Rules: Victory is determined by Pin Fall, Submission, Knock Out, Count Out or Disqualification
Mariko gave one her evil smiles as she waited backstage. No doubt unnerving the crew around here...which is what Mariko was striving for anyways...not that she'd care about the opinions of others in the first place. With that being said, she was excited for this debut, as she was up against an other girl who was also making her in-ring debut, a girl by the name of Hakaru Sawazaki.
The purple haired girl did some research on her foe, and found out that the pink haired girl was a true hero. Someone who would never cheat and always played by the rules, no matter what. The perfect target to corrupt. Her grin grew wider, this was going to be fun.
Suddenly Apocalyptica's "Path" began to play as the ring announcer began to talk.
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! From Tokyo, Japan... making her LAW debut, Mariko Nobunaga!
Mariko emerged from back stage, taking a bow.

Reaching the squared circle, she then slithered under the rope, an evil smirk on her face. She made her way to the other corner and sat down with her back to the turnbuckle, lazily awaiting for her opponent to make her debut.