Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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Cream grinned as she put on some makeup around her cheeks. She couldn’t wait to see who her next victim was gonna be! While still annoyed she wasn’t gonna face/humiliate a tall wrestler, once she heard it was someone smaller than her, she felt confident she was gonna win.

Sure some people might say she was arrogant but she wasn’t! She knew the difference between arrogance and confidence. So she can honestly say she was confident with her victory!

Glazing at the clock, she smirked at seeing it was time for her second match of LAW. She sat down her makeup and got up. She then walked out of the locker room and headed to her match.

Arriving at the curtains, she walked through the curtains as her music started to play.
She smiled at hearing all the cheering she got. She got even more popular after her last match. Sure some people still booed her but like always she ignored them.

She strutted down the ramp, making sure she gave everyone a show with her strutting as each step, her breasts bounced around in her tight bra.

Walking up the steel steps, she paused halfway between entering the ring through the ropes. She sat on the ropes before posing and blowing kisses to all of her adoring fans and the camera. Her breasts jiggled around for a few seconds before Cream stopped her pose and entered all the way into the ring.

She stood and smirked in her corner, more than ready to defeat whoever her opponent was.

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Re: Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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People didn't quite know what to make of Veyle Ombroso. Crowds had seen both a sweet, kind girl and a sadistic, arrogant heel. It was almost as if Veyle was two different people because she was, and that left some people conflicted. Some chose to root for her, some booed, and many just wanted to know the answer to the mystery of Veyle

As for which of the two Veyles would be showing up tonight, "If this Cream bitch is a fake jobber too, I swear to Satan I am going to find where she lives and actually murder her." It would be the evil one. Fresh off of utter humiliation against an opponent that she had thought to be a weak and worthless jobber in her last match, the red eyed demon girl was looking to take out a lot of frustration on poor Vanille Cadieux tonight.
Veyle speed walked out once her music came on, looking nowhere but straight ahead. The scowl on her face leaving no question for the crowd as two which version of Veyle was here tonight. She glared at the Vanille once she was in the ring, disgust and contempt for the woman in front of her apparent on her face. I really need a good bitch breaking to get my mood back up. the Italian thought as she began to ponder how she would humiliate and destroy her opponent. "If you're a holy woman, pray. Only God can save you know," would be how Veyle decided to greet her opponent.
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Re: Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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Cream eyes locked onto her opponent once she walked out of the curtains. She heard her opponent was supposed to be a sweet, more face kind of girl. But with how she dressed in a dark and Heel like attire attire and having that scowl on her face, she was sooo gonna yell at someone who told her this.

Cream had no idea what Veyle was thinking as she gave her opponent a superior smirk as her opponent walked straight ahead. She guessed her opponent wanted this match to end quickly for herself, which was more than fine with Cream since Cream had some other things to do.

Hmmm… not bad. I bet she’ll make a good jobber!’ Thought Cream with a smirk as she couldn’t wait to make Veyle scream and beg for mercy. Like any other opponent, Cream hasn’t seen any matches of her opponents, so she had no idea how good or bad Veyle was.

Hearing Veyle's words, Cream simply scoffed at this. “Yeah sure. I'll do that.” Said Cream not impressed with her opponent as she crossed her arms, wanting the match to start.

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Re: Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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A wicked grin replaced Veyle's scowl when she heard Vanille reply to her. She's too dumb to take me seriously, Veyle thought. To take lightly somebody who wants to put you on a spit roast was a surefire way to end up with the apple jammed in your mouth once everything's all said and done. Whether that apple would be proverbial or literal would depend on if Veyle could get her hands on one.

"Squeal for me, pig," Veyle muttered under her breath as the bell rang and she immediately ran in. The Italian would try to put her foot straight through Cream's body with a vicious running kick, then after blasting her backwards, Veyle would reach forward to grab the blonde's hair and throw her face down onto the mat.

"Come on, SQUEAL!" Veyle shouted with a sadistic glee as she would slam her heel between Vanille's legs beofre dropping down with both knees onto her victim's lower back. Then the Italian girl would reach down right where she had just put her foot and start trying to make Cream's pussy pop with an iron gripped Crotch Claw.
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Re: Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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Hearing the bell ring, Cream grinned as she can finally dominate and destroy the shorter, darker dress woman. But before she could even do anything, her opponent was already running at her and kicked her, sending her back on her back.

Gah! Y-You littl-AHHH!” Screamed Cream as before she could do anything, she was picked up by her hair and thrown face down onto the mat, making her moan weakly. “AHHHHH!” Squealed Cream at feeling Veyle's foot slammed between her legs.

It only got worse as she screamed again at Veyle, knees slammed into her back, making Cream pound her fist onto the floor in agony. Breathing heavily, Cream tried to get Veyle off of her. But before she could even do anything, she felt a hand clawing at her sex, making Cream wail in pain.

AHHHHH!” Screamed Cream in both pain and somewhat pleasure as she slammed her fists onto the floor in agony. It's been such a long time since anyone had shown this level of aggressiveness and dominance towards Cream. “S-STOOOP!”

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Re: Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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"Hahahaha," Veyle chuckled as she already made Cream srceam for her to stop. "Oh you're a lot more fun than the last person I fought." Screams as the Italian brutalized Vanille's crotch, pounding the floor as her knees drove into the blonde's body, these were the kinds of things that Veyle craved out of a fight.

Veyle began to stand up, keeping her grip on Vanille's pussy until she had to let it go to stand upright. Then the monochrome haired wrestler walked over the blonde's back until she reached her head, then stomped her foot onto the back of Vanille's head and began to grind her face down into the mat. "That's a good little piggy, with your face in the dirt!"

