Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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Match Type: Sex In A Box
Victory Conditions: Submission, Orgasm, or knockout. No Disqualifications, Hentai Allowed. Abs must be touching when the fall occurs.


”It’s a box.” Bubbles looked at her ‘ring’ for the night and tipped her head to the side as if doing so would give her a better angle to make sense of what she was seeing. ”A big glass box.”

”That’s why I love you, babe. Your keen sense of observation.”

Bubbles’ description of their arena for the day was simple but couldn't have been more accurate - it was, in fact, a big glass box, plexiglass specifically, about the side of your standard ring, in the middle of a large, empty room, with a single spotlight shining down on it. There was a glass door with metal hinges, but aside from that? Just a big, glass box on an elevated platform, with stairs leading up to it. It looked like something out of the art deco exhibits Mariah liked to drag her to, and she was even less impressed with it than she was with all that artsy-fartsy stuff. The only thing she really liked about it was the referee inside, a cute little brunette in a striped bikini. Nice touch.

Bubbles got closer and stepped around it, looking at it from a different angle. ”Yeah, I don’t know about it. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but I like my fucking in the ring. Or a pit. Or the bedroom, if you want to get vanilla about it. But this?” Bubbles gave the box a couple of good, hard smacks, making it reverberate and shiver. ”Don’t even seem safe. You sure we won’t go busting through it?”

”Reasonably sure.” Mariah had stepped off to the side of the room to retrieve one of the chairs, bringing it over so she could get a good look at the action. ”I mean, it’s an experimental match, LAW’s just testing this out, so there is some risk. But we’re covered for it. And it’s plexiglass, so it’s not like you’re going to get cut or anything if you do break it, right?”

Bubbles rubbed her chin at that, then shrugged, figuring it was best not to gripe about it. She had other things to look forward to, good things. ”So, it’s like a stress test, huh? Guess that makes sense. I’m about the best person you’d want for that kinda thing.”

”My thoughts exactly.” Mariah settled down into her chair, crossed her legs, and started to fiddle with her phone, sparing the occasional look towards the entrance while they wanted for their opponent to show. ”I just hope they found someone who can keep up with you. I’d hate to be some poor girl getting ragdolled in there by you.”

”Pfft, you’d love it.” Bubbles threw a quick wink to her wife, then made her way up the stairs and into the box, padding along the clean canvas with her bare feet. Eager to start, she went through some stretches in the middle of the box, getting loose while she waited for her fellow guinea pig.
Bubbles Burste
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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One would generally assume an empty room with nothing but a big glass box was to be ground for some sort of a science experiment. Though, whoever was pulling the ropes must have been working with some comically large guinea pigs. In the metaphorical sense these assumptions would be correct. Yet, this was certainly not a conventional science nor experiment. Moreover, there were not going to be actual guinea pigs.

The disposition of a time teeming with fighting and fucking fun livened the thoughts of the femme fatale in the hasty walk towards the room. Anticipation increased with every stride forward just as hips swayed with confidence. A large figure emerged from the shadows as Ianthe now appeared in full-view to the other individuals in the experiment room. Her jet-black strapless bikini left little to the imagination. The opponent, if not already, would now be aware of just what she was in for. Ianthe was a bulwark of a mountain with abs that were rippling even without a proper tensing. Bulky biceps and thighs laid bare to match with an endless sea of voluptuous curves that made the imperatrix more than aesthetically worthy of the title of a goddess. Power and allure worked in-sync to present an implacable figure that was to be used to its greatest potential.

The ring for today was an unconventional irregularity. The heavyweight had experienced carnal sessions in various eccentric locations, but a big glass box was a first. Though, it did not matter much. Foreplay and setting plays a role in the intricacy of the sex, but the contents of the opponent speaks greater. Bare feet etched closer to the elevated space, undulating the steps to join the two women inside the glass chamber. A lucky girl seemed to be spectating from the outside.

"Heehee, happy to know I'm facing someone my own size~" Ianthe giggled as she ran a hand through her long locks and shook her head. The smaller blonde and presumed referee were cute in their own right, but she only paid mind towards the fellow big girl in the room. A delectable rubbing post and fitting recipient for lustful indulgences, the Brit thought. Analytical eyes scanned the magnificently toned body of the busty rival up closer than before. A suggestive gaze radiated on the her face as she eagerly cut the distance to leave a small negative space between the two's sizeable chests.

