Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle Silva noticed that LAW seemed to have an idea that she could be used as something of a messenger towards other wrestlers. First it was sending a message to Elizabeth Grunmada that she didn't belong in LAW. Now, it seemed that one Young Lioness by the name of Teuila Masina was due for a delivery. From what Noelle understood, the Lioness did well enough in the YL Cup, though she didn't make the finals, and she had been around for long enough that she was starting to itch for that promotion the main roster.

The message Noelle was meant to give Teuila was clear: You're not there yet, here's what a main roster wrestler is. Noelle was meant to handle Teuila like a pro should handle an amateur, and get it through to the rookie that she wasn't as good as she thought she was. LAW was giving her a bitter taste of the big stage that Teuila was likely expecting to be sweet.
Noelle's Music: Smoke on the Water - Deep Purple
Ring Attire
Noelle's music came on, and the princess came out. Nothing too special about this match, so Noelle didn't do anything too special with her entrance or outfit. There was one thing that crossed Noelle's mind as she settled into her corner; the last time she had fought in a match where she had absolutely zero investment, she ended up with a boyfriend and a second match out of it. Who knew where today may lead?
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Re: Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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Teuila sighed deeply in preparation for her next match. It was against one Noelle Silva, an actual princess turned wrestler who was on a bit of a hot streak, but it didn't matter to Teuila, it couldn't. Over the past year or so in the young lioness program she had been learning and training non stop and she honestly felt like she was ready to graduate, all she needed was the approval of the higher ups, and she fully intended on using this match to prove her point. 'I can do this.' Teuila thought to herself in finality after making sure her gear was secure before getting up.
Heading towards the entrance ramp and rolling her neck while Noelle finished her entrance Teuila would look up as the princess's song finished and the generic young lioness theme started up in place. Coming out from the back and smiling she would pose at the top of the ramp for a moment, all smiled as the crowd cheered at seeing the plucky underdog before headed down the ramp.

As she did so her smile turned into a more serious and determined expression. Making it to the ring Teuila would hop up on the ring apron, turning to face the crowd with a bright grin on her face and throwing her arm up to pose a bit more before slipping between the ropes and into the ring. Facing her slightly smaller opponent Teuila would breathe slightly before nodding in respect and heading towards her corner, not wanting to take the risk of broaching conversation with Noelle before the match.

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Re: Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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"Oh my God I forgot the YL's don't actually get to have their own music," muttered Noelle as she hid a smirk. Teuila was still making her way down the ramp, so there was no risk of being seen or heard, but the Spaniard still didn't want to be mocking the poor rookie before she even got to the ring. Maybe she'd bring it up if Teuila turned out to be a bitch, but the Samoan had done nothing to present herself as such as of yet.

For all of Teuila's energy, she was unexpectedly silent once she was actually in the ring, donning a serious face and acknowledging Noelle's presence with nothing more than a nod. Clearly not the "bitch" behavior that the princess may have begun mocking Teuila over, but it wasn't mean to prod, "You are aware that there's no rule in LAW that says you can't speak to royalty unless you're addressed, right, rookie?"

Noelle knew going in that she was smaller than Teuila, but it wasn't the type of gap that made a significant difference in a match. Especially not, considering the massive experience gap between the two. The Samoan would need to be a prodigal talent to make up the difference, and considering she was a year in and could only get a match meant to tell her that she wasn't ready for the main roster yet, Noelle doubted that her opponent held that type of latent talent within.
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Re: Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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Entering the ring and taking a deep breath in preparation Teuila would bounce on her heels slightly, trying to prepare herself for the match ahead, silently mind you. Not out of fear, but because Teuila wasn't sure there was much that could be said between her and her opponent given the difference in experience... But Noelle had other ideas.

Bristling slightly at the insinuation Teuila would look at her opponent with a determined look. "First of all my name is Teuila, not rookie." Teuila said first and foremost before continuing. "Secondly, that's not why I didn't talk to you, I'm just trying to prepare for the match." Teuila said matter of factly, not backing down from the silver haired girl before her.

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Re: Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle could tell that Teuila was a bit put off by Noelle's greeting, which wasn't surprising. The Spaniard found that rookies were usually easy to make think, and they usually weren't that good at hiding it either. Furthermore, Noelle had an angle to go at now, "So that's how you wanna play it, eh? Then how about you make me call you that, rookie."

