Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Submission Match
Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara
Win Via Submission
Stipulation: Prisoner of War
Phoebe Duclair
Today was a good day for Phoebe. She decided to answer the challenge of another wrestler in LAW, the "Sparkling Idol" Barbara. Phoebe had definitely heard rumors about how Barbara fights, which could definitely be considered rather lewd. But today's match was a Submission Match, and as someone who knows quite a few good submissions, she dosent expect Barbara or anyone to last long against her. And when Phoebe wins, she can force Barbara to do anything she wants, like pick up groceries so she can stay at home more. Or Tie her shoes. And so her music started to play.

The lights dimmed and Phoebe walked down the stage to a mixed reception from the crowd, a good amount loving her smug attitude, another amount despising it. She walked down the ramp, and then up the steel steps, and then went under the middle rope. She then went to her corner and did a pose to make the lights go up.

Phoebe then waited for her opponent to make her way to the ring so she can get this done and over with.

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Re: Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Barbara wondered if it was the popularity of her punishment games that made it so that she kept on getting booked into POW matches, or if it was because other people still thought she was an easy mark to prey upon. So far, the two matches she had with such a stipulation had ended very poorly for the offending party, and Barbara had two very successful livestreams where she humiliated her erstwhile opponents in quite the spectacular fashion. Now here was another girl eager to become a participant. Phoebe Duclair was a newbie to the league with few matches and little to her name. She did have quite the attitude though, judging purely by her social media activity. And she had a fashion sense that contrasted sharply with the bright cuteness that Barbara usually wore. Even the idol had to admit that by appearance alone this was a good matchup.
One of Barbara's music videos showing a previous performance of hers played over the speakers as the idol stepped out onto the ramp. She waved to the crowd, smiling her perfect bright idol smile, blowing kisses to the crowd as she walked down the ramp. She got a much more positive reaction than Phoebe, as expected from an idol. But there was a noticeable undercurrent in the crowd's reaction, though they cheered her on more than a few had perverted smirks on their faces. Some of them hoped Barbara would lose, as to them that was more entertaining than when she won!

"Not tonight perverts," Barbara thought as she climbed into the ring, "You won't get the satisfaction of seeing me submit!"

After entering the ring, Barbara took a look at Phoebe to size her up. She was smaller than she expected, standing several inches shorter than Barbara and looking a bit lighter. That probably meant she was faster than the blonde idol, but as this was a submission match that advantage might not come into play. Barbara was feeling pretty confident as she walked up to the center of the ring, her hands on her hips, blue eyes looking down upon the cute goth girl standing before her.

"I can't imagine why you would want to be here Phoebe," Barbara said, "Are you really so eager to take part in the punishment games? I hope you'll be a good sport about it, I'd hate to have to drug you up like I did with Riri!"

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Re: Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Phoebe visibly cringed at the sight of Barbara, how in the hell did this lady get such a reputation. It was so bubbly and gross, it was going to give her diabetes. At least she won't have to deal with it for to long, maybe make her dress in something more easy to the eyes.

"First of all, stop looking down on me. I know this league thinks your too precious and cute to be given a real fight that they regularly feed you jobber after jobber. Your whole appearence is enough to make someone drink. And when I make you tap in less then 5 minutes, the crowd will see your tears run off your fake ass boobs." Phoebe said before heading to her corner.


The bell rang, and Phoebe motioned her hands, looking for a Collar and Elbow Tie Up to start and prove her superiority to Barbara.

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Re: Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Barbara's had a bemused reaction as Phoebe made her comeback. The idol's experience after coming to LAW was very different from what Phoebe described, as she got put up against veteran wrestlers in unfair match-ups right from the start. If anything she was expected to be the jobber, but after showing her true talents and proclivities she was finally getting the kinds of matches she deserved. Well, if the goth girl wanted to think that about the idol, she could. It just meant that destroying her would be made that much easier!

"Such big words coming from such a tiny girl!" Barbara said, clicking her tongue in distaste, "Well, if my appearance disgusts you so much, I think I know what your punishment will be. I'll dress you up all cute and parade you in front of everyone!" The idol let out a cute saccharine giggle, turning back to her corner to await the bell as well.

When the match started and Barbara saw Phoebe moving in for a lockup, she couldn't be made happier. The smaller girl was giving up her advantage in speed to fight up close and personal! This was absolutely perfect, as all Barbara was wondering how to keep Phoebe close in this match, and here she was offering herself up on a platter! Barbara immediately moved in, locking up with the smaller goth girl in a collar and elbow.

