Victory Conditions: Submission, Orgasm, or knockout. No Disqualifications, Hentai Allowed. Abs must be touching when the fall occurs.
”It’s a box.” Bubbles looked at her ‘ring’ for the night and tipped her head to the side as if doing so would give her a better angle to make sense of what she was seeing. ”A big glass box.”
”That’s why I love you, babe. Your keen sense of observation.”
Bubbles’ description of their arena for the day was simple but couldn't have been more accurate - it was, in fact, a big glass box, plexiglass specifically, about the side of your standard ring, in the middle of a large, empty room, with a single spotlight shining down on it. There was a glass door with metal hinges, but aside from that? Just a big, glass box on an elevated platform, with stairs leading up to it. It looked like something out of the art deco exhibits Mariah liked to drag her to, and she was even less impressed with it than she was with all that artsy-fartsy stuff. The only thing she really liked about it was the referee inside, a cute little brunette in a striped bikini. Nice touch.
Bubbles got closer and stepped around it, looking at it from a different angle. ”Yeah, I don’t know about it. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but I like my fucking in the ring. Or a pit. Or the bedroom, if you want to get vanilla about it. But this?” Bubbles gave the box a couple of good, hard smacks, making it reverberate and shiver. ”Don’t even seem safe. You sure we won’t go busting through it?”
”Reasonably sure.” Mariah had stepped off to the side of the room to retrieve one of the chairs, bringing it over so she could get a good look at the action. ”I mean, it’s an experimental match, LAW’s just testing this out, so there is some risk. But we’re covered for it. And it’s plexiglass, so it’s not like you’re going to get cut or anything if you do break it, right?”
Bubbles rubbed her chin at that, then shrugged, figuring it was best not to gripe about it. She had other things to look forward to, good things. ”So, it’s like a stress test, huh? Guess that makes sense. I’m about the best person you’d want for that kinda thing.”
”My thoughts exactly.” Mariah settled down into her chair, crossed her legs, and started to fiddle with her phone, sparing the occasional look towards the entrance while they wanted for their opponent to show. ”I just hope they found someone who can keep up with you. I’d hate to be some poor girl getting ragdolled in there by you.”
”Pfft, you’d love it.” Bubbles threw a quick wink to her wife, then made her way up the stairs and into the box, padding along the clean canvas with her bare feet. Eager to start, she went through some stretches in the middle of the box, getting loose while she waited for her fellow guinea pig.
Bubbles Burste