Hilda would be out in the open, sitting on a box crate. She had a notepad on her as she was writing down her material in it. This was something the Canadian star does as she first studies her opponent before writing down her material to use against her opponent during their match. She was seen reciting her jokes out loud and asking herself if they’re good or not.
“So you’re both a Scotswoman and a Patty. Must be a beast at drinking double your body weight. … Yeah. I think I can use that. Now what can I joke about a penal colony? I can’t really say anything about that since I don’t think she’s much of an Australian. Maybe a joke about the I.R.A.? … Nah. I think that’ll be a bit insensitive to joke about the IRA.”
As she was reciting her jokes, Hilda was too busy to even notice her opponent, Lennox, stalking her and watching her recite her jokes to herself. She was probably not making herself a much of a friendly person with the jokes she’s gonna use in their match. However, that would possibly be the least of her problems if her opponent decided to do something about her making jokes about her ethnicity.