HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

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HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

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HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita
Match Type:
Standard Match
Rules: The winner must pin, submit, or knock out the loser.

A wide, wicked grin was on HEAT Mihoko's face as she was pacing backstage, looking positively thrilled. She finally had a win, and she looked absolutely awesome in it! Karen Aoki-Justice was just the first of many that HEAT vowed to just absolutely trounce, and her next opponent, Audrey Trovita, would be no different. Slapping her cheeks, trying to keep herself fired up, the spitfire of a woman was just ready and rearing to get out into that ring and beat the stuffing out of her opponent. A staffer would cautiously, and gently, inform Mihoko she was ready to go next. As Blow by Eva Under Fire started to play, HEAT Mihoko stepped out onto the stage, looking out at the crowd who seemed to give her a more intrigued reaction than normal. After her performance against Karen Aoki-Justice, pictures of her blood-covered and beaten opponent had circulated around and, shockingly, HEAT was getting some traction in her career with the fans. With a big, sinister smirk, she stomped a foot down and screamed at the top of her lungs. She was ready to go!

Starting in a mad sprint towards the ring, HEAT would get there in record time, sliding under the ring and instantly stood up, stomping towards the opposite end of the ring and pounding both hands on her chest. If HEAT Mihoko was fired up prior to her matches before, she was absolutely molten now. Screaming and yelling, she hopped onto the middle ropes of her corner and then looked at the camera filming her and screamed, "I'm gonna kill this chick!" Then, she jumped out of the corner and impatiently waited for her opponent to enter the ring.

She did excited stretches, bending her body to make sure there would be nothing holding her back from completely going out at 110% out of the gate at this girl. The Hot-Blooded Fighter, known for her fiery performances, looked like she was on another level tonight. And that would be dangerous for her opponent tonight, because a confident HEAT Mihoko was nothing that LAW has seen yet!

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Re: HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

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The switch from quiet shy girl to the spitfire now on screen was something to behold. As a staffer came in to let her know it was her turn, Audrey watched Mihoko on a backstage screen with a somewhat concerned expression. It was nice to be given a fairly standard match for a change, one where she wouldn't have to worry about any sexual humiliation or stress over if she'd be able to walk after the fight. That said, Audrey had seen what happened to this girl's last opponent, too. It wasn't exactly hard to hide things on the internet, but that photo hadn't even been trying.

They were roughly the same height and build, which normally would have given Audrey far more confidence going into this fight than if she were facing some musclehead. But once Mihoko got out in front of the crowd, she'd become an entirely different person; the shy cutie was gone, and the woman who replaced her acted like one of those massive mountains of a woman who could trample their competition. She was a wild child for sure, and Audrey knew she'd be in for one hell of a speed test.

"She does know this isn't a hardcore match, right?" Audrey asked of the staff member... who quietly coughed and shuffled out of the room. "Right...?"

Theme Song
With her own music blasting in the background, Audrey trot down the entrance ramp with a bit more haste than usual - and it had nothing to do with the sparks she'd asked for along the sides, nope, not at all. Seeing how her opponent got fired up before a fight, Audrey decided to step up her entrance game a bit, too. Nothing fancy, just some sparklers shooting into the air to draw the attention her way while she twirled and jogged forwards. It did make engaging with the crowd directly a bit harder, however. She'd need to reconsider that. Still, for tonight, it was grand.

As she reached the ring and climbed onto the apron, she thanked whatever gods watched over her that her skirt hadn't caught fire.

Audrey used the top rope to help slingshot herself into the ring, leaping up and kicking her legs out to one side as she hopped over them. She blew a quick kiss towards a camera before dashing to the center of the ring, turning to her stretching opponent in her corner, and offering her respectful handshake.

"Nice job warming up the crowd," she said, a determined grin on her face. "Now let's really set 'em on fire, yeah?"
Lil Firecracker Girl
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Re: HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

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HEAT Mihoko began pacing across the ring as Audrey Trovita started coming down to the ring, her nose wrinkled in offense. This girl was allowed to have sparklers? This crowd bothered to cheer for her sparklers? This is deplorable to her. Cheer for a fighter! An actual killer! Cheer for HEAT Mihoko! Her lip furled as her opponent got into the ring, blowing kisses and having fun. If the Hot-Blooded Fighter wasn't burning up already, this would be sure to get her there. This stupid, stupid girl just prancing about while HEAT was ready to fight and prove she belonged here, and she could demolish any girl in her way.

