And when the beat dropped, the gold-toned lights flared fully to life! Gold confetti rained ceremoniously down from the ceiling. It refracted the light in a dazzling display of gaudy gold. And at the top of the stage stood the Lightweight Champion!
Rose Gold once again stood at the top of the ramp... Radiant. Her trademark golden hair was tipped with brilliant pink. Her lips were painted as black as her intentions, highlighting her alabaster skin and the soft blush upon her cheeks. Her eyes were swept with black liner, angular and sharp. It made her honey-gold orbs glitter, 24kt.
But tonight her attire was much different than the audience had expected. Her top was little more than a collar with sleeves. The approximation of a tuxedo that stopped existing at the base of her breasts. A cartoonishly short tie fell between her cleavage. Her sleeves were held in place by cufflinks, comical, given the lack of the rest of her attire. The pale swell of her bust was completely bare save for a pair of brilliant golden pasties shaped like spades atop her nipples. They hid their appearance but failed to mask their contour.
Like her top, only the least important half of it was present. Black heeled boots that ran all the way up to her hips kept her legs from view. But everything that a decent woman kept covered, was out on vulgar display.
Her belly and hips were similarly fully exposed. From her flat athletic tummy to the mound of her pubis to the delectable curves of her inner thighs. Like her breasts, only the presence of her perfect pussy was veiled. Again, by a golden pastie, this one, an upside-down spade. And again, it clung to her so tightly that the features beneath were visible to the naked eye. Her plump, round ass was fully naked and jiggled with every step towards the ring.
And finalizing the affront to decency was a pair of black bunny ears atop her golden crown of hair. She addressed the LAW Audience tonight in a reverse bunny suit.
And lastly, she carried the symbol of her reign. The crown that made her Queen. The Lightweight Title. It hung over her shoulder, clutched by one hand. It's face was showing, her name embroidered prominently upon it.

Cheers heralded her approach to the ring. Her right hand dangled a microphone from its base, her weapon of choice. And once inside the ring she brought it to her obsidian lips with a smug smirk. With a flourish, she turned to face the ramp and her expression then curled into a dark smile as she put her lithe, sensual body on display for the audience. She was always dressed for a fight. But tonight... Tonight she looked dressed for something else!
"LAW!" She demanded attention! "Welcome your ACE!" She threw the hand that held the title skyward and allowed the lights to shine upon it!
"This may be hard to believe, but there was a time -before- I was a champion. A time when I was an eager upstart. When I had been considered to be a shooting star in the world of Hentai Wrestling!" Her cheeks were rosy with affection. Affection for herself and her own achievements.
"I've left former champions of the division dripping from my lips and moaning out my name." She bit her lip seductively. Exciting herself with memories of her past conquests and allowing a scene of Eirina Makishima trembling in orgasm beneath her.
"Well tonight, I would like to welcome a woman who has declared herself a similar upstart in the Hentai Division!!" The crowd would have murmured if they weren't so busy cheering lustfully. They knew tonight's event wouldn't be a normal Midas Touch. Rose Gold had been sure to drip-feed them constant imagery of sex. From her revealing attire to video packages of beautiful women moaning under her manipulations.
"Please welcome tonight's guest!" She gestured to the top of the ramp. "Naya Kazashi, come and receive The Midas Touch!"