Match Type: Elimination Tag Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout. Both members of each team must be eliminated for the victory to count.
Lacey had to admit, she was a little nervous. Her failures in her last few matches had forced her to confront her own feelings of inferiority and her struggles to live up to what everyone thought of her, and now, she wasn't just carrying the fans, but her teammate as well. If she slipped up here, she would only be letting Arizona down in the process. And when one of her opponents was a number-one contender, the stakes never seemed like they had been higher.
But...this was a new, exciting opportunity for Lacey. This was her chance to reinvent herself, and put forth a new Lacey Whitman to the world. This was her chance to make another first impression, and both she and Arizona were determined to make sure it would hit perfectly. And if she had Arizona to back her up...she at least knew she wasn't at it alone. Yes. She could do this.
Taking in a deep breath, Lacey stood up, flipping a green cowboy hat onto her head before she glanced over at Arizona. "You ready for this, Arizona? I mean...pardner?" She had to admit, she was still getting used to the cowboy thing. Yes, she was from Oklaholma, but she was from a city and never considered herself all that country. But that didn't matter now - now, all that mattered was what happened between the ropes!
"Coming first to the ring, at a combined weight of 256 pounds, and making their tag team debut - Arizona and Lacey Whitman, SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY!"