. Especially if what she heard about this girl was true. Layla came out once more skipping happy and smiling to the adoring crowd. Blowing a kiss and high fiving anyone on the way down.

Entering the ring she remembered what she learned about her opponent. By all accounts an arrogant bitch that didnt respect anyone, and loved to cause as much misery and humiliation for her opponent as possible. In short she was kinda gal Layla loved to make a fool of, partly because she knew no one would think worse of her for doing so, and of course the most important thing, it was just good plain fun.
Last edited by Geckosun on Sat Mar 24, 2018 9:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale va Lillian Byrne

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As Lillian waited in the back, she tapped her foot impatiently, casting a few annoyed glares at the production crew. Could this take any longer? She was dying of boredom here! The brunette had been itching to get into the ring all day, in a particularly bitchy mood today, and looking to take it out on whatever poor soul she met out in the ring. And as the crew gave her the signal to go out, she nearly ran out, instead walking speedily out the curtain, out to the waiting crowd.

Strutting out onto the ramp, Lillian barely stopped, continuing her brisk walk. As she entered, she cared little about the crowds reaction, most of them booing her anyway, knowing that she was quite the bitch. She instead did a quick check of her outfit, making sure her tight top and shorts were fitting nice and tight on her curvy frame, before focusing on her opponent.
Her opponent looked to be the polar opposite of her, at least on the surface. Blonde and quite sweet looking, she seemed to be a perfectly kind girl, the kind who made Lillian sick to her stomach. Sliding into the ring, she would quickly stand up in the center, casting a glare towards Layla before speaking to her.

"Let me guess. Typical dumb blonde who's dream was to be a wrestler. You know I've retired like, six of you this week, right?" Lillian said, throwing out the fake fact with all the confidence in the world.

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Re: Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale va Lillian Byrne

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Layla was all about ready to start when Lillian's music came accompanied with the boos of the arena. the blonde had nothing to worry about as far as getting the crowd on her side for this one, since her opponents mere presence seemed to inspire there vitriol. Though at this Layla had nothing to at but alot to smile about both on the inside and out as Lillian was quick to dress her down in what seemed like a rehearsed line. She keep a bunch of those written on her hands? Pathetic. Still Layla giggled and hopped on her feet. "Oh I know this is the part where we get in each others faces right? Get the fans into it?"

Typical dumb blonde she could play to a tee but soon she stopped and began thinking of a comeback as if she was trying to play her part as well. "Oh yeah? Well i doubt that cause were only allowed to wrestle once a week, for someone who calls me dumb your math seems to be off." The line sounded so ridiculous she ended up cracking and laughing right afterwards, not that it mattered the match hadn't started yet which gave her time to mess around.

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Re: Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale vs Lillian Byrne

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As Lillian slid into the ring, she was immediately starting to dress her foe down verbally, always quick with a verbal jab or an insult. However, her foe seemed to be just as airheaded as she looked, as she actually seemed to start clarifying with Lillian that they were supposed to argue, before hopping up close to deliver a ridiculous, yet still insulting line to Lillian. The brunette seemed stunned, not totally sure how to react to the bubbly way her opponent was insulting her, or the fact that she started to giggle afterwards. But there was one thing that was certain. Lillian found this girl absolutely insufferable!

"Oh, so you think this is a big joke, huh bitch? Then here, let me give you the punchline!" Lillian cried, before rearing her hand back, pulling back as far as she could. She would then attempt to throw her hand forward, aiming to deliver a wicked slap to Layla, hopefully knocking that irritating smile right off of her face!

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Re: Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale vs Lillian Byrne

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The look on her face said her plan worked perfectly as Lillian didnt take kindly to her obliviousness, her words made that all to clear as well. Though it wasnt hard to set girls like her off , but before she could make a witty retort she was smacked across the face. Her face showed she didnt expect that on any level as she tried to comprehend what just happened before she looked at Lillian for a second, her mask nearly cracking as she wanted to ring her hair out, stomp her face in and break the hand she just touched her with.

She settled on slapping her back, hard to get the point across. Her face remained unchanged for a moment before her eyes went wide in mock panic. "Oh my GOSH im so stupid. I forgot all about the tradition and didnt meet you before the match so we could slap each other! Im really sorry thanks for reminding me! Ill be better about it next time I promise!" Layla said, every word helped her calm down as she felt the slap got rid of some of her anger for her.

