Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

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Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Match Type: Standard
Attire: Bikini

Hilda was coming out first for this match. She was given a mic as usual and she waited for her queue to come out to the ring. She was also debuting her featherless attire, which is her wearing a bikini. She then heard her theme play as she would come out to it.
Hilda would start screaming on the mic as she walked out to a cheering crowd.

“HELLLOOOO LAW! It’s Hilda, a.k.a. the Goose of LAW and I welcome you all to my featherless match. As you can see, you are all taking a look at a featherless goose fighting in the ring. But anyways, it seemed like my partner from my last match wants a little bit of retribution for leaving her out for dead. Don’t worry. I’m sure serious bucks back there would want to get in the ring for her silly entrance. But anyways, can I get a honk?”

The crowd started honking as she walked down the ramp and went up the steel steps. She then entered the ring and went on the far end of the ring to stretch and waited for her opponent to make her entrance. The crowd continued to honk until her opponent would make her entrance.
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Re: Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

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Yuri was in her lockeroom readying herself. She adjusted her wardrobe her blue swimsuit when she heard who her opponent was.It was hilda the goose again! After the match vs Louise and Raven she was a bit mad she lost.But it wasn't entirely hilda fault.. But she wanted to see if Hilda had some strenght or it was just a joke talker
She entered into the arena and was booed as usually. When entered the ring she greeted hilda: "Oh goose it's you again... Hope instead of joking this time you show your strengt....Yuri was a bit disappointed but she had still some hope hilda would surprise her.

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Re: Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

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Hilda looked at her opponent and gave a smile as she waited for her to get in the ring. She would jump around the ring as she talked with her.

“Oh don’t worry. I only joke around when my opponent’s a clown. Luckily, you aren’t one just yet. I’m ready to take you down in my new attire.”
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Re: Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

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"I'm glad you have some respect for me at least!" Yuri was watching hilda closely as she went into a grappling stance."I see a bunny here... not a goose." Yuri taunted Hilda in order to get a response of her, but she needed to get careful.. her bruises from Louise beating were not fully recovered yet.She had some terrible headache after the tag match, so she putted one hand on her head. Yuri didn't know if she could win this match, Hilda seemed fresh to her.

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Re: Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

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The bell would ring as Hilda started to circle around the ring. She was zoned into the match as she was looking on beating her opponent. She then grappled with her as she would transition to a small headlock.

“You know, with my featherless attire, I have more mobility. Don’t show it to you fans at all because I don’t wanna be stealing the show every single time. Can I get a honk?”

The crowd started honking as they would continue to do so as the match went on.
Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

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"NGH! Nice one goose!" Even that headlock was bad for Yuri she had to get out immediately, hear head was already hurted and couldn't hold much. She decided to elbow hilda as hard as she could. "Let me go goose or more pain will come!" After some elbows she tried a quick german to push Hilda away from her "How's this?"
Yuri then sitted on her and started punching.

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Re: Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

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Hilda tried to maintain the hold after she withstood a huge elbow from Yuri. She continued to hold her as she received a few more elbows and was looking to let go. Eventually, her opponent got out of the headlock and went for a quick German suplex to get her away from Hilda.

Hilda would hold her back as her body still aches from their tag team match they were in as she took her time to get back up.

“Nice one. We’re both using our injuries to our advantage. But imma let you know. I’m the one that’s gonna come out on top this time.”
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Re: Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

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"Shut up! Get this!" Yuri tried to punch hilda more but she missed, she was starting to get dizzy.. "Argh my head damn it! NOT NOW!" She tried to pick hilda up and going for another german, but she failed and hilda falled on top of her. "OOFFF!! DAMN IT....Get off goose!" She tried to pushed hilda away hoping that would be good to take some breath.

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Re: Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

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Hilda would see Yuri whiffed a punch as she moved out of the way and whistled.

“Swing and a miss. Missed a wide open shot at point blank range there, Yuri.”

Hilda would then be grabbed from behind but she was lucky that Yuri took a tumble and had Hilda land on her. Hilda would then take advantage by lifting her leg up for a quick pin.

Renee’s Undercarders

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Re: Featherless Geese - Hilda Martin vs Yuri Watanabe

Unread post by Albentes »

"Noo!!! Not so soon!" Yuri pushed hilda back and got up after a little struggle, while mantaining her head. Then she tried to rush at her for a sleeper hold! "Go sleep goose!" She tried to catch hilda and wrap her arms around her head. Yuri was hoping to get her sleeper in, to get at least an advantage.
Last edited by Albentes on Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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