If Vanille thought what Veyle was doing was bad though. . . well she hadn't seen much of anything yet. Veyle would hit her victim with another Knee Drop, only with this one landing right onto the back of Cream's neck. Then Veyle would pull Vanille's arms over her knees and put her into a Camel Clutch, now wrenching the neck that she had just crushed beneath her weight. "Is this too much?" Veyle tauntingly cooed. "Does your neck need a break?"
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Re: Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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AAHHHHHHHHHH!” Screamed Cream in pain as her body shakes around, trying desperately to escape the horrible sensation Veyle was giving her. She desperately tries reaching for the ropes before she grunts in pain in between her screaming at feeling knees slamming into her back.

Cream kept on screaming as she felt Veyle squeezing her pussy till she stood up. Cream, desperately for a break, tries to crawl to the ropes but barely moved a inch before her face is stomped into the floor, leaving Cream motionless for a few moments.

Mmmmmm!” Screamed Cream as her face was rubbed against the floor. Her limbs pounded on the floor as she tried to push Veyle foot off her head. She kept on inching to the ropes, hoping for the break.

Breathing deeply, Cream inched her way down more to the ropes before Veyle leg dropped on her neck, making the woman once again motionless for a couple of seconds.

That allowed Veyle to easily sit on a Cream back. As Cream realized her opponent was on her back, she felt Veyle's knees tucked underneath her arms. “N-nooo! Not thi-IIISSSS! AHHHHHHH!” Screamed Cream in pain as she was trapped in a Camel Clutch.

AHHHH! Y-Yessss!” Screamed Cream, only caring at trying to escape Veyle non stop dominating and painful holds that she didn’t even care how Veyle worded it.”Please stop it!

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Re: Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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Veyle most definitely took notice of how Vanille seemed especially scared of the Camel Clutch once she had seen it coming. Not that her fear convinced the Italian to show mercy at all. If anything, it put a couple more Camel Clutches onto the mental map that Veyle was drawing in her head for how she would torment Cream throughout the match.

Veyle did have pause when Vanille immediately screamed in the affirmative when asked if her neck needed a break despite the obvious double meaning the red-eyed wrestler had put in there. Vanille was in so much pain and distress that she either didn't notice or didn't care, instead just continuing to plead for mercy from her sadistic opponent.

Now this version of Veyle didn't just let the intrusive thoughts win, she was quite literally a living intrusive thought. And she wanted to do it so badly. It would be easy, just shift her hands a bit a twist. But even Veyle wouldn't commit murder live on national television. She would commit murder, just not one that would get her caught. So the Italian resigned herself to just doing what she had planned in the first place.

"Fine, fine, if only because you asked so pitifully," said Veyle as she let go of Vanille's head. But the little sadist still needed her fingers around something. Her hands creeped their way down Cream's body until they were sliding underneath her top. Veyle would cup her hands around the blonde's massive breasts before gripping and yanking them up, putting Vanille into a Breast Camel Clutch.
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Re: Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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Cream didn’t have any problems with the Camel clutch. In fact she loves to use it on her opponents! Loved making them wail and scream for mercy with it. The only thing was that she knew from multiple past experiences how painful it can be and how annoying it was to escape once someone locks it in.

And feeling it right now, it is definitely painful. She groaned and screamed in pain as her opponent leaned back some more, making Caream kick her legs in frustration.

Normally Cream wouldn’t be this desperate towards her opponent however after being dominated since the very start to now, she needs some type of break.

Cream sighed a little at feeling Veyle hands stopped clutching her chin but felt something was off as the hands drifted downwards. “W-what are you-EEHHH! S-STOP THAT!” Squealed Cream as she felt the hands slipped underneath her top.

Cream squealed some more at feeling her opponents hands grasp her large, soft breasts. Her wiggling grew as her hands begin pounding on her opponent’s legs. She groaned and gasped at feeling Veyle locking in the Breast Camel Clutch.

EEHHHH! AHHH! L-Let goooo~” whined/moaned Cream as she felt Veyle squeezing her breasts and leaned back some more. Luckily it wasn’t as painful as the regular camel clutch but unfortunately was much, much more humiliating.

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Re: Vanille “Cream” Cadieux vs Veyle Ombroso

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Veyle's hands enjoyed themselves as the felt up Vanille's soft, round breasts. She squeezed them as hard and stretched them as far as she was capable, constantly threatening to rip them out of Cream's top entirely. Veyle was definitely going to do that at some point, but the Italian wasn't sure if she wanted to do that so soon in the match.

Eh, why not? thought Veyle as she released Cream's chest and reached her hands forward, pulling the blondes top off of her breasts and stretching it until the laces that held the two cups of her bra together came undone. Vanille's bra came off and fell down her back until it landed between Veyle's legs.

Veyle then picked up Vanille's lost top before pushing the blonde off of her knees and down flat onto her stomach with her hands above her head. The Italian then tied Cream's wrists together with her own bra. Veyle then flipped Vanille over onto her back, exposing her sweaty armpits and bare breasts to the crowd for all to see.

"Heh, I can play nice if you can't take the pain," said Veyle as she laid down on top of Cream, begging to suck on her left breast as if she were a baby trying to draw milk from her mother. With her hands, one groped Vanille's right boob with big, slow grabbing motions. And the other reached up and held the blonde's wrists so that she could bring her arms down to try to interrupt. Veyle then pulled her mouth from Cream's breast, tongue lingering on her victim's nipple before she spoke, "You taste good. Oddly chocolatey though, considering your name." After speaking, Veyle's mouth went right back to work on her victim's breast.
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