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Re: Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale vs Lillian Byrne

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As Lillian's palm landed on Layla's cheek with a loud slapping sound, she could see Layla's head whip to the side, before snapping back to looking at her. A smug smirk began to cross Lillian's face, happy that she had finally managed to shut up this bubbly blonde bimbo for a second. Only, with Layla's retaliation, she wouldn't be grinning for long.

Layla's palm hit her face hard, and an even louder slapping sound echoed through the arena, her head snapping to the side, as the blonde hit her hard. Lillian stumbled back, her hand clutching her cheek, eyes wide as she felt the sting on her face. And she almost couldn't believe it when she hear Layla speak. Did... did this bitch think this was some kind of tradition?

"Start! The! MATCH!" Lillian bellowed, before running at Layla as the bell rang. This bitch was going to get it! Running at her, the brunette quickly swung a forearm at the temple, aiming to hit the bitch as hard as she could, looking to teach her a lesson for slapping her!

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Re: Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale vs Lillian Byrne

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Everything was perfect. The slap had a louder smack to it and the look of shock made it all the better that Layla had to do everything not to bust out laughing, thankfully she had played this game before and the bitch still didnt seem to have a clue. Which made it better as she set out to take her vengeance by ordering the ref to start the match while Layla backed up and when Lillian went for a forearm the blonde ducked and sent a chop down on the girls chest.

If that hit the blonde would even attempt to bring her leg up and try and kick her opponent backwards before moving away and getting space as she giggled and hopped up and down some more. "Wow your pretty fast, I felt the air on that one! You must be really strong too." Layla complimented the girl thinking she could piss her off with the way she was still complimenting her as she moved around.

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Re: Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale vs Lillian Byrne

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As Lillian rushed in, she was practically seeing red, more mad about the slap than she had been in a long time. However, her anger meant that she was a bit rash, rushing in with a sloppy blow, one that Layla clearly saw coming, ducking the swing, before turning and slapping her palm hard into Lillian's chest, giving her a rough chop!

"Augh! You fucking- Ow!" Lillian cried, as not only was she hit with a hard chop, but right afterwards, her foe lifted her foot up, slamming it into Lillian, sending the brunette stumbling back! Lillian was getting angrier and angrier, catching herself and glaring daggers at Layla, clearly furious.

"You little... UUUGH!" Lillian clenched her teeth, letting out an exasperated scream, not even able to get her anger out properly. She approached Layla yet again, but this time, a lot slower. Not looking to swing angrily, but to grab Layla, locking up with her and looking to give a good demonstration of her impressive strength!

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Re: Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale vs Lillian Byrne

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Layla was having a blast in the early going as Lillian had nothing to counter her with, her sloppy attacks and her blind rage hindered whatever skill she might have actually had and Layla was making her pay for it with every move she did, something that was clearly irritating the girl more then shed like to be irritated by. "This may be because im too fast but you do know you should probably hit back right?" Layla added insult to injury with her more ignorant statements.

Though it seemed once she backed up Lillian realized she was being played, or at least she realized she needed to calm her small tits. Either way she started to move towards her with a more refined and controlled stance, so her anger had taken a backseat. which left Layla with little options when it came to it and she was suddenly grabbed and pushed around by the girls strength as Layla was left trying to hold her ground.

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Re: Battle of Alpha Bitches!! Layla Vale vs Lillian Byrne

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As Lillian drew close to Layla, her blind rage was now replaced with a cold fury, walking towards Layla, and slowly grabbing hold of the girl, the blonde's hands meeting hers as the two went into a lockup. And while her foe had managed to toy with her earlier, Lillian now had a firm grasp on the girl, shoving back hard on Layla, looking to assert her strength.

"You... fucking... bitch!" Lillian growled angrily, her foe infuriating her. "Will you just shut the fuck up, and take this seriously!?" She cried, shoving back hard, looking to push Layla back against the ropes. If she was able to do so, she would then break the lockup, and deliver a wicked chop to the blonde's chest, looking to punish the bubbly girl!

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