Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Standard Match: Winner to be declared by pinfall, submission or knockout

Lydia hummed softly as she stood backstage, silently preparing for her next match, her children not with her tonight. An unfortunate side effect of having a stable, that being there had to be nights where they didn't come down with you to keep heat off from management. No matter though, tonight Lydia was slated to face a relative rookie to the ring, and while it didn't do underestimate.. Well Lydia couldn't help but feel her experience would more than make up a difference between the two as she finished pulling her gloves back before stepping forward, her que having been called meaning it was time for her entrance.
As the music started the crowd immediately reacted with boos and jeers for the woman, not that she minded at all as she simply posed with an arm out to the side in a rather cocky way, showing off her curvy body in all its glory. Satisfied with her mocking preening Lydia would casually strut down the ramp with a confident smirk present on her face as she approached the ring, casually walking the steps before sliding her way between the ropes and into the ring. Posing once more upon entering Lydia would casually strut to her corner to lean against it, waiting for her opponent to come down so they could get this show on the road.

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Re: Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Ambre was going to face an extremely powerful opponent tonight. A woman who had a lot of experience, enough to go up against the heavyweight champion of LAW! Ambre's goal! She had to take her opponent seriously and absolutely win this match, she had to show that she was also capable of fighting at this level but for that, she had to pass this stage first!
After long stretches and a careful warm-up, it was the turn of the Frenchwoman to make her entrance. She sighed deeply to evacuate the little stress she had and left the locker room showing it to the public who was beginning to cheer her on. She was starting to have a small fan group following several matches, she had to continue in this throw.
She greeted the audience, still with a big, beautiful smile and waving her arm, while trotting towards the ring. She then climbed into the ring, standing on the ropes to greet the spectators one last time and then jumping over the third rope to land on the mat.
Her gaze crossed that of her adversary, a woman taller and heavier than her... But that didn't impress Ambre, she was used to facing giantesses.
She walked to the center of the ring to greet her opponent with due respect, holding out her hand and smiling pleasantly at her.

"Hi! I'm Ambre, it's an honor to fight against you!~"
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Re: Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Waiting leisurely on the corner Lydia would hum softly as the entrance music of her opponent started up and the girl came out. Certainly Lydia would admit that the girl was rather physically impressive. Granted she wasn't as tall as Lydia, and was technically lighter, but Lydia could tell that the sheer muscular difference between the two was different. Lydia while strong in her own right, was for softer and curvier in her body while Amber was rock solid with rippling muscles. Despite this though Lydia wasn't worried. Physical differences aside what mattered far more was mental skill and advantages. This is where Lydia excelled in spades verus her far more inexperienced opponent.

Smirking a bit wider as the woman entered the ring Lydia could just tell she was the happy go lucky type and this made her practically ecstatic since it would make things all the easier for her. Watching as the woman greeted her and held her hand out for a hand shake. "Yes it is an honor isn't?" Lydia said haughtily while placing an arm behind her head with a smirk, very obviously using it as a reason NOt to shake Amber's hand. Instead she'd merely take a step back and over look the girl again. "Hmph so you want to be heavyweight champion right?" Lydia asked, at least knowing that much about Amber, waiting to see her reaction before continuing. "Would you like to know a secret about how you can get to that level?" Lydia asked while leaning forward, clearly up to something but hoping Amber would so excited and enticed that she'd temporarily lower her guard.

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Re: Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Ambre was smiling at her opponent when she held out her hand but her opponent had her hands already taken, even after a few seconds of waiting and a verbal response, her opponent didn't seem to want to shake her hand. hand. Ambre returned her hand with a slightly embarrassed smile, she was used to some people not wanting to shake her hand, but those kind of people didn't show a warm demeanor like Ambre's opponent did.
She found herself a little puzzled, but after a few seconds of thinking she had figured out that her opponent just liked little provocations for her fans, so she didn't have a bad ass! Ambre then kept her smile and listening to her opponent's question, she raised her hands and answered proudly.