The bell would ring shortly after, and Noelle was fully expecting Teuila to run in. Even if the princess wasn't digging at the Samoan, the girl just came across as one of those types who liked to attack. So the Spaniard would take a few steps forward to get out of her corner before settling in to play defense against her opponent.
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Re: Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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Naturally Teuila was bristling more and more at Noelle's response, especially her refusing outright to call her by her name. "Careful what you ask for." Teuila said with narrowed eyes, hands clenching into fists as she prepared herself.

So the moment the bell rang she immediately shot forward, dashing at Noelle, raising her arm up for what would look like a clothesline as she approached. However instead of committing to the blow Teuila would instead leap slightly, extending her legs as she tried to psych Noelle out with dropkick aimed low at Noelle's legs!

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Re: Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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As Noelle expected, Teuila broke forward in a mad dash the moment the bell gave her permission. For as much as the Spaniard was planning to poke and prod at the Samoan's technique and decision making, now was not the time. After all, hyper aggression wasn't necessarily a bad opening play. It all came down to how the rookie executed.

Teuila's execution, however, would be something that Noelle could go after. The Samoan led with a Clothesline, which the princess already wasn't particularly fond of, to which Noelle responded to by dodging to the side opposite her opponent's arm. But the true blunder came when Teuila made her feint, as her Dropkick was still dodged by the exact same movement that Noelle had intended to dodge the Clothesline with

"First lesson, little lioness," said Noelle as she cut behind Teuila as she landed, and locked her into a Full Nelson. A nice, secure hold that the Spaniard could talk to her opponent from. "When feinting, never use two moves that can be beaten by the same counter. Especially if said counter is commonly used as a tactic against the first move."
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Re: Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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Noelle was already starting to get on Teuila's bad side. Granted she hadn't done anything directly offensive or rude, but the level of... arrogance and superiority she was displaying towards her was infuriating. Likewise she was desperate to prove that she was ready for the main roster which was feeding into Teuila's internal desire to do nothing but smash Noelle.

Trying for a feint at first the Samoan wrestler had hoped that Noelle would duck or try and block the hit, but unfortunately she did the worst thing possible and moved to the side causing Teuila to hit nothing but air! "Ngh!" She groaned out as she landed, only to be pulled up into a full nelson by Noelle!

"Ngh! Agh!" She grunted out, moving side to side in the hold, trying to get free before growling softly as she heard the 'lesson' from Noelle. "Shut up, you aren't my teacher!" Teuila said as she attempted to swing her head backwards, trying to drive the back of her skull into Noelle's face with a headbut to make her let go!

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Re: Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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"I have to disagree," said Noelle as Teuila spat at her from the entrapment of the Spaniard. "Have you ever heard the saying, 'pain is the world's greatest teacher?'" Noelle's grip tensed as the Samoan threw her head back as an attempt to break out of the Full Nelson. The princess took a step back to steady herself, but held her grip firm.

"Not bad, most rookie's don't know the proper idea behind escaping a Full Nelson," Noelle said. This wasn't like her match against Elizabeth, were humiliation was the point, so Noelle didn't want to be unfair to Teuila. Plus the Spaniard understood that the Young Lioness would most likely just continue to get angrier at her words anyway. Though hopefully Teuila would be able to reflect on Noelle's words once the match had concluded, as they would likely prove a significant source of growth for her.

"I would recommend, however, a different technique," said Noelle, continuing her analysis of Teuila's escape attempt. "Less swinging and trashing, and more pushing, concentrating your strength onto a single point of my grip." The Lioness wouldn't get a chance to implement the advice, however, as Noelle would lift Teuila up and slam her down shoulder first into the mat. After which the princess would put the Samoan down onto her stomach and lock her into a Camel Clutch.
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Re: Lioness Cub vs The Princess of the Jungle: Teuila Masina vs Noelle Silva

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Teuila grunted and struggled within Noelle's vice grip of a full nelson, leaving her unable to do too much but thrash and push about violently before swinging her head backwards to try and headbut Noelle to make her let go! Unfortunately however it would be for naught, with Noelle managing to keep her head just out of Teuila's striking distance and holding her strong. "Ngh! Trust me.. I know.." Teuila growled out in response to Noelle's little 'lesson' and justification for why she should be 'teaching' it.

Before she could do anything to adjust her strategy to get out of the hold however Noelle would act first, taking Teuila down to the mat hard with a drop shoulder first into the mat! "Agh!" Teuila cried out in pain before getting rolled over and suddenly locked into a camel clutch submission! "Ughhhh!" Teuila moaned out in agony from the hold, her back and neck getting bent backwards, prompting Teuila to try and reach her hands up towards Noelle's own hands, trying to pry them off of her to break the hold!

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