Kimiko blushed as she marched down the hallway towards the arena. She was dressed in a full bunny suit and heels with boxing gloves. Her cute poofy cotton ball tail even wiggled along with her ass as she strutted down the hallway. She caught a few eyes and laughs from onlooking wrestlers hanging out. "I can't believe I'm doing this... I also can't believe this is my introduction to boxing either! Well at least its for a good cause..." she muttered to herself. Tonight's match was the 'Boxing Bunnies' charity event, which Kimiko entered to test her boxing skills. What she didn't know is that she was contractually obligated to wear a revealing bunny suit and boxing gloves for the entire night.
Her breasts were already spilling out of the sides of the suit as it snugly pressed to her chest, jiggling themselves out as she walked. She tried to push them back in, but she was so uncoordinated with her gloves that it only made the problem worse. "Ugh- whatever! I can't even grab anything in these. What were they thinking?!" she muttered again. Despite her complaining, she actually liked how the bunny suit looked on her. She actually had more support and covering on her breasts than she did in her main wrestling attire. Kimiko was seriously considering wearing this suit to her matches more often.
She approached the entrance to the arena and gave a pouty huff as she waited. Kimiko sighed knowing she was in a bad mood. "Come on Kimiko, it isn't all that bad. You look really good in this anyway! You haven't won a single wrestling match yet. Maybe tonight will be your first win!" Kimiko reassured herself. She immediately felt better about herself. "Yeah!... I'm ready to take home a victory tonight!" she exclaimed. Kimiko started bouncing up and down in excitement for her to be called out. She quieted as the announcers came on the speakers:
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! And thank you for coming to the Boxing Bunnies charity fight! Tonight's bunny bout will have two of LAW's loveliest ladies in an boxing match! And that's not all! Once the match has started, neither fighter will be able to leave the ring until her opponent is knocked out!.. Now without further ado, let's introduce our first bunny!"
"...Entering the arena, hailing from Japan- Standing at 5'4" and weighing in at 153 lbs... She's LAW's cutest rookie, it's THE STARRR POWERRRRR!!!"
"...Entering the arena, hailing from Japan- Standing at 5'4" and weighing in at 153 lbs... She's LAW's cutest rookie, it's THE STARRR POWERRRRR!!!"