And she came to the middle of the ring, as Audrey did, and that girl extended her hand to her. She had heat puns too? She was practically trembling. All of her nerves and excitement boiled over as a new feeling set in: pure disdain. This girl needed an ass whooping now. And HEAT was convinced of it.

"I'll give you a warm up!" yelled out Mihoko her hand clenched at her side enough that her nails threatened to go through her palm. Then, HEAT reeled back and threw her fist directly towards Audrey's face! A closed fist that was certainly illegal in a match up--but the bell hadn't rung yet. Nothing illegal about it quite yet, and she made sure to make that one fury-filled punch count as she sent it sailing!

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Re: HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

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Something's off here.

Something about the way Mihoko moved, the way her body trembled, the way her face was contorted into a sneer. This wasn't even the same fired-up girl Audrey had watched enter the ring. No, Audrey could practically see steam shooting from her ears. She was mad. But what could-


Audrey let out a surprised wail of pain and staggered backwards after the blow connected with her face. Her hands flew upwards to cradle her nose, her eyes already stinging with half-formed tears.

"Augh, what the fuck?!"

Should have seen that one coming. I really, truly should have. Gods forbid anyone wants to have a clean fight.

Audrey regained her footing as the bell hastily rang to signal the beginning of the match. She continued backing towards her corner anyway, just to give herself some more space and time to recover, should Mihoko want to follow-up. Her palms came away from her face, redder than her hair. She was reasonably sure her nose wasn't broken, at least, but it probably looked like it. And she had nothing to wipe away the blood save the back of her hand - which she proceeded to do, because blood stains were not easy to clean.

"I'm flattered you feel you have to cheat to beat little ol' me. Come on then, let's dance."

And with that, she darted forwards, her own fist in the air. But when she swung it, it wasn't aimed at her opponent's face - too predictable. Instead, she swung her arm underhanded, targeting Mihoko's stomach!
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Re: HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

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HEAT Mihoko's fist landed true, absolutely socking Audrey in the face! To the girl's credit, she didn't fall over from the impact of it. And then she saw it: one punch was all it took to already bloody up that nose. She looked absolutely wickedly gleeful to see it. Another one to go viral for her! And to get worse for Audrey from here. Her eyes, completely lit up already and feeling that surge of adrenaline bursting through her even more, Mihoko approached Trovita with a toothy smile.

"Cheat!? You should--" Mihoko was interrupted that a punch went directly into her stomach, doubling her over as she stumbled back a few paces. She grit her teeth, groaning out loud. That groan turning almost into a snarl. HEAT was burning too bright right now to be stopped from a simple belly punch.

So with a loud yell, she would leap forward, trying to throw a knee strike towards Audrey's chin! She wanted to retaliate with another strike of her own, hoping to send Trovita down with another one of her hard strikes! It would take a lot more the snuff the amount of adrenaline and fire burning in Mihoko this early on, and the Hot-Blooded Fighter was ready to take out her opponent with it!

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Re: HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

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Audrey grunted as her bloody fist sunk into Mihoko's gut, putting as much force behind it as she could with her small running start. Strikes like this weren't her strong suit, but she'd stunned Mihoko enough to cut her off mid-sentence and send her stumbling back a bit. A good counter...

But that was all; She recovered quickly, and if anything, she looked even more pissed off than before, and not at all injured! Audrey had just enough time to mutter a startled "Wha-?" before her opponent's flying knee crashed into her jaw! Her head snapped harshly back and she was lifted off her feet, landing flat on her spine. Once again a hand flew up to massage the sore spot on her face.

She used the other one to brace herself as she attempted to sit herself upright. The redhead would be in a tough spot down on the mat here, and she had a feeling Mihoko wasn't the type of opponent to stand around and gloat while her opponent recovered...
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Audrey Trovita (LW) || Audrey (mixed)
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Re: HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

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HEAT Mihoko's knee strike hit Audrey hard, and the Hot-Blooded Fighter looked almost manic with how much she loved that. Her opponent was now down on her back and Mihoko had taken a few steps back, looking down at her as she struggled there. "Hah!" laughed HEAT, grinning happily, taunting her foe.

She felt strong. She felt mighty. She felt like nothing could stop her now. The early bloody nose helped, and already knocking Trovita to the mat also boosted her confidence beyond what she was feeling. HEAT Mihoko hadn't felt it in so long, and now it was soaring, not even a minute into this match!

