A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Standard Match

Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

Winner via Pinfall, Submission, Disqualification or Countout
”Viola Celestial”
Viola had not really had much time in LAW, and seemingly as a response to this, LAW officials have been putting her in matches against people of similar experience to her. Luckily for her, she did managed to get on a PPV event relatively fast, though it did end in her defeat. However, today was a brand new day, and just because she was a princess, does not mean she did not have the guts to be a successful pro wrestler, one pin attempt could change everything.

Tonight, her opponent was of similar inexperience in one Hakuno Kishinami, who seemingly only just had their debut match just the other day. Viola knew she had to take every opponent seriously no matter what if she wanted to succeed.

Viola was putting on her long white and purple entrance coat over her gear when she got a knock from a LAW official, telling her that her match was about to begin. She smiled back at them , saying “I am pleased to know that, thank you.” before she adjusted her coat, it was time to head out to the ring.

The lights in the arena turned purple and the music started, as Viola came out onto the stage to a moderate cheer from the audience. A small smile emanated from the purple haired girl, as she slowly walked down the ramp, and then walked up the steel steps before going underneath the middle rope and entering the ring.

Viola headed to the middle of the ring, and disrobed herself, revealing her gear underneath. She then took a bow before heading to her corner.

She then did some stretches as she waited for her opponent.

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Re: A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Hakuno felt ready for her match against Viola. Luckily her first and second match's was against people that also didn't have much time in LAW, so she wasn't overly nervous this time like her first match. While she was surprised about getting a match so early, she guessed the company wanted to see more of what she can do.

Hearing her name being called, Hakuno nodded her head in thanks and headed towards her match. Standing outside the Gorilla Position, she didn't have to wait long before she heard her song to begin.

Like Viola, she had gotten a moderate cheer from the audience as she made her way to the ring. She was wearing her regular outfit, a crimson red spandex sports bra with same colored red short skirt, black spandex short shorts underneath it and long crimson wrestling boots to finish the outfit.
Hakuno Kishinami/Right side outfit
Hakuno kept her focus as she headed straight for the ring. She made a few nods towards her cheering fans in the front row as she slid underneath the ring and stood up. She does few light stretching before walking towards the center of the ring.
Last edited by monkey299 on Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Viola looked and smiled as Hakuno entered the ring, she seemed like a nice and polite competitor, someone not that much different from where Viola stood in LAW. Viola knew she would be in for a tough match, and she was going to try her hardest to win, and hopefully Hakuno as well.

Viola would head out to the center of the ring, before throwing out her hand, looking for a handshake from Hakuno. “Hello Miss Kishinami. I am pleased to keep you company in our match and I hope our match is great.” Viola said before bowing, hoping for Hakuno to shake her hand as well. Hopefully this show of respect goes a long way.

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Re: A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Hakuno wasn’t too sure what to expect from Viola, maybe some banter or even the possible aggression comments. But a handshake was something that made the slightly taller girl blink.

Still seeing the handshake, Hakuno quickly accepted it with her own and firmly shook it. “Ahh, thank you. Same.” Hakuno said with a nod back.

As the two were about to let go, Hakuno paused as she glanced at Viola. “Umm….if you don’t mind me asking….but are you a real princess?” Asked Hakuno as while keeping her neutral face, it was easy to tell that it was asked a little shyly. Hakuno wanted to ask that ever since she heard her opponent had the nickname “Princess”

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Re: A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Viola happily Shaked Hakuno’s hand, before being caught with an unexpected question that it took a while for her to find a response to.

“Well technically I am, my father is a well known politician, however I ran away because I did not want to deal with any of that political duties, and decided to run away and express myself as something I want to be, a professional wrestler.” Viola basically explained her backstory, before breaking off the handshake and heading to her corner.

She did a couple of stretches as she waited for the bell to ring.


The bell rang and Viola headed to the center of the ring and motioned for a Collar and Elbow Tie Up with Hakuno.

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Re: A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Hakuko nodded her head at the explanation that Viola gave her. She honestly wanted to know if Viola was a princess so Hakuno could say she wrestled against a princess.

Hakuno followed Viola’s example as she also got back in her corner and did some stretches off her own.

Hearing the bell ring, Hakuno walked towards her opponent. Seeing Viola attending to do a Collar and Elbow Tie Up against her, Hakuno accepted it as she locked her arms against Viola.

Hakuno grunted as she tried her best to win the exchange.

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Re: A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Viola tussled with Hakuno in the collar and elbow tie up, looking to gain an advantage in the struggle between the two ladies. She was looking to win against Hakuno, and gain an early advantage against her opponent.

Soon enough, she would attempt to quickly switch Hakuno into a side headlock, and if that managed to work, would throw Hakuno down into a Side Headlock Takeover, and try to wear down Hakuno.

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Re: A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Hakuno grunted a little as the two locked arms, showcasing their strength. The two were evenly matched for a few seconds with Hakuno struggled for a few moments in the begging before she put more strength into it, matching Viola own strength.

As the two kept struggling for a few more seconds, Viola managed to bring the brown haired girl into a side headlock. She tried to push her head free from Viola's headlock but was swiftly taken down by Viola's takedown and still had her headlock on her.

Hakuno grunted from the takedown as she squirmed in Viola's hold, hoping to escape. A few seconds later, she would try and push Viola's head back enough for her legs reach around and wrap around Viola's head. If it worked, Hakuno would escape the headlock and lock the princess in headscissors with Hakuno legs squeezing down on Viola head/neck.

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Re: A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Viola showed that early on, she had the technical edge right now on her opponent Hakuno, locking her in a headlock, and attempting to keep her down using her arms.She had a smile on her face, feeling as though she had Hakuno right in her grasp.

Soon enough, Viola felt her head being pushed backas she attempted to keep the grip on Hakuno. But sadly that was not working out for her, as Hakuno managed to push her back far enough.

“AH!” Viola now had her head squeezed between Hakuno’s legs, and felt her face being turned purple as her focus was now on pushing off Hakuno, trying so with all her might.

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Re: A Princesses Battle: Viola Celestial Vs. Hakuno Kishinami

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Once Hakuno's legs got around Viola's neck/face, they would immediately squeezed down on the princess as much as they could. "Tap!" Hakuno said as used her arms to stand herself up to get better leverage at squeezing Viola.

Hakuno kept on squeezing Viola as much as she can. After a few more seconds of squeezing her opponent, Hakuno would unwrap her legs from Viola and rolled a little before standing right up. If she was the first one up, Hakuno would try and surprise her opponent with a quick and simple closeline.

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