"..but size isn't always everything no?" With that, Ianthe firmly smacked herself against the dark-skinned wrestler's frame. Invitingly flexed rubs of the body came to go with it. It was less of an intimidation tactic and more so a sign of what was to come.

"Whether you'd be able to keep up or get all soft too easily, might be a different story~" Ianthe lightly taunted with her face only inches away from Bubbles's. Arms wrapped around the opponent's fair waist to give a fair squeezy mash. This was going to be fun, she figured.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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”Oh, fuck yeah.”

Bubbles didn’t know who this woman was or what her deal was or where she came from or even what her name was. All those facts had been kind of glossed over, with this being an experimental match and everything being put together essentially on the fly. But from the first moment she saw her opponent, she knew she was in for a good time. The woman was enormous. Damn big. Her size big. As much as Bubbles loved having her way with more petite women, it was always a treat to put her body against someone who could take everything she dished out and give it back, to put her body up against a fellow giantess, and that was precisely the opportunity laid before her today.

It wasn’t just the body that got her amped up, either. Something in that look on her opponent’s face - mischievous, evil, playful - tickled her all the way to the loins and left her quivering. She looked over to see her wife with a similar expression to hers, practically drooling down there.

She didn’t have to wonder long about where her opponent’s mind was at, either, as she came into the box and moved in straight away, not wasting a single second. She came in so hard and fast that Bubbles was nearly knocked off balance, a rare sensation for her, but the Virgin Killer was able to plant her feet and keep firm before things went too far. With a solid base, she leaned in and pushed back, molding her muscles against her opponents

”Ain’t nothing about me soft. You’re about to find out.” She pressed their foreheads together and shot her tongue out, letting it tap her foe’s lips. Her arms took cues from her opponent as well, moving around to slide along that hardened back and curled around the curves of her hip. A tease of so much more. ”Bubbles Burste. Nice meeting you, miss…”

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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"Miss Ianthe." The blonde promptly filled in the blanks, though leaving out her last name. "...your top for tonight~" Built upon by a playful yet meaningful assertion and espoused ideal.

The Brit could feel the toned musculature and voluptousness of her American foe as both women squared up to their opponent's studded frame. It was almost a like-for-like comparison with penchant curves locked up in skimpy garments, which would mushroom and balloon out in all directions. Ianthe felt Bubbles's hardened row of abs scrub against the washboard ridges of British steel. A hand wrapped around to cup her sizable posterior elicting a sound of approval from the lascivious nun goddess.

"Mmm, I sense you're entranced to this body of mine. I don't blame you for it, of course. If you have any feelings to let out, do so~" Ianthe left an inviting tease with a wink.

The self-assured blonde felt her body was already working its wonders into the mind of the other heavyweight. Every detail that illustrated and set the course for the battle was all-so important in her mind. A stain on the white wall would be tiny, yet vexing. She plays a hand in conditioning her opponent's mind to enjoy her blessing or be riled up into giving more bite. Through the vying for dominance of the body, the imperatrix calls out for her opponent to play. If the other comes out on their own accord feigning confidence, it will always end the same. They may try their best, flex and attempt to outfuck the goddess. Yet, her implacable quality and unmatchable sensuality means loss is never written in the stars.

The offering of Bubbles's calibre was perfect. The built body that challenged her own was ripe for a reckoning, beckoning for a breadroll, and fresh for a flattening. It was with certainty this woman came out to play as she firmly withstood her surprise smack. Reassuredly, her words and actions foreshadowed a match that would not be a simple task, but a conflict full of back-and-forth, push-and-pull. It would be entirely satisfactory as Ianthe's pressed her hot and hard body in establishing a dominant superiority over another's of similar capability.

"Mmm, and surely you'd be so kind to prove you're not so soft. Would be a shame if your lovely body burst too soon Ms. Bubbles~" Perhaps the ironically named American had received such similar taunts before, but cliche or not it was a rather amusing characteristic to her otherwise stalwart build.

