Sure some people might say she was arrogant but she wasn’t! She knew the difference between arrogance and confidence. So she can honestly say she was confident with her victory!
Glazing at the clock, she smirked at seeing it was time for her second match of LAW. She sat down her makeup and got up. She then walked out of the locker room and headed to her match.
Arriving at the curtains, she walked through the curtains as her music started to play.

She strutted down the ramp, making sure she gave everyone a show with her strutting as each step, her breasts bounced around in her tight bra.
Walking up the steel steps, she paused halfway between entering the ring through the ropes. She sat on the ropes before posing and blowing kisses to all of her adoring fans and the camera. Her breasts jiggled around for a few seconds before Cream stopped her pose and entered all the way into the ring.
She stood and smirked in her corner, more than ready to defeat whoever her opponent was.