Mic Chick vs. Hailey Starr - Strip Fall Match

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Mic Chick vs. Hailey Starr - Strip Fall Match

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Mic Chick v. Hailey Starr
Match Type: Strip Fall Match
Rules: Each time one woman gets a fall on the other, they must strip an article of clothing. When one woman gains a fall on another nude woman, they win.

The lights dimmed in the LAW arena and suddenly a wailing guitar solo played for about ten seconds before puff of pyro went off. After a moment, Joan Jett's I Love Rock & Roll starts to play and Mic Chick steps out onto the stage, this time sporting jean bikini tops and bottoms combo with a striped bikini underneath, holding onto a microphone as well before smirking out at the crowd who got loud for her before she began clapping to her theme song.
Mic Chick would then begin to sing along to the song with her immaculate singing voice, taking the opportunity to take pictures with the crowd and slap hands with them as she does so without missing a beat, looking impressive the entire time while the crowd sings and claps along with her. When she got to the steps, she shouted, "LET ME HEAR YOU!" before leading them in the chorus, letting them take over as she walked up the steps and stand in the ring. On the repeat of the chorus, she joined back in to the close before it ended. She then held the microphone up, smiling happily as the crowd cheered her on loudly.

Eventually, Mic Chick took the mic down and looked around, waiting for the last of the rowdy folks to grow quiet for her to speak. "Well, Ell Aye Dubya... Mic Chick is BACK! And this time she's gone one hell of a treat for you! Because guys, I always do. Every time I'm out here, I'm bringing you something to get excited, but today you notice me in a little bit more... skimpy attire."

Gesturing to herself, the crowd cheered loudly, making Mic start to twirl, then shake her butt for a moment, before turning back. "Oh, you like that? Because if you're lucky, you may even get to see even more! Because ya gurl has been booked in a Strip Fall Match! And if you don't know what that means or you can't check out the context clues... it makes when me or my opponent get a fall, the loser has to strip one piece of clothing. In this case, tops... or bottoms. And then when we pin a fully nude opponent, then we will be the winner. But let's be real with ourselves, ladies and gentlemen... You're the winners here regardless. I mean look at me. My opponent is a looker herself. You can't stop winning so long as I'm in this match."

Wagging her finger, she would then walk towards one of the ropes, leaning over it. "And shame on your perverted little selves. Allowing me the pressure of all of this. Oh, why would I ever agree to such a match!? Screamed my manager, to which I told her that I'm kind of a free spirit--something she knows by now--and that any good look at my lady bits is bound to be good enough publicity. It's 2022 people! I'm a weird, eccentric rock star in Japan! I'm banking on a lot of people finding me, seeing me, and loving me anyway, and I get enough creeps asking for nudes already in every DM I have, so I might as well give every single one of them what they want under the foolish idea that it will stop the creepy DMs because it just never will."

Shrugging, Mic Chick grinned as she walked backwards, still speaking. "So we're going to have a rocking good time getting naked and fighting. Remember to say nothing but flattering things about my body if I do so happen to have to get stripped in front of you all, and please buy my album, join the Patreon, and send me your money on the off chance this blackballs me from everything, as if already being in LAW hasn't already blackballed me from enough." She then waved at the entrance. "Hailey Starr, get your sweet ass out here so we can get to the hot stuff already!" Tossing the mic over her shoulder, the rocker would then relax in her corner as the crowd cheered loudly, waiting for her opponent to come out.

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Re: Mic Chick vs. Hailey Starr - Strip Fall Match

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As Mic Chick tossed the microphone away, the lights went out, the room going dark before being illuminated by a dim pink hugh, electric guitar music slowly beginning to play. When the music hit a crescendo, the lights flashed on, revealing Hailey Starr atop the ramp, grinning! Tonight's match had rather high stakes. For each time she was pinned, she'd need to reveal some of her intimate areas to the world, allowing images of her body to float around the internet forever. The idea scared her, of course, but the affect to which this would entertain the fans was much too tantalizing for a crowd pleaser like Hailey! Besides, who said it had to be at her expense? She was gonna put on one hell of a show, and if that meant humiliating Mic Chick, snatching away her dignity in front of a screamong audience, then all the better!

"And her opponent, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 134 pounds, HAILEYY STARRRRR!!!"
Once Hailey stepped through the middle and top ropes, the first thing she did was hand the referee her jacket. It was perfectly comfortable to wrestle in, but she deemed it unfair to have more layers on then her opponent in this particular match. As the ref put the jacket away safely, Hailey would face Mic Chick, circling around her with a playful smile."Hey hey, gorgeous~." She greeted, already picturing what this girl would look like topless.

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Re: Mic Chick vs. Hailey Starr - Strip Fall Match

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Mic Chick was stretching in her corner as Hailey Starr made her entrance, sneaking a peek at her when she got close. She was a hot little number, just like she expected, and she shrugged her shoulders and then continued to stretch, crouching down for some deep quad stretches. And then eventually, the rocker would get out of her corner, rolling out one of her arms when she noticed that Hailey was circling her.

Giving her a peculiar look, she quirked a brow with a smirk and said, "Girl, you're about to make me dizzy if you keep doing that." She reached out to grab Starr's arm to cease her pacing, grinning more. "But you're pretty easy on the eyes yourself," added Mic, releasing the arm and then waggling her eyebrows. "Bet you look even better once I unwrap you." Running her tongue across her lower lip, the singer would then get into a grappling pose as the bell rang, giving Hailey a challenging look and an up-nod, daring her to make the first move.

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Re: Mic Chick vs. Hailey Starr - Strip Fall Match

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Hailey crouched into a grappling stance as she watched Mic for any sudden moves. She meant what she said when she called this gal gorgeous. She had nice thighs, a smooth, supple abdomen, and a pair of beautiful perky tits Hailey couldn't wait to squeeze. She watched the brunette, looking her in the eyes with a playful, mischievous grin on her face.

She raised her hands up in the air, hoping to trick Mic into a test of strength. If Mic takes the bait, Hailey lunges at the brunette's legs, attempting a double leg takedown! If this works, she's quickly on top of her foe, throwing an elbow into her stomach! "I really hope you're not all looks. This won't be as exciting if you got no brains." She'd tease, kissing Mic on the cheek. "But I guess it wouldn't be too bad. Either way, we're all gonna get to see a pretty girl's tits." Assuming Mic doesn't get her away, Hailey would attempt to lock in an armbar.

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Re: Mic Chick vs. Hailey Starr - Strip Fall Match

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Mic Chick was ready and waiting for some action as she saw Hailey go for the test of strength, lifting her arms in the same motion. A simple and easy beginning to a match--and it was rarely ever a grapple that Mic would win. And while she had no interest in it, the rocker was swiftly taken down with a double leg, followed by an elbow to her stomach, eliciting a pair of grunts from the girl. She got a kiss on the cheek for succumbing to the attack, wrinkling her nose, and then immediately got ripped into an armbar.

Putting her free hand on her shoulder, she groaned out loud. "Oh, I've got a little bit firing off between my ears... It hasn't been fried yet. But hey, we're going to see a lot more than just that," explained Chick as she began to maneuver and get to one knee while in the armbar. With a huff, Mic would then flip forward before countering with a wrist hold, pulling them both upright! "Smart enough to not let you have a free chance again, at least," And then with that, Mic would transition to a headlock, attempting to throw Hailey down with a headlock takeover!

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