Her smirk remained clear, less of a toothy smile and more of a subtle flavor. Beneath that modesty was a burning desire to act upon an urge. The imperatrix would then press her body entirely into the other wrestler, compressing belly into belly, breasts into breasts, and meaty legs holding up the foundation of her frame. The body-to-body fetishist would rub herself into the bikini-clad figure of Bubbles. Back slightly arched to push into deeper ground and biceps amped up the grip around the waist. Already the battle had started and Ianthe wanted to draw out the married wrestler into another engagement.
Last edited by SeptaX1 on Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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Bubbles giggled at the name, then giggled again at the follow-up. Ianthe probably meant that as smack-talk, implying that she’d be in control and take the reins in this match, but that sort of talk wouldn’t get under the Virgin Killer’s skin. While she wanted to do her best and win, she wouldn’t complain if she came out with a loss, so long as the sex was good. You could never be sure, but if Ianthe’s body, the way she carried herself, and the tone she spoke with were any indication, then Bubbles was in for a wonderful experience.

”Oh, snap, don’t threaten me with a good time.” Sure enough, Ianthe was more than game for what Bubbles was throwing down, giving her the same luscious looks that she was throwing out. They both knew how rare this sort of thing was. Even in a place like LAW, you didn’t come across women like themselves too often—ones who had this kind of power, this kind of desire, who could dish out crushing pain one minute and unbearable pleasure the next. This was the clash of the titans, two bodies approaching the Roche limit, and something had to give. They would lose it around this point if there had been a crowd.

But there wasn’t. Just Mariah, sitting back, watching from the best - and only - seat in the house, with a pleased look etched on her face.

There was no bell to ring, but it was clear that the match had already started in some form, with the two of them pressing and pushing against each, muscle on muscle, so tight there a wisp of air couldn't have slid between them. Bubbles had been a bodybuilder at one point, and while she hadn't reached that level of ripped muscle in a long time, she was still harder than most even at her softest. But Ianthe was a beast, herself, and she gritted her teeth as their body’s vied for superiority. Taking here, giving there. Sliding. Grinding.

She licked her canines with a vulpine grin and arched her back as well, as she summoned more power for the effort. Her hands came up and searched for Ianthe’s, locking to lock up and put their strength to the test. As much as she loved holding this body, she also wanted to enjoy pushing it against the wall.

”Yeah,” She thrust her hips forward, pressing into Ianthe’s lap and letting their most sensitive areas slide against each other. ”Damn shame.”

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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"Heehee, eager one aren't you? How sinful~" She replied in an ironic fashion that played into her rather eccentric character. This nun was less of a humbly chaste worshipper of God, and more of an egotistical libertine who more or less thinks of herself as the one equal or above divinity.

Ianthe felt the sensation of clothed crotch rubbing against clothed crotch, taking its scrubs in stride while returning the favor. The short-haired gal seemed thirsty to brush her garmented lower lips in an attempt to rouse the imperatrix. Many times over the Brit already was enjoying this decadent kiss of cultured sculptures. Bubbles could feel her opponent's nipples permeating perk piercing through the veils of their thin layers of clothing. Pleasure, however, also warranted harder tensing and hot to trot muscles craved for more meat. Ianthe planned to treat herself to a satiating meal.

The first minutes of the game was an even standoff. Neither side gave ground, only attempting to dig into one another with their builds at full condition. The imperatrix salivated in her mind as she felt her impeccable abs fighting in close-quarters combat with the American's set. This type of stalemate was natural, especially given the power both women possessed. It would take some extra steps to get things moving, and like Bubbles, the blonde had the right idea to push her adversary up against the wall.

That prospect held its own charm, where she could fully flatten down on the subject like a hydraulic press, compressing until it inevitably cracks or bursts out. In fact, such a position must've been equally enjoyable from the outside looking in. One large woman getting breadrolled against the banes of a solid-flat see-through wall and the superior body of her conqueror. The "damned" body forced to burst out in a sensual oblivion would make for a wonderful sight. It would also be enjoyable for that lucky girl outside whom Ianthe still had not a clue of who it was. Though at this point it may have well been Bubbles's FWB or outright partner.

