Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

Unread post by Lederface »

Fight Type: Humiliation Brawl
Victory Condition: The opponent must accept his submission and the winner must accept it.
Special Rule: After each Pin, Surrender, Tapping, or Knockout, the opponent must drink a Shot of Whiskey.
Tashido was quite nervous about what her fight could give her experience tonight, so smiling and ready for anything, she would be at the door to advance, so with an attitude that showed quite happiness, she appeared before everyone, waving with a smile as she advanced, she was greeted with applause, so when she arrived at the ring, she would be ready, waiting for her Opponent.

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Re: Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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Entrance Music:
Masuyo was in a good mood today. Training had been paying off, she hit a new PR at the gym, and LAW had given her another new opponent! Masuyo had nothing else to do so she did some research. Apparently, her name was Tashido and she was a bunny? Regardless of her apperance, The Silver Flash knew better than underestimating her opponents, especially after what happened with a purple someone. After sliding down the ramp in with yellow lights shining on her skin, she made her way to the ring where she jumped over the rope and got in the gorilla position, smiling and calling out to her opponent. "I hope you can handle all this whiskey!" Waiting for the bell, she glanced at the shot table that was loaded with shot glass after shot glass. She hoped that she wouldn't have to do the drinking and would instead be doing the winning!

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Re: Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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Tashido smiled when he finally saw his opponent, she seemed quite friendly, and he could feel that aura of excitement that new girl gave off, according to Yukari's report, so when she finally entered the ring and made a comment about drinking, Tashido laughed at that, so Tashido would just send her a kiss before standing in the corner waiting for the fight to begin.

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Re: Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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Masuyo looked at her bunny themed opponent, who blew her a kiss before very much to the silvernettes disgust. “Is that for the crowd or do you really want me that bad. If you do, i’m sure we can get something arranged.”


Immediately after her statement, the bell rung, which encouraged Masuyo to step forward, raising her arms to invite her opponent to a test of strength. “Let’s do this!”

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Re: Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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The bell rang and Tashido knew it was a good way for her to get off to a good start, seeing that if her opponent went almost instantly for a duel of strength, Tashido would take Masuyo's hands, and before long they would both be pushing hard to see how strong they both were

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Re: Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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Masuyo was content seeing her opponent accept her challenge and the both locked hands. Pushing forward, The Silver Flash used her might to try to push the bunny forward! “I hope you can keep up with me!”

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Re: Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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Tashido did not take long to realize how bad she was compared to Masuyo when strength was the main axis, being slowly pushed backwards, thinking of something, Tashido would have an idea, so giving a strong breath, she would let herself be pushed completely, trying that Masuyo's pushing force would take them both backwards and so Tashido would force Masuyo's body to move forward out of her position and hopefully, catch her head between her breasts.

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Re: Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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Giving up during a test of strength is possibly the most unexpected thing you can do. And that was Tashido's whole plan as she let Masuyo push forward, causing the silvernette to fall forward, landing her face smack-dab right between her opponents bosom! "MMMPHHHMMM!" The Silver Flash could feel her face to begin red hot as her nose dug deep into Tashido's breasts. "I hate being in positions like this."

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Re: Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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Tashido let inertia move them both where Tashido wanted, and when Masuyo went straight for Tashido's breasts, she knew she was now in control of the fight, with the classic dominator and dominated, so Tashido while holding one hand had Masuyo between her breasts, the other hand would hold one of Masuyo's hands in order to make it more difficult for her to escape.

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Re: Tashido vs Masuyo - drink to the end

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Reaching her arm out in an attempt to escape, Masuyo felt her hand counter by her opponents. It was practically impossible being forced into between her opponents well sized breasts, and with one arm left, The Silver Flash had to think fast, or else she would be toast! “MMMPPTHHHH!” The silvernettes eyes began to slowly open and close as darkness crept up on her. Fighting to stay conscious, Masuyo balled her other fist and shot it at her opponent, but it only came through as a light tap as darkness finally swallowed The Silver Flash whole and her body became limp.

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