Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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Match Type: Elimination Handicap (Ryuko must beat both members of Keyboard Warriors to win. All other standard rules apply)

Thunder Ryuko had been embarrassed by the old bag Thereisa her last time out in the ring and tonight after an absence she was going to show LAW why she was a top wrestler. Clad in her black one piece swimsuit with red lining and white white dragon embroidery she emerged out into the arena as her music played.

The thunder empress held her arms up and walked down the ramp looking confident as she strut down to the ring. She climbed up into the apron and through the ropes, again posing while doing a lap around the ring before she settled into her corner. She was going to crush these little women and show what she was capable of.
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Re: Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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"Hey Chiaki," Fuuka Yamagishi said to her partner, Chiaki Nanami. Preparing to ask her a question as they waited backstage for their entrance to their next team match.

"What's up, Fuuka?" replied the gamer girl.

"Is it normal for tag teams to fight in more handicap matches then actual 2v2s?" asked the bluenette.

"Not to my knowledge," said Chiaki. "But it would be more common among teams composed of weaker wrestlers, I think. Guess that makes it our job to either prove LAW wrong, or at least make a strong showing in defeat if we can't."

"Well Ryuko certainly has quite the pedigree," said Fuuka. "We'll definitely get booked for more actual tag matches if we win." The sound of music would then cut the conversation short. It was the theme of the Keyboard Warriors, it was their time to go. Chiaki and Fuuka came out to roaring cheers, both being quite popular individually. And even more so together.
The Keyboard Warriors made their way down towards the ring, waving to the supportive crowd all the way. When the two made it to the ring, Chiaki stepped into the ring first, as was their team's strategy. Fuuka was just tall enough to see over the edge of the ring from the floor, and was watching intently. The lead wrestler of the Keyboard Warriors would then greet Ryuko, "Hey hey, how ya doing?"
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Re: Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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Ryuko watched the two smaller women come out and she was standing there with her arms crossed. As Chiaki entered the ring Ryuko nodded to her. "I am well, much better than you two will be once that bell rings. I won't be cruel or brutal, but I will not hold back between these ropes little girls." Ryuko said with a confident smile.

As the bell rang Ryuko would run right at Chiaki, extending her arm and looking to bulldoze the smaller grappler down to the canvas with a running clothesline to start things off! Ryuko wanted to establish herself early and really show dominance, so she was going hard at these two right out of the gate.

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Re: Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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"Well she certainly seems confident," whispered Fuuka to Chiaki before the bell would force the gamer girl to focus on fighting.

"She probably should be," Chiaki said. "But that won't mean we won't knock that confidence down a level or two!" The time for talk was over now, as the bell would ring shortly. After what Ryuko had said, Chiaki was expecting her to come out swinging after the bell rung, and adopted a defensive posture accordingly.

Seeing Ryuko come charging in, pulling her arm back for some kind of big attack, Chiaki quickly made the decision to duck underneath the brunette's arm. Successfully dodging what turned out to be a Clothesline, Chiaki would try to run behind Ryuko, following her until she could try to leap forward with a Spear into Ryuko's stomach and tackle her to the ground.
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Re: Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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Ryuko missed and when she turned around the little keyboard commando was running at her! Ryuko braced herself and as Chiaki came at her she tackled Ryuko but the thunder empress managed to stay up on her feet! Ryuko howled and slammed her knee up into the abdomen Chaiki before clasping her hands together overhead smashing downward to deliver a double axe handle strike to her back right after! Ryuko was not playing around and it was something these women were going to find out quickly. The former top level Wrestle Angel was going to demonstrate how nasty she could be when she had to be.

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Re: Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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Chiaki, with her quick wits and reflexes, was able to dodge Ryuko's Clothesline before countering with a Spear of her own to land the first successful attack off the match. But for all the positive traits the gamer girl possessed, once more would the big one that Chiaki lacked come back to bite her. Chiaki had a severe lack of strength and physicality, allowing Ryuko to almost brush off the Spear.