"So interested in a good time... you'll be blessed with the feeling of what this body can do~" The blonde cooed with the remaining subtle toothless grin.

Ianthe wanted to get this big lady moving. Her abs tightened once again and arms maneuvered higher up the muscled back of the opponent. Counteracting Bubbles's hip thrusts with some of her own, upper body weight would lean in to the American's upper torso to setup a more resounding type of thrust. Core would reel back, a hardened bash would smack belly against belly in an outright assault. The Brit was relying on her weight coupled with raw power to override and displace Bubble's feet, trying to force the juggernaut towards the plexiglass.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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Bubbles couldn't help but laugh at the accusation - granted, she couldn't help but laugh at many things, but being called ‘sinful’ was at the top of the list. ”Oh, you got no idea.” She threw a flirty wink Ianthe’s way. ”Gotta ask, though, what kind of church do you come from? Last I heard, Catholics weren’t all that big on this sort of thing. ‘Thou shalt not this, thou shalt not that.’ Never been the religious type, but if they’ve switched it up, maybe…”

It was a question she was genuinely curious about, but one she wouldn’t be allowed to focus on, as she had more precious things to expend energy on at the moment - locking horns with her fellow blonde bulldozer. In truth, Bubbles wasn’t accustomed to this sort of fighting before, with Ianthe proving to be far more intent on rubbing their body’s together than outright wrestling, proving who was the dominant one between them…but it was a challenge that she wasn’t about to shy away from.

The action was heating up, and the room was doing the same as the two pressed harder in the airless space. Bubbles could feel her skin start to sweat, a sensation that would only get worse - or better - as time passed. From her seat, Mariah leaned to the side and looked for the best angle as the two women vied for position, struggling to find purchase on the smooth floor.

When Ianthe made her move, it was a strong one. Bubbles had just found solid footing when the nun thrust forward and tried to surge above her, catching her off guard with a domineering push. It was a rush, and even the Virgin Killer found herself giving way in front of it, as she was driven back, step after step, closing in on the walls.

It was too late to stop the push, but she could change who benefited. As they drew closer to the plexiglass, Bubbles twisted around, spun to the side, and tried to whirl them around like two dancers in the ballroom, attempting to turn Ianthe’s own momentum against her push her the rest of the way.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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"Heehee~, I used to be a Catholic..." Ianthe slightly giggled at the question knowing how contradictory her character was. She made sure to put emphasis on the past tense of her words.

The two women's stalemate was shifting as Ianthe's belly thrusts materialized into a force that thumped the Virgin Killer back. The resounding smack of the divine midriffs clashing was a familiar noise to the imperatrix. Beleaguered taut belly knocked on by a hungry pack of abdominals desiring to tender the tough flesh into mush. The sound triggered vivid memories lush with decadence and meaty fun. Sweat was already seeping onto both women's body from the action, a thickening layer building on top of their hot hard abs. Once her opponent was in that prime position the lewd nun would take up a fair bit of indulgence. Yet, perhaps she had not given the fellow heavyweight enough credit.

With a flick of the switch, Ianthe's position flipped on its head, now in the situation she had planned to place her opponent in. While surprising, it also invoked a deeper grin on the wild nun's face. Quickly before her back was inevitably rendered immobile, the Brit's foot planted square onto the flat wall behind her. The sole of her foot firm and centered to her body. This dynamic probably would be less feasible in a standard ring or cage, but none of this was at all standard. With a foot on the situation, she would have some leverage to quickly return fire.

"Mmm, close... but no cigar~" Ianthe was smug as ever. "I would let you have some fun, but I want that body under me love~" She cooed. The desire to devour the wonderful frame blessed upon her was ever-so radiant. This woman was the type she loved to rub, hump, and fuck. Smashing a big girl into an oblivion, squeezing out every drop of euphoric pleasure to be left a wriggling mess, it was all so exhilirating for the younger imperatrix.

With that, Ianthe once again switched gears as her arms lowered to latch around Bubble's waist touching the hips. Her other foot also planted on the plexiglass to add more leverage. The gap between their two bodies locked shut. Anyone so fortunate to be in between those hot clashing tummies would be flattened by like a sandwich in a panini press. Using her entire body along with a solid wall, the blonde drilled forward in a mighty push. If this succeeded, the Virgin Killer would be forced back further or even dropped to the floor with a reverberating slam.