"You'll look so cute when I put you in a dress," the idol taunted as she grappled with Phoebe, "What color would you like? Pink? Baby blue?" After a moment of grappling, she would shift positions, changing her grip to grab one of Phoebe's arms with both hands, wrenching it up and twisting it back in a painful armbar!

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Re: Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Phoebe and Barbara tied up in a Collar and Elbow Tie Up. "Yeah you wish." Phoebe said, doubting that Barbara would be able to beat her. Even if she was smaller, she still had way more skill then Barbara.

Until she was locked in a painful standing armbar, having her hand twisted and pull. "Umph! " She grunted,,trying to hold in any pain. Barbara had it tight, but Phoebe had every other limb free. She just has to stay calm.

And she did, as she started attempting to kick Barbara right in the stomach, trying to get her to let go.

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Re: Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Barbara twisted cruelly on Phoebe's arm, pushing down hard to force the goth chick to bend over while applying incredible pressure to her wrist, elbow, and shoulder. She figured this wouldn't be enough to make her submit, but it would hurt quite a bit and perhaps leave Phoebe's arm weakened. As she forced Phoebe to bend over though, she didn't expect the girl's counterattack to come from below! That fishnet-covered leg lifted up and shot back, her boot catching Barbara right in her lower gut!

"Guh!" Barbara gasped. The boot sunk in and knocked the wind from the poor idol. Barbara had to let go of Phoebe, taking several steps back as she held her lower stomach. "Tsk... ahhh..." Barbara sucked in a breath, wincing in pain. Even though she wanted to keep the pressure on Phoebe, she wouldn't be able to immediately attack, giving the goth girl plenty of time to recover.

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Re: Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Phoebe managed to get her hand free from Barbara's Arm bar, it was still feeling a bit of pain, but Phoebe shook it off. Phoebe had to give it to Barabra, she wasn't expecting her to pull out an armbar like that. But now was not the time for respect. Barbara was vulnerable, and Phoebe knew exactly what to do.

She ran towards Barbara, before jumping up, attempting to wrap her arms around Barbara's neck. If that worked, she will Plunge Barbara's head into the mat with a Jumping DDT.

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Re: Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Seeing Phoebe come running in, Barbara sucked in a breath and pushed away the pain in her gut, tightening her abs as she prepared to receive whatever hit Phoebe had planned. Luckily for her Phoebe wasn't planning to come in for a strike, instead running in and jumping up to grab behind Barbara's head! Out of instinct, the idol's arms wrapped around Phoebe's waist, her stance stiffening as she held on and refused to be brought down by Phoebe's move!

If it had been against a bigger and heavier opponent, there was no way Barbara would have been able to hold on. But Phoebe was smaller and lighter than the idol, sp her strength would be enough. With a roar, Barbara instead lifted Phoebe up, one arm hugging her tight around the waist while the other grabbed behind her thigh, aiming to throw her backwards into the mats with a Fisherman Suplex to reverse and counter the DDT attempt!

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Re: Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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Phoebe jumped at Barbara, hoping to drop her head into the mat with a Mighty DDT. "HUH?!" Phoebe gasped, as her body hadn't felt the mat yet, instead she was still in midair, as Barbara had caught her.

"Shit!" Phoebe said as she was slammed onto her back by the Fishermen's Suplex, not knowing on if Barbara would continue with her assault. This had her worried, Barbara having such a Decisive strength advantage.

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Re: Hot Topic vs. Sparking Idol: Phoebe Duclair Vs. Barbara

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The demonstration of her power elicited a loud cheer from the audience. It often came as a surprise to her opponents and the audience just how much strength Barbara was output from her relatively small body. Luckily for her Phoebe was even smaller and lighter, making it much easier for Barbara to power through Phoebe's attempted attack, lift her up, and then throw her head over heels in a fisherman's suplex! The impact rocked the idol's body, giving her that satisfying feeling of slamming her opponent hard on her back. No doubt Phoebe would be in quite a bit of pain after that hit.

Barbara didn't bridge up for a pin, releasing Phoebe after the impact and quickly rolling over onto her hands and knees. She looked at her downed opponent with a grin on her face. "Still think I'm just a cute creampuff?" she asked. She figured Phoebe would be too stunned to answer.

The idol grabbed Phoebe's arm, pulling the girl up as she got back onto her feet. She wasn't going to give Phoebe a chance to properly recover. Throwing her arm over her back again, Barbara grabbed Phoebe around her waist, bracing herself before pulling the girl off the mats, lifting her all the way up before throwing her backwards, aiming to slam Phoebe hard in the middle of the ring in a backdrop suplex!

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