Then, Mihoko put her hands on her knees, waiting for Audrey to start sitting up. Then, an instant later, she let out a yell and then threw a punt kick right towards Audrey's face as she sat up! She wanted to obliterate her face with that blow, wanting to keep beating her down in the most brutal of ways! If she hit it, Audrey would be in incredible danger!

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Re: HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

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The crazed laughter was a new twist in terms of taunts... but Audrey wasn't sure the tradeoff of a bloody nose and sore jaw was worth the exchange. She almost missed the cocky babbling of her past opponents; words hurt far less.

On the other hand, the way her opponent was reveling in the damage she'd already inflicted was worrysome. She felt dangerous.

And she continued to prove that, already lining up another foot to the face! Her yell was the only warning Audrey got; with a hand on her jaw, she was able to raise it to shield her nose, for what little good that would do! It seemed her fiery opponent really wanted to damage her face, so at least Audrey managed to avoid another stream of blood. But the force of the kick still sent her back to the mat, her head rebounding upon collision.

And although her nose had been protected from the worst of the impact, her right hand paid that price instead! As she laid there, flat on her back, she shook out her hand and flexed her fingers, trying to soothe the sting away. Audrey had been on the back foot since before the bell, and it was throwing her off her game - she'd never even had a chance to plan an offense! She'd need to find a way to get to her feet while somehow putting up some kind of defense... or maybe just to counter.

"Having fun?" she snapped back, once again attempting to sit up, tenderly rubbing at her jaw. "Come on, try that again, see what happens." Not entirely an empty threat, depending on if Mihoko ran at her again or not. She just hoped that whatever strike came at her next, she would be able to catch and reverse it...
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Re: HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

Unread post by Dubski »

The kick hit, but not as flush at HEAT Mihoko had hoped. She held up her fists in the air and did a brief lap before she was facing Audrey again. Her big smile faltered into more of an angry one. "You want to talk to me like that!? I will put you in the ground!" promised Mihoko, fuming at the idea of this girl not taking her seriously.

HEAT was looking to make another statement, and she didn't need this girl making light of her amazing efforts so far. The tough talk, even despite a busted nose, was cramping all of the cred she had already earned. This was her match to look impressive with. And she would be taking that spotlight back however she had to.

But this time, she would be taking a much more abrupt approach. The Hot-Blooded Fighter threw herself towards Audrey, attempting to nail her with a forearm to the face! And when both of them were on the mat, she would continue to throw forearms! Her goal was to just batter and beat up Trovita while she had her on the mat! Get that stupid attitude of hers in check! And make sure she knew that she was about to be in serious danger!

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Re: HEAT Mihoko vs. Audrey Trovita

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

There. That was it. That was the one advantage Audrey had over Mihoko. It was really easy to get under her skin and rile her up. If Audrey was going to have a shot at winning this, she'd need to play that up, try to get her so angry that she slipped up and made a mistake, created some opening that the redhead could take advantage of!

Of course, there was one teensy, tiny drawback to that plan...

With building rage, Mihoko pounced on her. She was fast; Audrey had hoped to get a foot up and kick her - gut, face, leg, anywhere - as she approached, but the window of opportunity was so microscopic, she'd never have had a realistic chance. The only thought she had time for in between her missed opportunity and the blow to her face was Oh, fuck...

She threw her arms up to guard, and with no more support to keep her upright she fell yet again down to the mat. But the assault didn't stop there; Mihoko landed on top of her and continued to pound away, with little care for what she struck! Audrey blocked a few, but her attempts to snatch her opponent's hands were thwarted and left her already bruised nose exposed to further abuse, triggering a fresh trickle of blood. The redhead let out a few further cries of pain as her sore spots were re-aggravated. She needed to get out of this fast, or that broken nose she was worried about would become a very real problem, very soon!

There was still one thing she could do, at least, and was still coherent enough to remember it. While Mihoko wailed on her face, Audrey bucked up her hips, heaving her body off the ground in attempt to knock the other girl off balance and possibly force her off her entirely. She hoped Mihoko was so focused on attacking that she wouldn't expect the sudden movement, but there was no telling if it would work. It wasn't offense, but Audrey first had to do something to... stop the bleeding, as it were.
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Audrey Trovita (LW) || Audrey (mixed)
Keira Robinson (MW) || Keira (mixed)
Delphine Abyssia (MW, young lioness)
discord thurmanmermanplx
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