No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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Submission Match
Victory Conditions: Submission only.
Strike are not allowed.

This evening there was going to be a special match for Louise who, obviously, had accepted the first proposal we made to her without even having taken the time to know who her opponent was but above all what type of match she was going to have. She only learned the rules in the locker room, when a member of staff announced the rules to her to make sure Louise didn't get disqualified with an ambush before the start of the match. This left the French woman speechless. The staff member left the locker room, leaving a silent Louise with clenched fists to think about how she was going to approach the match now that she could no longer use a strike.

“Tsk. What a bunch of bitches.”
She simply clicked her tongue and walked out of her locker room, slamming the door behind her, walking towards the ramp being accompanied by her theme, once again. The public was quite happy to see Louise in this type of match and to finally see her fight like a real wrestler. Everyone was tired of seeing the Wildcat fighting backstage before, after and outside of matches and not bringing anything interesting in terms of wrestling skills. The public only expected one thing, to see Louise lose this match by having to humiliate herself in front of everyone.

Obviously, that wasn't going to happen. Louise hid her game well, she had a brawler style who can also rely on smother but knew how to fight very well like a real wrestler. People were just focused on the bad side of the French girl but no one could blame them, Louise decided herself to be a heel and anyway the opinion of the spectators did not interest her. She won this match by making her opponent submit, no matter who she was. She climbed into the ring without delay and stood on her corner, putting her hands in her pockets for the first time, showing no hostility despite her anger and patiently waiting for her opponent while watching the entrance to the stage from the corner of her eye.
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Re: No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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It was a busy time for Yoko. She was being booked to a lot of matches recently, but she didn't complain. She rather enjoyed competing in various ways in LAW, with some exceptions here and there... Yoko was now waiting for her cue backstage, watching the entrance of her opponent and recalling what she learned about this woman since she got booked for this match. This Louise woman apparently was making a name for herself in LAW at a rapid pace, but not necessarily for being nice.
Yoko wasn't too worried, she had plenty of experience with that kind of women. The no strikes restriction mad Yoko think it would be another bedroom match or something, but it seems this was something a little different.

Yoko was a little surprised that unlike most others, her opponent really wasn't showing off in any way during her entrance as if she didn't care at all. Interesting.
Regardless, it was Yoko's cue now and her music would start playing.
A few moments later, Yoko would show up on her motorcycle, driving down the ramp, then making a full lap around the ring before coming to a stop. She would then get off her bike, turn in the direction of Louise, looking at her. She would lift her wind-glasses to get a better look and a moment later her lips would form into a smile before she lower those glasses back down.
Yoko would then proceed to slide into the ring before teasing Louise a little as she would rise by arching her body backwards, showing off the front of her body from top to bottom. Yoko earned some appreciative whistles from the crowd for that one.

Yoko would then begin the process that you don't see very often in LAW - she would hand over her big rifle to the ref, then her glasses, then the scarf. While the ref would then put it away on the commentator's table, Yoko would approach her opponent with a smile on her face, extending her hand for a handshake. ''May the best woman win, hm?'' Now that she had a closer look at her opponent, she couldn't help but find Louise's appearance a little strange or unusual. She looked big, but small at the same time. She looked strong and mean, but also cute and sexy. When they were next to each other, Yoko stood a whole head above Louise. Most, if not all of Yoko's opponents were taller, especially in the middleweight class.
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Re: No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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Louise was bored, her thoughts were focused on what she was going to do in this match because she couldn't use her usual style. Because yes, even if the spectators saw Louise as a brawler who fought in a haphazard and chaotic way, this style of fighting appealed to the Frenchwoman except that she couldn't use it tonight. She remembered all the submission holds she knew and could do... There weren't a lot of them but it could be enough, especially if she could use certain variations.

