Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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Hentai Bed Match
stipulation: Both girls will wrestle in a ring shaped bed
Winner would be determined via a three count pin after experiencing a forced climax

Percilla had gone months without a fight. She was starting to bored even desperate as she waited on the issue of her stupid non-compete clause the EWF had snuck in during her last contract. It was ridiculous to even respect it but management was being, as per usual, a stick in the mud.

Fortunately it was of no consequence now, a deal had been reached; the details of which didn't really matter for the cheery catmaid. Her pricy lawyer had ensured her as much and with nothing else to stand in her way. She could finally focus on what she loved to do, wrestle overly confident bitches!

Well... Wrestle was such a strong word for today, her opponent certainly fit the bill though. She was getting butterflies just thinking about her, so to say she was ecstatic for this particular match was putting it mildly. Percilla was over the moon, she wanted nothing more than to tear into that lovley piece of ass right now but like always great things would come for those who would wait. This of course was no exception as she opted to wait in the gorilla position and like as if it was preordained or something she would eventually hear her name be called up.

In a rush Percilla would get up, race into position, and wait for her cue. At which point her song would play and with no hesitation. She would leap out onto the ramp and with a big goofy smile begun to wave to the fans as she worked her way towards the bed shaped ring. Or how Percilla liked to view it a cosplaying ring wanting to be a bed. At least to the team's credit in charged of this some effort seemed to have been made as Percilla noticed a soft comforter under the frilly red and pink sheets and was nicely topped off by a few pillows and stuff animals.

Either way though she would enter by the stairs near the ramp and after walking the four corners of the bed. She would quickly drop to her ass, untie her boots, and neatly place them in the corner. Giving the Referee a bit of pause before she would do what she had been instructed and hand the socking wearing catmaid a microphone.

"Hehe it was a bit hard to walk with them on."

"How are our lovely guests today?... Hehe full of life I see. Well my Master, bless her, has spared no expense for your entertainment tonight. Standing at 5 feet 1 inch and weighing at 137 pounds and the sexiest piece of ass you'll ever see. My Master, Phoebe Hart."
Percilla finished. Causing the crowd to cheer as Percilla moved to sit on top the middle rope and create a large opening for her "Master" to enter through.
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Re: Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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It had also been a long while since Phoebe had been in a match. Not because she hadn't been challenged to a match, but because she wouldn't accept any of the matches provided to her, believing that only the best could ever hope to stand up to someone as perfect as she was. But for all the ego she had inside of her, she couldn't ever hope to dream to stand up to management themselves so when they sent her a more... Agressive email to tell her to wrestle, she had to comply.

Going down the list of people challenging her, she would choose this one primarily because she believed it would be an easy match. A wrestler that acts like a maid? What could be more fitting to wrestle as someone who has an actual maid to do work for her.

Before she entered the entrance of the arena, she could hear the echo of the catgirl maid giving her an introduction. Even going as far as to call Phoebe: "Master". Oh yeah. This should be a quick match. She just needed to order her to obey her and the match was basically good as hers.

[spoiler][img] ... ff0291.jpg[/img][/spoiler]

Her theme music blasted after the cat maid introduced The Exemplary, Phoebe walking while wearing her extravagantly designed hentai outfit, posing for a few times for the many cameras that flashed like paparazzi for her. When she made it to the Ring-shaped bed, she would skip the stairs and just used her flexibility to hoist one leg onto the apron and then hoist herself up using the ropes as something to grab onto. When she got into the ring, she has a smug look on her already.

[color=#000080]"The match hadn't even began and you've already accepted me as your Master-" [/color] she spoke with the same type of tone as her expression would suggest. [color=#000080]"What a good girl.~ Then as your master, I will order you to lay down and let me win this match.~" [/color] she commanded, believing that she can just give the girl orders and win the match.
Last edited by Kookio on Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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Upon seeing Phoebe enter the ring Percilla couldn't help but bite her lip. Then giggle as she heard her "Master's" first command. Though wasn't the slightest bit surpised at the order or even phased that someone would think that she would be a complete pushover.

Oh! This was going to be so much fun! Percilla squeeled internally. As she stamped a make-believe foot in her head. Outwardly though no one could be the wiser as the devious maid would only add a warm smile to the end of her girlish laugh.

