Ashera was getting ready in her locker room for her second match, she fought against a what should have been a powerhouse but she was a coward and only used submissions... she was still pissed for this and hoped that this time she would find a worthy powerhouse opponent to get a struggle for power!
The poor staff member that had to call her for her match was out of her locker room... "Ehm.. Miss A-ashera it's ur tur..." "OH FINALLY I CAN GO SMASH MY OPPONENT? LET'S GO! OUT OF THE WAY WEAKLING!" Ashera rushed and pushed the staff member away to go into the arena and get booed from the crowd for her rage attitude but she didn't care at all.. "YES CROWD I WILL SMASH THIS GIRL TOO TODAY AND IF SHE WILL BE A COWARD LIKE THE ONE LAST TIME YOU WILL SEE HER HUMILIATED!" With that her music started:
After that she was stomping the ground a lot of times while already running out of patience from waiting her opponent. "WHERE IS SHE I WANNA MAKE HER FEEL PAIN! BRING THE GIRL IN NOW!" The ref was so scared that he slid out of the ring and prayed that Ashera opponent would come soon..