The time she took to think and be lost in her thoughts was long enough for Yoko to appear on the ramp on a motorbike and get into the ring, Louise had totally ignored her opponent's entrance but that was to be expected. She had a habit of breaking her opponent's entry with her ambushes or even worse, carrying her opponent's KO body during her opponent's entry. The public even began to make fun of the French girl, wondering if Louise wasn't a good-for-nothing who didn't know how to do anything without her fists... Maybe they weren't wrong, everything was going to be decided in this match.

“Hm ?”

Yoko was tall, she had the average height of Louise's opponents and that didn't bother her at all. Louise was used to being the smallest in the ring and being the wrestler with the biggest breasts. She looked at her opponent with a raised eyebrow as she held out her hand for a wristlock. The only time Louise was in this type of situation, she pulled her opponent's arm towards her to give a powerful Low Blow. She couldn't do that today and it irritated her, she simply crossed her arms under her chest to slightly inflate it and make it bigger than it already was before looking at her opponent with a superior, cold look. , angry and authoritarian.

“Go back to your corner bitch, don’t waste my fucking time.”

The Frenchwoman really didn't want to stay in this ring any longer. She only wanted one thing, to beat her opponent by making her submit quickly so that she could get out of this match and why not attack her opponent in the locker room after the match... After all, there was no no rules in a backstage brawl.
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Re: No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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Yoko was done with her theatrics and then tested her opponent's attitude by offering a handshake. The response was somewhat to be expected since Yoko has done a little bit of research on Louise. Although, Yoko wasn't sure if the frenchwoman was actually trying to show off her breasts or was it accidental with that arm cross.

The redhead let out a chuckle at Louise's response. She has dealt with so much of this that she found this response amusing. Another woman, who thinks she's better than everyone else. It made Yoko want to defeat this woman all the more, fuelling her conviction ever more. ''Heheh. Sorry, didn't know you were in a hurry.'' Yoko would tease her slightly before backing off into her own corner.
The ref then went over the rules and win conditions, but it all was just filler as Yoko already knew the rules, while Louise didn't seem to care from the looks of it.
Yoko hoped that this wouldn't lead Louise doing something outside the rules. Not as much because it would put her at a disadvantage, but she didn't really want Louise to get disqualified or something, she wanted to settle the fight properly.


The bell rang and it was time for action. Yoko would move to meet Louise in the center of the ring, her arms raised, offering Louise a classic test of strength.
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Re: No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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Yoko took a few seconds to continue talking and look at Louise before finally returning to her corner. This little exchange quickly made Louise understand that her opponent was not surprised, shocked or impressed by her, which was normal, who would be afraid of a small wrestler of 164 centimeters. All the more reason to create an explosive start and it is not long in coming as the referee rings the bell, starting the match.


Louise uncrossed her arms slightly and saw her opponent return to the center of the ring, raising both hands, offering a simple test of strength. But that's not what the Wildcat saw, Louise saw a provocation on the part of Yoko who made fun of her small size. This irritated Louise even more who gritted her teeth and advanced towards her opponent, slowly raising her hands to show that she accepted this test of strength...

.. Before suddenly lowering her arms and taking a powerful step forward when she was almost in front of Yoko. To hell with the challenges at the start of the match, Louise was already strong enough to lift heavyweights during her bearhugs without any worries so she didn't have to waste her time with such a lousy and tiring challenge! There was his explosive start to the match, pressing his body against that of his opponent and wrapping his arms around his opponent's pelvis to lift her up and throw her to the ground with a Belly to belly suplex!
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Re: No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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The match was starting and Yoko was a little excited, but since strikes were not allowed, it limited Yoko's options on how to start the match and to be honest, she didn't think too much about about it and it would soon come to bite her in the ass.
''Huh?'' It all happened quite fast when Louise seemingly switches her intentions. Sure, it wasn't uncommon to fake it out into a strike, but strikes were not allowed and it confused Yoko for a moment. And a moment was all her opponent needed to wrap her arms around Yoko's body, their breasts and bodies pressing tightly against each other for a moment before Yoko went airborne. ''Huahh!'' Yoko yelped out, before audibly landing back first on the mat.