"Oh Master! Straight to business then." Percilla replied. A slight blush on her checks as she wiggled her cute hips, moved to the spot Phoebe had pointed out, and laid down on her back. The large ring size comforter doing its job as Percilla had an easier time to get comfortable. Spreading her legs nice and wide towards her opponent before she would run her hands along the sides of her figure and only stop once they had reached above her head. At which point she would make a cute embarrassed face then stare inviting towards her prey Master. "Okay.... I'm ready Master. But please... be gently."
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Re: Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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Phoebe was surprised, but very much pleased at the maid girl's response to her. She flipped one of her long ponytails behind her with a smug look on her face.

"Ohohoh~ What a good puppy.~" she laughed with a lot of superiority behind her tone, completely unsuspecting that her opponent may or may not be setting a trap for her. For Phoebe, it was amazing to be recognized to be recognized as a superior just like the girl's ego always told her she was. To make things better, her opponent was practically begging to be dominated. And who was she to deny a cute doggy?

Phoebe would then start to walk towards the seemingly submissive maid and attempt to grab onto both of the maid's ankles to hold them both up in the air to keep them spread. If she was successful, she would do what any dominant would do in this stage and attempt to step down upon the maid girl's womanhood to start rubbing her off with her heel gently.
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Re: Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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Puppy? Percilla mused in confusion. Her outfit was very clearly a combination of a cat and a maid, a catmaid if you will. So getting it wrong seemed a bit hard for someone to do. Was it dilberate? Was she doing enough to telegraph it or relying too much on her known past?

These questions and more would scratch at the back of her mind, as she laid there and waited for Phoebe to approach. Her spine tingling with every step til the gaze of her lustful domineering "Master" was almost right on top of her! God It was so hot! In fact it made her want to do her best submissive "please fuck me" face for all the cameras before she had to go and ruin it with an attack!

Though it wasn't like she had wanted to. It was a match in the end of the day and if it had gone any further she would have to risk mounting a comeback from a less than ideal position. As such once she had felt the warm touch of Phoebe on her ankles. Percilla would proceed to let out a weak moan for her "Master". Then kick her legs out towards her "Master's" knees as she attempted to get Phoebe off her feet and land right on top of her awaiting body!

At which point Percilla would squeel in mock surpise / excitement as she snapped her thighs around the slim waist of her "Master". Bringing the two even closer, their faces now meer inches apart as the playful catmaid would reach out and thread her fingers between Phoebe's in a intimate lovers hand hold. "Oh Master! Your being so bold today! What's gotten into you?"

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Re: Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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To say that Phoebe wasn't expecting for her opponent to suddenly burst up with energy was an understatement. Phoebe wasn't even holding onto Percilla's ankles that tightly because she thought the maid was in full submissive-mode; so it was easy to break her grip. Before Phoebe could even get out a word, she could feet the maid's foot slam into her knees, causing her to fall forwards with a startled yelp right between her opponent's legs for a body scissor.

"Nnngh!! Let go! That's an order!" Phoebe cried out and tried to order the maid in a more brattish tone, her hands temporarily trying to pull apart the girl's legs from her figure until Percilla restrained them as well, completely restraining the rich girl's ability to escape the hold while she struggled fiercely like an animal stuck in a bear trap.
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Re: Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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Starring intently into Phoebe's eyes. Percilla would hum happily as she forced both their hands towards the sides of her head. Making it look more like Phoebe was actually the one in control and for those not paying attention she certainly looked the part. "Pinned" to the floor and with Phoebe laying right on top of her chest. who wouldn't believe it!

"Ar-Are you sure Master?" Percilla replied. Clearly still playing with her opponent as she ignored the various protests and begun to move in such a way that their breasts would rub against each other. "Its such an honor for me to be so close to you." Percilla continued. Moving her head so she could reach Phoebe's lips and with a visible blush on her face leaned in for a quick kiss on the lips.

Something which she would do several more times. Acting almost like an innocent virgin as she reteated from each kiss to the mouth only to go for it once more. In reality though Percilla knew what she was doing and confident she could fish out a "domineering" kiss out from her bratty "Master".