Chiaki's attacked pushed Ryuko back into the ropes, but the pinkette was unable to actually bring the brunette to the ground, something Ryuko was more than ready to take advantage of. She started by blasting Chiaki's belly with her knee, doubling the Lightweight over as she coughed up spittle onto the mat. Then Ryuko put Chiaki flat on her stomach with a massive downward strike onto the pinkette's back, the force of the two blows already leaving Chiaki's limbs shaking as she slowly tried to push herself back up. From outside the ring, Fuuka's eyes went wide in shock as she watched her partner get so wholly overwhelmed.
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Re: Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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Ryuko sent Chiaki down to the mat and smiled. "This is why little girls shouldn't get in the ring with real women." Ryuko said with a cocky smirk on her face. Ryuko grabbed hold of her opponent and scooped her up, parading her to the center of the ring before spinning and then stopping, giving her a hard smack on the backside! "What goes up must come down right?" Ryuko said to her before slamming her down in the middle of the ring as hard as she could!

Ryuko stood over her and held her arms out taking in a mix of cheers and boos from the audience. Some liked the show of dominance while others wanted a good showing from the smaller ladies in the ring. "I thought this was going to be a challenge.... I guess I was wrong huh?"

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Re: Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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Chiaki was a pretty realistic person, she knew that she was probably overmatched after the first exchange she had with Ryuko. But that didn't mean she was going to just roll over for her, and she especially wasn't going to let the former Wrestle Angel run her mouth as she pleased. When Ryuko picked up Chiaki, the gamer girl knew she had to stop the brunette's momentum now if she wanted any hope.

To that end, while Ryuko was parading Chiaki around on route to the middle of the ring, the Lightweight would launch one kick into Ryuko's stomach, then another into her chest as she tried to pull herself out of her opponent's grip. Chiaki succeeded, falling out of Ryuko's grip and onto her back before she rolled back up to her feet. "If we're not real," Chiaki said as she rose. "Then we're gonna be the glitch that ruins your program!"

Chiaki would run off to the side off the ring to bounce off the ropes before running back at Ryuko. Her aim was to make the Wrestle Angel thing the gamer girl was just going to try charging into her again, but if she did, Ryuko would instead be greeting with Chiaki going down to trying baseball sliding through her leg. If that worked in getting Ryuko to the ground, Chiaki would then rush to get on top of the brunette and put her in a Camel Clutch.
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Re: Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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Ryuko got over confident and paid for it. She took a few hits and stumbled, dropping Chiaki down to the ground. While the smaller woman ran Ryuko was ready to plant her with a big boot to the chest but the thunder empress was now balancing on one leg when her opponent slid under her. Ryuko stumbled and fell forward onto her stomach groaning.

Before she could push herself up to her feet Ryuko felt Chiaki climb on top of her and lock in a camel clutch! "Ngh... little twerp!" Ryuko shouted as she kicked her legs as her had was painfully pulled back! Ryuko tried to get her arms free knowing that if she could reach up and grab Chiaki's wrists she had a very good chance of using her strength to pry Chiaki's hands off her to power her way out of the hold.

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Re: Handicap Elimination Match: Thunder Ryuko vs. The Keyboard Warriors

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In theory, on paper, Chiaki was indeed a jobber within LAw. But her middling record failed to show what could only be seen from actually watching Chiaki fight. She fought hard, going into every fight to giving it nothing short of everything she had to give. Most women who have beaten Chiaki would be lying to you if they tried to say Chiaki didn't make them work hard for that win. Now it was Ryuko's turn to see what Chiaki had to offer in the ring.

Chiaki felt prideful when she locked in her Camel Clutch, forcing a sound of pain, the second greatest form of recognition there was in wrestling after submission, out of Ryuko after the veteran wrestler had brush Chiaki and Fuuka aside. Alas, triumph rarely lasts. Chiaki very quickly had an angry Ryuko giving it her damnedest to escape, and the smaller, weaker Lightweight found that she just couldn't hang on. She was eventually forced down to the mat, her hold broken.
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