This would stun Yoko for a moment and leave her open, but if Louise didn't capitalize on the moment in time, Yoko would roll over and and start quickly rising up to her feet, more alert now than before, since this made Yoko realize that a slam or a suplex is not a strike, therefore fair game...
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Re: No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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The match had barely started and Louise was acting as she was used to doing, playing with her rules, not letting herself be influenced by the demands and desires of others and above all seeking to dominate her opponent from the start of the match. She performed a simple Belly to Belly Suplex but it was enough to remind the audience that even without strikes, Louise knew how to fight. She was known for throwing herself at her opponents and hitting them but that was forgotten about certain signature moves coming from the Frenchwoman. Breast smother, bearhug, scissor hold, chokehold... Louise still had plenty of hidden weapons and what bothered her was having to think about which move to use.

The start of the match was certainly explosive but Louise was sorely lacking in experience in this type of match, she did not know how to chain her holds and this gave Yoko time to get up and prepare for her next attack. But the Wildcat did not stop there, quickly standing up before throwing herself at her opponent once again, seeking to pin her to the ground with a Spear.
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Re: No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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This was really not a good start for a match at all. Those were only the first seconds of the match and Yoko was already laying her ass. The only consolation was that it was a fine ass. Of course, Yoko was still in top shape, so she quickly rose up to her feet. Louise was just as quick, though, lunging at Yoko. It was too late to get out of the way and Yoko took the spear head on. So, Yoko braced for impact. ''Ghugh!'' She grunted out upon impact before being taken down to the mat.

However, at the same time, Yoko was making her own move - at the time of impact, Yoko's right arm reached to grab around Louise's neck while her legs jumped up to wrap themselves around the frenchie's waist. Ideally, upon landing, Louise would find herself in a guillotine choke, but considering how rushed Yoko's movements were and the impacts, the positioning of Yoko's arms would be a little off and her legs wouldn't be as tight around Louise's waist as Yoko would've liked.
The next few moments might decide whether Yoko's hold would tighten or Louise would free herself.
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Re: No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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Louise may have been smaller than her opponents, but she wasn't as slow because of her weight and that helped Yoko get up and prepare when the Frenchwoman lunged at her to tackle her with a spear. Obviously, Louise's strength was enough to pin her opponent to the ground but it was not without consequences. Quickly, she found herself in an unpleasant position which prevented her from breathing properly in addition to not being able to move as she wanted because of her opponent's long legs.


Louise quickly understood that she had fallen into a trap and a guillotine choke. She had to find a way out of this except that, usually, she used her powerful fists to punch her opponents until she was released and that wasn't possible tonight. She then growled in frustration and preferred to use one of her arms to try to pass it between her neck and the two arms of her opponent so that the strangulation becomes less effective.
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Re: No More Fisting - Louise Bélair vs Yoko Littner

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The match was just starting and it was already pretty intense with both women having been to the mat once, scrambling up and now they're on the mat again. Getting slammed into the ground hurt, but Yoko pushed through the pain and tried her best to make due with her given situation, trapping Louise in the guillotine choke. Yoko was subtly shifting her arm to get a better grasp of Louise's neck and tensing her thighs so that the shorter woman felt it in her waist.

Louise's reaction to her predicament was a little hilarious and the redhead would not miss the opportunity to tease her opponent. ''Heh, what's the matter, chubbs?''
However, Louise was feisty and was gonna fight Yoko for every inch. While Yoko's arm was trying to shift into a more and more secure position around Louise's neck, the latter's own arm would slither further and further inbetween her neck and Yoko's arm, like a stick a wheel. ''Ghhnk...'' Yoko grunted as the two women struggled, but the head of the french woman was slipping out of the hold bit by bit, until it would eventually slip out completely.

Yoko was now on her back, looking up at Louise. She had lost the hold on the woman's neck, but she was not going to surrender the scissor around Louise's waist. In fact, Yoko would double down on it, squeezing harder.
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