Which if it worked would allow the cosplaying maid to loosen up her hold, flip the two over, and hump her "Master" in an almost mocking way. As she attempted to lock her down with a grapevine hold. If it didn't work though it wasn't exactly the end of the world for Percilla just yet.

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Re: Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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Before Phoebe could find a way out of the hold she was in, the hold was switched as she was rolled on top of her opponent, her cheeks a bright red from the humiliation of being moved around like a puppet on strings as her opponent got to work on softening the bratty perfectionist. "Of course I- Ha..!" her words were interrupted by a gasp of pleasure as her opponent began to grind their breasts up against each other, Percilla's larger breasts mushrooming around Phoebe's slightly smaller breasts. Despite the two of them still wearing their clothes, the tightness of the grip made the stimulation anout the same.

"I-I'm supposed to be the one in charge you do- mmph!" Once again, Phoebe couldn't even get one of her bratty protests out before she was interrupted by the woman's lips against hers, letting out a gasp of precious air after every kiss.

"Y-you'll regret thi-" kiss. "I... I'll get out of this hold and make you my bi-" kiss. "Hah... Hah... F... Fuck you! Le-let me spea-" kiss. Every time she attempted to talk, her opponent would interrupt her with another kiss, every single one having more effect on the bratty perfectionist than the last. She was slowly becoming putty within the maid girl's hands but that wouldn't stop her from attempting to slowly pull the both of them over to the side of the ring to try and use the danger of them falling out of the ring as a way to force her opponent to let go of her.
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Re: Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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What little semblance of a plan there was in Percilla's head. It all seemed to have worked out in the end as Phoebe was quite literally trapped. As each kiss of her soft lips looked to have drained more and more of not only Phoebe's air but her general will to resist. It was cute and dare she say fun! An unexpected but welcomed surprise, considering Percilla hadn't expected to be the one in control after the kiss.

Phoebe must have really liked her a lot or secretly be a very submissive person! Either way in the end the catmaid would remain in control of the situation. As each of her wonderful kisses would last a bit longer than the last. Fuelling her passions even further as she begun rubbing her covered pussy and large tits even harder into her "Master".

Thus for several moments Percilla would remain in place and grind her voluptuous figure on top of Phoebe. Letting the two stew in their forces ecstasy until Percilla had noticed the strange movements towards the ropes. At which point the catmaid would turn on Phoebe!

As she broke their last kiss with a huff and a string of saliva still connecting them together. Though Phoebe wasn't likely notice as Percilla would immediate proceed to lick the side of her face, release her hold, and after getting back onto her feet turn around to present her fat asscheeks to her honry "Mistress".

Before she would finally split her legs and drop her lovely derriere right on top of Phoebe's face! As the little wet spot in Percilla's panties made an airtight seal for Phoebe's mouth. Who would soon feel one of her legs being hooked to the side while Percilla's other hand begun to rub her along her covered slit!

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Re: Percilla (debut) vs Phoebe: Hentai Bed Match

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Phoebe was using all her might to pull the two of them to the ropes so that she could force the catmaid to get off of her and give her a moment to breathe so her attempts at struggling against the catmaid were useless, each kissing forcing a large gasp of air to be released from the brat's mouth before she was once again forced to kiss her opponent once more.

Eventually however, it would seem she didn't need to make ot to the ropes because her opponent would just get off of her. Her eyes were closed and she was panting, hardly even recognizing that her opponent had also licked the side of her face while she was too busy catching her breath. A time that wouldn't last long because before she could even recover her ability to think fully, her opponent would plant their ass on her face, forcing a loud cry of panic that would only be muffled by the catmaid's panties.

"MMMPH!!" her body began to steuggle wildly until one of her legs was captured by the woman's arm hooked around her leg while the other hand began to explore her womanhood, causing the sensitive area to twitch in reaction and get a cute little quick shriek of pleasure from the rich brat, giving obvious signs that she was sensitive down there. With how she was being smothered, most hope of escaping such a hold was nigh hopeless.

But she would still grab onto the Catmain's hips in a helpless attempt to push her off. But that was something that couldn't be done immediately.
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