The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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Jessie Hammond vs Anne Boonchuy
Normal Match
Win by pinfall,submission , count out or DQ

Jessie had just chanced into her wrestling attire as she wore an Black leotard with the number one on it in white while her name was on the back. As the fans had seem to like how it hugged her frame as the brunette knew sex sells. So why not use what she had bin giving to stand out.For footwear she wears white wrestling boots as her hair was loose and reached her shoulders. Once she was done changing into her wrestling gear she would make her way to the gorilla position as she wondered who she be facing.

Since her first single match should hopefully end with her winning as the all american could not handle having lost twice in an row as she waited for an few seconds for her entrance theme to play. An music piece she called metal as she made her way to the ring. Halfway down the ramp the announcer would say ''From Royal Woods, USA .Weighing in at 144ibs , It's Jessica Hammond'' as she entered the ring by sliding under the bottom rope as she got to her feet as she awaited the arrival of her opponent.

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Re: The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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After Jessie finished her entrance, there were some minutes of silence and the crowds were waiting for knowing who will be Jessie's opponent, until... a Thai girl shows up in the top of the ramp, then she starts walking over the ramp while giving some high fives to some fansd until she reaches and steps to the ringside area, where she stays and looks at Jessie with a little serious expression.

"And her opponent, from Thailand, weighing in at 5'6" and 140 pounds... The Thai Warrior... ANNE BOONCHUY!!" said the announcer when she entered to the ring, with going over the second rope. Once inside, she goes to her corner and leans there, waiting for the match to begin.


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Re: The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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''She does not look that intimidating ''thought Jessie as she watched her opponent approach the ring. Still when the announcer called out her name and nickname things chanced. As with the nickname she suspected Anne had Muay Thai experience which meant she had to avoid both her fists and feet from what she knew of the sport as she circled around the other wrestler looking for an opening for now.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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After the bell rang, Anne walks in circles around Jessie as raising both arms and approaching to the middle of the ring, as going to clash with Jessie into a collar elbow tie up.

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Re: The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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Jessie would lock up with Anne as she tried straight away to push the other wrestler towards the ropes. Trying to enforce her will onto the other wrestler.

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Re: The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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Anne locks up with Jessie, at first the Thai girl was getting pushed by the athlete and she was almost getting taken against the corner, but Anne puts her right foot behind to stop and start moving forward, pushing Jessie against the opposite corner.

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Re: The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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The all American was doing her best to enforce her will onto her opponent as she was forcing the other wrestler towards the ropes. As at first it seemed to be working , but then Anne would begin fighting back. As she placed her right foot behind her and pushed forward as now Jessie would find herself being pushed back.

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Re: The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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Anne pushed Jessie to the opposite corner and smiled, she started pressing her body against it until the referee counted up to 4. Once she heard the count, Anne just stops and raises both arms while stepping back a little. Later, she gives a slap to the Athlete in disrespect and smirks while doing the "come on!" gesture.

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Re: The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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This was not how she had assumed things would go as she was overpowered by the other wrestler. As she had assumed to easily overpower her opponent as she heard the referee count to 4. Which pissed her off more as it sucked that she needed the ref's help to break free rather then her own strength as she got slapped afterwards as Jessie without thinking slapped her opponent across the face back once she was within range again .

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Re: The All American Athlete vs the Thai Warrior

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Anne smiles and grabs Jessie to deliver some knees to her stomach, then she grabs Jessie by the wrist and attempts to throw her at the ropes. If she succeeds, her next move would be a dropkick to the chest of the athlete.

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