A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

Unread post by overlordofkings »

Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory is determined by Pin Fall, Submission, Knock Out, Count Out or Disqualification

Mariko gave one her evil smiles as she waited backstage. No doubt unnerving the crew around here...which is what Mariko was striving for anyways...not that she'd care about the opinions of others in the first place. With that being said, she was excited for this debut, as she was up against an other girl who was also making her in-ring debut, a girl by the name of Hakaru Sawazaki.

The purple haired girl did some research on her foe, and found out that the pink haired girl was a true hero. Someone who would never cheat and always played by the rules, no matter what. The perfect target to corrupt. Her grin grew wider, this was going to be fun.

Suddenly Apocalyptica's "Path" began to play as the ring announcer began to talk.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! From Tokyo, Japan... making her LAW debut, Mariko Nobunaga!

Mariko emerged from back stage, taking a bow.
The crowd's reaction was mixed. The majority that didn't know her, cheered for her, wanting to see what this new wrestler can do. The others who did know who she was and how she operated, booed her. Mariko merely smirked as she made her way to the ring.

Reaching the squared circle, she then slithered under the rope, an evil smirk on her face. She made her way to the other corner and sat down with her back to the turnbuckle, lazily awaiting for her opponent to make her debut.
Last edited by overlordofkings on Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:43 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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This was it, Hikaru Kawasaki's LAW debut! She was super excited and pumped to be on the big stage here in Japan to boot! Clad in her wrestling attire she was jumping up and down in place backstage as she waited for the call. She made her way towards the arena when she heard her music playing! She went running out in a sprint, pulling up and holding her hands high as the crowd cheered her arrival. She certainly looked the part of the classic Japanese wrestler ready for a fight. She was so happy to be well received that she waved to the crowd a couple times and walked confidently towards the ring, getting a glimpse of Mariko.

She looked... different. Very different. Unsettlingly so. Hikaru wasn't going to let herself be intimidated, and she made it to the ring steps, walking up and climbing between the ropes. She stood in the ring, waving to the crowd one last time before standing in the ring and waiting for her opponent. "Lets have a good match!" Hikaru said, extending her hand for a handshake before the bell rang to signal the beginning of the match.

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Re: A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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Mariko saw her foe coming towards her, hand extended. She gave a creepy giggle. How sporting of her. Poor girl had no idea what she was dealing with. Using the ring ropes to help her stand up, she gave on of her signature devilish smirks as she walked towards the pinkette.

Observing her hand, Mariko grabbed it, squeezing her hand hard. "Oh yes, we're going to have all kinds of fun, aren't we" Mariko creepily whispered, keeping that unsettling grin on her face. "Allow me to formally introduce myself, I'm Mariko Nobunaga...it's a name you'll get well acquainted with," she continued eerily, looking forward to either corrupting Hikaru or beating her down...either works for Mariko.

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Re: A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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There was for sure something off with Mariko. Hikaru was a bit unsettled as the awkward handshake ended. As the bell rang she circled and crouched low looking Mariko over as she tried to find an opening which would allow her to kick off the match with some offense. Hikaru lunged in, swinging her leg around as she tried to send a hard kick right into Mariko's side to try to open up with a good hard kick!

Hikaru was trying to stay calm and hide her excitement. She was so happy to have made it here that she had to constantly tell herself to focus, to try to keep her head in the game. She knew if she got ahead of herself that this woman was likely to have nasty surprises in store for her!

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Re: A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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Mariko giggled at her somewhat unnerved foe as the bell rang, she was more than ready to get started! Mariko analyzed the pinkette as Hikaru tried to find an opening in her style. Mariko couldn't help but notice that Hikaru carried a certain excitement as the two maneuvered around each other. The purple haired girl had to admit that her fellow rookie seemed competent....but just being competent won't be enough to deal Mariko.

The two continued to circle around, until suddenly, Hikaru lunged in and sent a hard kick into Mariko's side. "UGH!" Mariko grunted, instinctively and briefly clutching her side. Despite being hit, Mariko still kept that unnerving smile. "Oh dear, you hit so hard for such a nice girl," Mariko said, as she let go of her side and attempted to throw a forearm at her foe.
Last edited by overlordofkings on Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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Hikaru's kick landed but she was caught off guard by the smile, and more by the immediate response by way of a forearm smash to the chest! "Ugghhhh!"

Hikaru groaned as she stumbled back a couple steps, clutching her chest. She glare at Marino and stepped forward, twisting her torso to swing her arm around with as much force as she could, trying to retaliate with a hard chop across the chest!

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Re: A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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Mariko's grin grew wider as Hikaru stumbled back. The purple haired girl was about to follow up on her attack, when the pinkette recovered and stepped forward. With a twist of her torso that added to the power of the strike, Hikaru struck her hand across Mariko!

"Argh!" Mariko cried, covering her chest to alleviate the dull pain.

Despite this, Mariko gave a light giggle. She then turned to the pinkette and swung her right forearm at Hilary once more, aiming for Hikaru's head this time.

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Re: A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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Hikaru was leaning forward and saw Marino lunge at her the forearm striking her head! She stumbled back and dropped to a knee, jarred by the strike!

Hikaru looked up. She was determined even if she wasn't the strongest or toughest woman she was driven. Hikaru was running out of a team, but lunged up trying to swing back and land three forearms in a row to Mariko's chest!

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Re: A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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As Hikaru stumbled back and was force to kneel, Mariko gave a smirk of satisfaction. Poor girl looked like she wasn't able to go toe to toe with Mariko.

"Tsk, getting tired already?" Mariko taunted, putting her hands on her hips. Unfortunately for Mariko, this gave Hikaru time to regroup and launch three forearms into Mariko's chest.

"OOF! UGH! ARGH!" Mariko grunted after each blow. Now it was her turn to stumble back a bit. For a brief moment, her smile was wiped off, taken off guard by Hikaru's tenacity.

The smile soon returned though, this time grinning wider than ever! "Oh, I can just tell we're going to have a lot of fun!" She creepily stated, as she reached out to try and grab Hikaru's shoulders and pull her in. If she was able to grab Hikaru, Mariko would then lift her right leg up to attempt knee Hikaru in the stomach.

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Re: A Double Debut! Hikaru Sawazaki vs. Mariko Nobunaga!

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Hikaru was disappointed in her failure to send this strange women down to the mat, but that was all a sidenote as the hard knee strike hammered Hikaru in the abdomen! "Auuuuggghhhhh!" Hikaru shouted as she dropped to her knees her arms cradling her aching, pained abdomen!

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