Pinkette's Pow Wow: Hilda Goneril (d) vs Natsuki Muramoto

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Pinkette's Pow Wow: Hilda Goneril (d) vs Natsuki Muramoto

Unread post by deezcastforms »

Hilda Goneril was about as content with her current situation as she could be. Sure she didn't actually want to be a professional wrestler, she'd much rather just be at home living it up by doing jack all. But since circumstances had placed her on the LAW roster, she at least managed to do so on the kind of terms she had been looking for.

The terms in question had to do with her opponent. It wasn't Natsuki Muramoto specifically that she had wanted, but the type of wrestler that Natsuki was: a massive jobber. They were both rookie Lightweight pinkette's, but that was where the similarities ended. Hilda had over 20 pounds on Natsuki, and in her opinion, a much better body. Both in physical abilities such as strength and speed, but she also like how the two of them were "stacked" against each other, so to speak.
Music: Bubblegum Bitch
Hilda's music came on, and it was time for her to become a professional wrestler. She walked out slowly, swaying her hips and blowing kisses to the crowd while she waved to them. When Hilda got to the ropes, she bent herself over at the waist as she stepped her leg over them, sticking out her butt and running her hand down from her chin to her chest as she did so.

After her entrance, Hilda was quick to settle into her corner. She had a three step plan; dominate, look good while doing it, and do it quick and easy enough that she doesn't even have to get sweaty. And hopefully, if the opponent she had picked was as weak as she seemed, then Hilda would be able to do exactly that.
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