Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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Match Type: 30 Minute Ironwoman Hentai
Victory Conditions: Score the Most Orgasms before 30 minutes.
Attire: Maid Dress

The Symbol of Love was in a good mood tonight, hell it was even a great one! Another offer of a sexual battle of lust was given to her and she eagerly accepted just hearing the terms. 30 minutes of non-stop action to see which of the two girls could outlast the other? There was no way that Claudia was ever turning that down, so much so she didn't even bother to see if there was any other additional details topped on to it.

Turns out there was. And Claudia being who she was, found it with great glee when she found out.

She was to do battle with a maid and she was also to dress like one for this battle. She loved the dresses of maids, she loved maids herself! It was a compiled bag of things Claudia loved and now to even dress up like one, she couldn't help but find herself excited as she exited out onto stage.
Proudly standing in her maid dress designed to her liking, hands on her hips and chest on proud display as she made her way towards the ring.

Climbing through the ropes, she leaned forward so that her ever so short skirt fluttered up and offered a peak of her panties that were hiding within as she slipped into the ring. She willingly showed herself off to the crowd around, twirling around at the magnificent dress she was given before she soon turned towards the ring, waiting to see the lovely maid to join her!

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Re: Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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Del sumi was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to fight in law again as she got her match after who knows how long she would be in a iron woman hentai match and told the attire was maid dress. smiling she would accept and get started on making her a more suited dress.

once her music came on del sumi would walk out into the stage with an equally short maid dress as Claudia and had thigh high stockings with garterbelt under them as she walked down the ramp and looked at her foe a very sexy maid she thought as she would enter the ring and stand infront of her puffing out her chest.

"it seems master requested the two of use ot fight for the right of head maid i do hope to see the lewd faces you make after this match is over." Del sumi said smiling at claudia. "hehe lets have a good match" she added as she would look at claudia with lust full eyes her master had been away and she had alot of pent up sexual frustation she wanted to let out on claudia.

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Re: Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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Claudia was giddy with excitement, swaying her hips from side to side as her skirt fluttered and continued to give sneak peaks of what was hidden underneath. It wouldn't be long for her anxiousness to be gifted with the sight of the wondrous girl that was to be her opponent. She watched with focused eyes on the maid making her way down to the ring, taking careful perception and appreciation at the maid's appearance and dress, a lewd smile curling on to her face as she was soon joined in the ring.

The two decked out maids, one real and the other just cosplaying, stood across of each other as Claudia had her hands on her hips, chest puffed out in pride as Del Sumi greeted her with the same puffed chest. "Hu hu, I don't know about being head maid, but if it means I can love you into the mat, then gladly!" she boldly declared, getting ready for some lewd action as the bell soon rang.

Claudia would brazenly walk up to Del Sumi, already geared up with just the sight of her opponent and the idea of a maid fight, a lewd smile on her face as she would reach out to cop a feel on Del Sumi's magnificent breast to give a tight squeeze. "Oooooooh you definitely are a high end maid~"

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Re: Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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Del smiled at Claudia as the girl spoke. "ho ho ho... you want to love me in the mat do you? well as a maid is best for me to give to the need of those under me" Del smiled as they stepped up to each other she would let Claudia grab her sizeable breasts and smiled reaching up and groped the blondes breasts back. "mmm nice size chest you have" she smiled.

After a bit of squeeze Del would push her self into Claudia and kiss her deeply on the lips as her other hand would reach under the cosplaying maids skirt and grab the girl's ass. Breaking the kiss she looked at her. "mmm such a nice ass you have in fact you have a nice body in general. " Del smiled as she pressed her body into Claudia's.

she would look at the girl as she went back into kissing her while she grope and kneaded the girl's breasts and ass. she was going to enjoy this match very much she thought.

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Re: Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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Claudia copped a feel of the maid's breasts, her lips curling into a smile with how good they felt in her hand. Courtesy would demand that Claudia would let the maid seize her by the breasts as well, the Symbol of Love freely allowing the maid to enjoy her tit in exchange. " have some nice ones too." she cooed back, the smile on her lips turning mischievous.

She would pull on Sumi's breasts to pull her into a kiss, but it seemed that she was on a similar wavelength with the maid, who did the same thing back to her as the two women engaged in a heated liplock from the get go.

Claudia released the breasts, wrapping around to loop her hands underneath the skirt and started to massage Sumi's butt as the maid had already gotten ahead of her as her hands rolled and grounded into the cheeks, pushing herself against Sumi as their match got underway!

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Re: Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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Del would smile at Claudia as they were on the same wavelength and would kiss each other in a heated lip lock. however del got Claudia first with the butt grabbed. continuing the kiss she would feel claudia knead her breast and would start humping Claudia's crotch with her own."mmm " breaking hte kiss Del spoke. "mmm such a sexy maid you are Claudia i can't wait to see how long you last against a real maid" Del giggled and would bite down on Claudia's neck and give her love bites.

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Re: Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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The two maid dressed women wasted no time in getting to know each other in the most physical sense, grabbing at each other's butts with their hands slipping underneath the short skirts of their dresses. Hips pressing forward and grinding against the other in a mutual hump while they traded spit with prodding tongues, hands grasping on breasts as Claudia was getting heated up by the exchange.

"Aaaaaaah..." Claudia moaned out, arching her head back as she clutched tighter onto the maid while Del had made out with her neck! Her hands went deeper into Del's butt cheeks, squeezing her panty covered buns as she took a step back, pulling Del with her before she too would shoot her head down to return the love bites on Del's neck!

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Re: Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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there were no room between the two dressed maids. Del would kiss and lick Claudia's neck more feeling her give love bites on her neck. "mmmm ahhhh" Del moaned as she would knead the girls rear and pull down her panties. "mmm fuck your so hot Claudia" Del moaned as they kept the mutual hump.

Del giggled as her sizeable chest rubbed into claudia's and licked her lips as she gently nibble on the blondes ear lobe.

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Re: Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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The fabric of their dresses mashing together, ruffling as their large breasts mashed together and stomachs sliding as they made out in the center of the ring. The crowd rumbled with excitement seeing the kind of action at the start of the match, wondering how the two would go at each other once the match actually began! "Mmmmmmm so are you..." Claudia moaned out as the maid nibbled on her ear, sending sensual shocks throughout her body all the way down to her groin that grazed with Sumi's!

She was getting excited and she wasn't willing to wait any longer as she secured a tighter hug, pulling Sumi even tighter against her body, pressing her boobs even harder into the Maid's as she brought her face closer to their opposites.

" about we really get started?"

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Re: Claudia Augusta vs Del Sumi (Maid Dress Ironwoman Hentai Match)

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Del smiled as they rubbed bodies she was already so hot and bothered. hearing Claudia's words after a tighter hug she smirked. "mmm yes let's get this started already. " Del said. she would hump Claudia's crotch with her own as she kissed The girl's neck. She was excited and wanted to get this fight truly started as the bell had rung long ago already. "mmm ready when you are Claudia. "she said in a sensual tone. this was gonna be a hot fight and she couldn't wait.

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