Hard Bodies and Chiling Ice: Freezer Katakura vs Yahagi Fujimoto

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Hard Bodies and Chiling Ice: Freezer Katakura vs Yahagi Fujimoto

Unread post by LunarOcean »

Normal Arena
Bikini Attire
Win by submission, cumming, or knockout
Opponents' abs must be pressed together when doing so
No rope breaks for body to body presses against the corner and ropes


So her opponent was a kisser huh? One who preferred girls? Had a fairly nice bust? Great core?

Yahagi was not sure why she had not asked for a match with this oddly named, white haired beauty sooner. She would have been entirely at home at her old league but here and now she had wasted no time asking her agent for specifically this woman, in specifically this kind of match, with a very specific abdominally related win condition.

Freezer probably was familiar with most of these but body to body? Maybe she'd bearhugged or splashed a few girls, but her own agents had told her this match would be very different. It was not even on a beach yet her opponent, clad in a sleek black thong and tightly fitting, slightly too small bikini top, had the sort of body at once densely muscled and powerful yet alluring, sporty, and voluptuous that seemed almost designed to be an equal to and a treat for the lusty white hair.

Yahagi was busy bouncing her back (and two other things by extent) against the ropes, hyped up with the sort of intensity of someone getting ready for something more physical. Freezer could see that but as she entered the ring, Yahagi bounced one last time, jogging to the middle a little slowly, letting the eye candy catch her opponent's sight before stopping to offer a hand.

"A pleasure to meet someone I share so much in the way of common interests with~"
She'd speak, her voice uncharacteristically haughty save for a short giggle that capped off her greeting. Her tone quickly reverted to her more casual, playful form. "I hope you don't mind; it's hard to find matches with girls who share not just my interests but also have the body to match it~"

She would attempt to draw her hand over Freezer's stomach if she would, brushing her palm across its surface and pressing slightly, trying to see if she might tense those delectable abs. Yahagi was going to have a lot of fun with those soon.
Last edited by LunarOcean on Tue Oct 11, 2022 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hard Bodies and Chiling Ice: Freezer Katakura vs Yahagi Fujimoto

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

“Freezer! Freezer! Freezer!”

“Flatten her, Freezer-chan!”

“Show her how a real woman rolls!”

As usual, the Katakura Kiss Club was in full attendance, sitting in their private section on the front row. Freezer’s most dedicated fans never missed a single one of her matches, and now that she was back in action, she’d worked with LAW to ensure they always had a few seats reserved when she was coming out to wrestle. Their support was always appreciated, and tonight she had a special little treat for them to savor - this was a match they’d all enjoy, and she started pleasing them from the moment she came out of the corner.

Freezer made her way down to the ring with a hand on her hips, strutting in style, coming down to the ring with proud steps as her Club swooned in appreciation. While her usual outfits were hardly chaste, it was rare for so much of her to be on display - the bathing suit clung to her features, her skin threatening to spill out any moment.

From what she could see, the woman in the ring wasn’t any less of a treat for the eyes, and Freezer would be appreciating her form closely…in a moment. Certain traditions had to be observed first, however.

Freezer made her way to her fan section and looked over the prizes on offering today. Every one of them stood at attention with lips presented, hoping they would be the chosen one, praying for the chance to taste her treasured lips. She ran a hand over her chin, inspecting the offering, before she settled on a little thing near the middle, a cutie that barely came up to her shoulders.

Freezer moved over to her, placed a hand at the back of her head, and pulled her in for the hottest, wildest, heaviest kiss she would have in her entire life. She held the smothering kiss while the tiny woman moaned in delight, then pulled away all at once to let her savor the taste. The woman stood for a moment, then leaned back, and she would’ve had a nasty fall if the others hadn't managed to catch her. Her eyes were glazed over, taken by the bliss.

Another satisfied customer.

Freezer slid into the ring to face her opponent in earnest, and what an opponent she was. While she was a lover of the female form in all its many variants, she always had fondness for the harder bodies, as someone who took great pains to keep her own in shape. Yahagi’s definitely ticked that box, with a body that was replete with toned, pleasing muscle. A body well worth rubbing against, and it was good that the woman herself seemed to share the sentiment.