"I would like to know, yes! Every advice is good to know!~"
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Re: Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Sure enough just as she though Amber almost immediately fell for Lydia's bait, forgetting what Lydia had said and the fact that she ignored her hand for a moment as Lydia just smirked a little bit wider. Clenching her fists Lydia would chuckle as she leaned closer towards Amber with a knowing smile on her face. "Well the most important thing is..." As she said this Lydia got just a bit closer before... Swinging her fist up for a suckerpunch right into Amber's face to disorient and knock her back! "Never drop your guard!" Lydia called out mockingly as the ref admonished her for the attack only for Lydia to wave him off before he then called for the bell to ring since things had kicked off already, officially starting the match!

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Re: Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Ambre looked at her opponent with an innocent smile, thinking she was receiving good advice from a seasoned wrestler. But instead, Ambre took a punch in the face, hard enough to make her take a step back, sighing softly in pain. She watched her opponent get scolded and was slightly angry, even though she was right.

"You're right... I mustn't let my guard down, even in front of an old woman like you!"

The bell rang to start this match and Ambre wasted no time, throwing herself on her opponent, raising her arms slightly to offer her a test of strength to start this match comfortably, despite the blow she had just received.
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Re: Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Lydia smirked in a dastardly way at her opponent. Amber was a naive rookie. Far too trusting and easily suckered in which was why Lydia landed that blow as solidly as she did. Though Lydia would give credit where it was due, the girl took the blow like a champ and was only forced back a step. 'Just as I thought, a true powerhouse.' Lydia thought to herself as the girl got herself together and raised her arms which only made Lydia smirk.

"Heh, oh you sweet summer child." Lydia cooed out, raising her hands up as if to accept the test of strength but their hands would only be connected for a moment before the woman threw her leg up, intending to drive a knee into Amber's gut! If it connected than Lydia would place her leg behind her opponent's before giving a hard shove, aiming to take the woman off her feet and down to the mat!

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Re: Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Ambre was an impatient but kind woman at heart, which made her almost stupid. Even though she had just been hit, she thought it was just a way of provoking her. Of course she was slightly pissed but everyone had a little rage after being hit.


The bell rang and Ambre threw herself at her opponent, raising her arms to signal that she wanted a showdown. Her opponent also raised her hands to say she accepted. The two women then held their hands and Ambre had gone up, she only thought of one thing, to push back her opponent. Unfortunately this situation only lasted a few seconds because Ambre's opponent interrupted the test of strength with a knee kick to the stomach.


She sighed in pain and before she could react, her opponent chained her down on her back. It was the first time that Ambre had fallen to the mat so quickly in the match, it annoyed her. She backed up slightly to get a few steps away from her opponent and stood up, groaning and staring at her opponent with a firmer expression.
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Re: Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Amber was oh so innocent and naive, powerful and full of potential yes. Unfortunately nowhere near the level that she could easily overwhelm a veteran like Lydia, as she would soon find out. After all, as great as strength was, skill and experience would always overcome it. Demonstrating this first hand with a knee to Amber's stomach to bend her over Lydia would follow up near immediately after with a leg trip to take the woman right down to the mat with a grin on her face.

Watching as the girl rolled back away from her Lydia would bend her knees slightly in preparation, watching as her opponent got back up to her feet before sprinting into action towards the woman. Meeting her gaze as she charged Lydia's eyes held an intensity that matched, maybe even surpassed that of her foe's as she raised her arm up, intending to try and drive it into Amber's chest, aiming to take her off her feet once again with a clothesline!

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Re: Cracked Pearls: Lydia Donelle vs Amber Brault

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Ambre got up slowly, keeping an eye on her opponent, displaying a rather confused look, not understanding why her opponent so suddenly stopped this test of strength. She then took a few steps back to regain her senses before resuming the match.
Her opponent looked cunning, she was also experienced and it was beaten against veterans... She had to be smarter if she wanted to win because using brute force wouldn't be enough tonight.
Unfortunately her adversary took the lead, throwing herself on Ambre while she was thinking to take her by surprise. It worked, Ambre noticed it too late and grabbed the clotheline head-on, slamming her onto the carpet, grunting in pain.

"GUH!!... Grrr...!"
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