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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‘Used to be a Catholic’. There was a story there, and one that Bubbles would’ve been interested to hear if time permitted. The last time the Virgin Killer had been in a church was for a wedding. Her own, in fact, and she wouldn’t have even gone for it Mariah’s mother hadn't been so insistent on the matter. After it was established that she could step inside the place without immediately bursting into flame, they had a lovely time, but she would never forget the stares she got from some of her more judgmental family members. Granted, considering this was rural Georgia they were talking about, maybe she should’ve just been glad they didn’t chase her out with pitchforks.

Regardless, Bubbles’ relationship with religion could, at best, be described as nonexistent, and she was content to keep it that way. She certainly hadn't expected to brush up against it in the middle of a sweaty glass box, but hey, life could take some strange turns.

Speaking of strange turns, Bubbles’ literal one seemed to work well at reversing the situation on Ianthe, spinning her back and putting her against the wall. For a second, she thought she had the nun dead to rights, that she’d indeed have her pinned, but this all disappeared when she was confronted with an unfamiliar sensation: pushing against someone and not getting anywhere. It was a new feeling, and one that caught the Virgin Killer totally off guard.

”Whoawhoawhoa-” Bubbles gasped as Ianthe wrapped those unflinching arms around her waist, planted her foot against the glass, and surged forward, hurling them through space so fast that they nearly crashed into the poor referee. Strong as she was, there was nothing she could do to stop momentum like that, and she was knocked off her feet like a cannonball had hit her. The Imperiatrix had her wish, as she came crashing down on top of Bubbles, landing with a mighty, meaty splat.

Mariah got her wish, too - seeing Bubbles get dominated was a rare sight, and one that she wasn’t about to miss. She stood up and neared the glass wall, standing on her tiptoes to get the best view. ”Hey, babe! Having fun in there?”

Bubbles grunted under Ianthe’s bulk, but managed a genuine smile for her wife. ”Time of my life!”

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Re: Ianthe Taylor vs. Bubbles Burste - The Two Towers

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The meaty slap had emitted an audible smack. Its reverberation resounded like a rupture. An earthquake highly rated on the Richter Scale generated by the mere movement of two behemoth tectonics. Though these two big girls were not literal continents, but could definitely pass off as one.

Meat, like so much meat. The blonde nun's mind savored an intense urge to rub against this beautiful durable body under the command of her own potent press. Off course, Ianthe did not get to act out her intrusive thoughts upon an upstanding Bubbles pinned against the wall. Yet, the floor was just as sufficient for the operation, as it was a simple flat surface that would enact the force of gravity upon the two bodies in the ring. The upended woman was left pancaked between washboard implacable surfaces, one completely hard, and another both soft as well as hard.

Her hands and legs moved in unison to score a delicious claim on her foe's body. Arms reached to grab and keep the wrists subdued over her adversary's head. Bulky legs took one of their counterparts for penchant, stretching them out into a wide split, and giving a good tense of thunder thighs. Though off course, the most palatable delicacy was eager to be feasted on. Ianthe's iron core giving Bubbles's taut rows a good measure of horny rubs as she compressed down. Sizable tits inducted into the fray as they mushroomed out, the Englishwoman eager to pop and squash them flat much like the rest of her foe. Ianthe was like a printing press pounding down, putting pressure, and planting its mark of pleasure on the pancaked paper. Intent humps plapped from crotch to crotch.

She wanted her opponent to know true desire. Aggression of a hungry body eager to crush a hardened figure underneath another. Worship, adoration, and contest of the chiseled creviced tummies for a desirable domination, with plenty of sensual flair. To squeeze every sap of strength and drop of cum out of her opponent, the imperatrix knew no bounds.

A sinister pompous giggle, her head lowering down to get close. " Oh you will enjoy how I crush and peg you, my darling~" A posh accent, low and almost hypnotic purr into Bubbles's ear. The lascivious stare and naughty smirk said it all.

"And so will your little girlfriend over there, hehe~"
Goddess's Wrath

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