Victory achieved by making your opponent submit either verbally or tap.
Strikes to the head are not allowed.

LAW officials understood Mizuki's skills, capabilities and her preferences. They knew that wrestling/grappling/submission matches were more her cup of tea (at least after the disaster of the standard debut match that she had that is). Mizuki did ask not to book her for hentai matches and they agreed, but there is a lot inbetween normal and hentai matches and those officials were good at navigating that. This match was just what Mizuki has been asking - a submission based match, with not victory condition or any other incentive for lewd moves. Well, except that it takes place in a bedroom, on a king-sized bed. Mizuki felt like something's still not right with this, but she couldn't argue against it. Any lewdness depended entirely on her and her opponent, same applies to any other match. However, everyone knew full well that this was a suggestive scenery, a test, even. Putting two non-lewd women against each other in a suggestive setting and see what happens.
Mizuki was running those thoughts over and over in her head as she was making her way into a luxurious bedroom, that was rocking a huge bed, small cameras placed discretely in various places of the room.

The room was empty, it seems that she was the first to arrive. She was 10 minutes early, after all. All she knew about her opponent was that their sizes were similar and that she also was fit as hell. It did LOOK like LAW staff was being fair to Mizuki, but she couldn't help but feel strange and anxious about this entire thing. Her last bedroom match was still etched in her memory, getting red cheeks whenever she thinks about it. She wanted to avoid that happening again. At least this time there was no incentive for it, right? Right?
That was Mizuki's thought process as she was sitting modestly on the bed, facing the door, waiting for her opponent to arrive.