”Why, aren’t we forward?” Freezer had a light giggle as Yahagi’s hands went to her abs, and she gave them a quick flex in appreciation. She raised her hands above her head and put her full body on display, not too worried that her opponent would try anything. She didn’t seem the type. ”Take your time if you want to touch my body. I don’t mind.”

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Re: Hard Bodies and Chiling Ice: Freezer Katakura vs Yahagi Fujimoto

Unread post by LunarOcean »

"You're the giving type I see~" Yahagi commented as she felt around Freezer's stomach, testing to see just how hard they really were. She pressed hard enough it might be slightly irritating but not enough that Freezer's flexes wouldn't resist her curiosity. "I'm a little warmed up already; you're not one who slacks often. Say, that little fanclub of yours get to train with you on the reg?"

She sinked at freezer as she looked to the ref, pointing to her own tits and tummy then to Freezer's. The referee lady, distracted somewhat by the pre-match passions, took a moment to blink then nodded to Yahagi who licked her lips as she turned to Freezer.

"It'd be unfair to have a taste while you're just sitting there playing statue. So, why don't we start this off a little more... intimately?" She asked, pushing her belly forward, taut and lightly tensed abs brushing together. She drew her hands back only to slide them up Freezer's arms, squeezing along her biceps before attempting to lace her fingers through her own. Her hands would squeeze tightly, pulling both sets of limbs to the sides as faces neared, bodies kissing, breasts molding against one another.

"How about... first to the ropes, pinned there to ten, tummy to tummy hm?" She purred, her muscular tummy tensing a little further. Abs that already had a notable hill like curve to them intensified and hardened, expanding in size not to merely brush against Freezer's belly but push. Daring to test how taut and tough it was and to entice it with heat, friction, and pressure. Her teardrop shape tits pushed forth to mush into Freezer's, perky and tight with little sag or flab - they mashed and resisted the urge to mold, daring her chest to try and push back.

"Think of it like a small taste of what's to come. Mostly, that belly of yours becoming all nice and soft under mine."

To accentuate her words, Yahagi's abs further intensified in strength, daring to push against Freezer's. Not to test them but to crush them in a muscular kiss of strength and sensuality, showing off her own hours of dedication and drawing a series of cheers. Both women were among the most physically impressive middleweights but it seemed the crowd was rather split on whose body was more ideal. Freezer had an inch on Yahagi who had a few more pounds on her, but seeing their bodies side by side, they seemed almost oppositional, elemental forces down to the colour of their hair and clothing.
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Re: Hard Bodies and Chiling Ice: Freezer Katakura vs Yahagi Fujimoto

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Freezer would never say no to a beautiful woman feeling her up, but she approved of Yahagi’s general choice of area. So many women favored her chest, or her butt, or her legs whenever they put their hands on her, and she loved that attention, but it was nice to find someone who could appreciate a defined core. That was the area that she put the most gym work in, that her diet was built around maintaining - a well defined core was a wrestler’s secret weapon, giving her the ability to throw around women well above her weight class. Her opponent could likely relate, and she made a mental note to exchange training notes when they were done, here.

”They try. Most of them can’t keep up, sadly. Poor dears.” She sighed, thinking about all the times her club tried to keep up with her when she took them out for jogs and left them breathless. They never lacked enthusiasm, though.

Freezer was thinking wistfully when Yahagi surprised her by coming close and pressing their bodies together. Pre-match contact like this wasn’t new to her, but having her not being the one to initiate it was a rarer occurrence, and her frigid facade fell away to surprise for a moment. It passed in a hurry, though, as her opponent laid out some opening terms. A little challenge to kick things off with.

”We’re forward, aren’t we?” She pressed back into Yahagi, giving as good as she got. She leaned in and used her weight to drive her abs that much harder, noting the resistance she was getting. Their breasts molded together, tried to envelop, but came up short - they were even there, or so it seemed for the time being.

”That all suits me just fine.” She brought her head forward, lips smacking as if she were going for a tantalizing kiss - only to stop just before the treasured contact. Not yet. Not with this one. “Let’s begin.”

The referee’s call came and Freezer surged forward, pushing hard into Yahagi with a wild attempt to drive her back, her body tensing to its fullest as she used it like a battering ram. It wasn’t the sort of contest she was used to, but that didn’t mean she was going to give it any less than her 100%.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Oct 12, 2022 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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