Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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Match Type: Normal (One fall to a finish, can win via Pinfall, Submission, Count-out and disqualification)
It had only been a week since her victory over Renee Steinhauser; echoes of the match still lingered in Louise's mind. Thankfully, she physically recovered from the minor injury to her leg fairly quickly, but mentally, she knew she'd never be the person she used to be after these past few matches. Once again, she was unclothed in her locker room bathroom, admiring the smug sadism of the smirk on her face. Behind her exterior of euphoric bitterness and spite, she examined her current motives outside of ravaging any opponent that dares oppose her, with no real conclusion in sight. She didn't exactly have to be the champion to be respected, and she now knew she didn't want to be loved by the audience either.
The best she could come up with at the moment was a little revenge list, mostly consisting of Mashiro, Mashiro, and Mashiro. From the looks of public perception, she certainly was more feared than ever before, but she couldn't and wouldn't let that green-haired bobblehead keep waving her embarrassing win over on socials anymore.
Louise sighed in dismay, aware that she wouldn't be able to get such revenge for a while, so she'd have to settle with slaughtering some innocent wrestlers first. It wasn't that she felt remorseful or anything for, mainly, Renee, but the repeated bloodshed was all she could enjoy at a time like this—that made her no different from an animal. She even had the scar on her stomach to prove it.
She shook her head in a brief instance of humanity as she slightly moaned in disappointment. She reverted back to who she really enjoyed being but at the cost of having any foreseeable goals. She could always aim for the lightweight championship belt, but that's naturally where she's headed whether she tries or not.
As her face stayed glued to the mirror, she chuckled, uttering under her breath, "At least this shit is fun."
She put on her new wrestling attire—identical to her original, but with more scarlet straps to match her eyes and an underlying tint of reddish-brown fabric for her top, with the red being more apparent on her trunks. She seemed to be fully aware of her "heel" persona and embraced it with open arms. In fact, she felt far more happier than she ever had been before in her profession. Not even Haruka could take that away from her.
After a few minutes or so, she finally decided to step out of her locker room, aware of her new title, "The Graceful Undead," which she solemnly approved of. It fit fairly well when looking back at her last match; she even managed to get rid of her manager—Well, he left on his own, but then again, one less problem to deal with. With his absence, she didn't have to be under a leash, told to get her ass kicked for the arousal of the crowd, to gain more sponsorships, or to beef up someone else's stats. In celebration, she even added a new theme song for herself, playing coincidentally the second she stepped onto the ramp to throw down with her new opponent. Surprisingly, she still had a large majority of people that cheered for her against all the "boos" and rampant chants of her new enemy's name: "Hitomi! Hitomi!"
Speaking of her opponent, she still couldn't muster up the energy to study them or anything. Of course, she trained heavily when she wasn't downing bottles of wine or throwing parties, but researching who she'd fight next wasn't exactly her type of thing. She'd rather learn about them during their match than past knowledge; Louise slowly stepped into the ring, prepared to do that very thing and, without a doubt in her mind, win the match.
[New] Theme Music
[New] Main Attire
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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In the meantime, Hitomi was getting herself ready to make her own entrance.

So far, her luck hasn't been so good since joining LAW. But regardless, she refused to let it get her down. With each defeat, it only.motovated her to train harder. And after studying her new opponent, she knew that she ahd her work cut our for her. Her opponent sounded like a real determinator, refusing to back down no matter what.

Finally, sue was ready and went out to make her entrance and give her fans a good show.
Hitomi came out and waved to the audience as she made her way down the ramp to the ring, even seeming to dance a bit to the music.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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Louise rested her ass on top of the turnbuckle, observing Hitomi dance over to her. She even found it peculiarly attractive; she had the slick moves of a mature fox. The Undead Brunette was practically hypnotized by her swaying hips, distracted as her opponent entered the ring. Her elegantly tanned skin was a rarity in LAW—and Lord knows she found those small details of a woman appealing.
She quietly shook her head, distinguishing her as just another pretty fighter. Maybe behind her seething wrath in the ring was a bit of lust. She figured it wasn't worth exploring that thought just yet, soon coming face to face with her opponent—Louise, letting her devilish eyes strike fear into Hitomi, who happened to be taller.
"You're pretty. Might want to drop dead now before I change that," she snarled, forcing herself to see her opponents as walls stopping her from reaching Mashiro. She got up in her face, grazing Hitomi's bottom lip sadistically—she loved to fight; she knew that for a fact. However, it was a shame to imagine such a theatrical babe being beaten down like her former opponent, Renee. She hadn't planned to go easy on her; after all, she wanted to have all the fun she could with this grand opportunity.
Last edited by MidMorii on Sun Sep 17, 2023 1:18 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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Hitomi backed away just slightly and extended her hand to her. "No can do, miss. I'm here to fight, and have a good time doing it. Anyhow, it's nice to meet you. Heard a bit about you."
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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Louise coughed faintly, placing a fist over her lips, "Y-y-yeah, bet it was all pretty bad, and despite that, you still came. Think you were far better when you didn't talk," she asserted, quickly snatching her hand and punching Hitomi in the stomach, knowing for certain that it'd send her flying back to the ropes.
She may have shown a far softer attitude after she met with Raven, but deep down, she was still one Hell of a bitch. Unlike her last match, she wanted to end things quickly, knowing if her opponent had done her research, she'd aim for her healing leg sooner or later.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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Hitomi gagged from the punch and staggered back, falling on her rump. But she quickly recovered and got back up. "Feisty one, huh? And before the bell even rang? You're just chomping at the bit to fight, huh?"
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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"At least I'll be able to chomp on food after I'm done with you," she commented, rubbing her stomach. She hadn't eaten quite recently, either. She considered stopping by Raven's place after this but had to keep her head in the fight for now. Her opponent, though tall, was pretty frail. She barely even looked like she survived the last hit.
A delicately smug smile forced its way on her face, unable to control her simmering bloodlust; it was even comedic to her that she could effortlessly snap all of Hitomi's limbs in the best-case scenario.
Once the bell rang, without a second's thought, she immediately ran up to Hitomi, attempting to pick her up and slam her neck first onto the canvas. It would buy her enough time to get on the top turnbuckle and pounce on her for a quick finish. Hopefully, the pain would be enough to keep her down long enough.
Seeing that she was climbing the ranks, she couldn't afford to prolong her reunion with Mashiro. Moreover, her leg wasn't in much condition to be hit; she had kept her minor fractures secret from everyone, including her enemies.
But, She knew damn well Hitomi didn't look strong enough to pack a punch like Renee or have the resilience to prolong the fight like Mashiro, so perhaps the tanned heroine wasn't worth her time if she couldn't even get back up from a puny neck slam. She had no reason to feel bad for her opponent; everyone knows what they're getting into when they step into the ring, and Louise, at the moment, happens to be getting what she wants.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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Hitomi saw her coming and waited until the last minute before rolling out of the way of her attack and countering with a roundhouse kick to the back of her head.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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Louise groaned, feeling the back of her head being kicked in. It wasn't particularly painful, but it hurt as much as it would to be hit by a plastic bat. In confusion, she clung to the ropes, snapping her gaze toward her opponent.
"Should watch where you're throwing those fragile little twigs; you might break them," she taunted, sticking up two middle fingers—soon pushing the referee at Hitomi. In that instance, using the distraction to slip from her view.
Last edited by MidMorii on Sun Sep 17, 2023 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Louise Heisenberg vs Hitomi Hattori

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Hitomi caught the ref before looking for her opponent.
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