Normal match
win by pinfall , submission or knockout.
Satomi was excited as she was looking forward to her first match of 2022. As she bin through an lot in 2021 , and it bin excited to say the least.Still she wanted to keep going , and maybe finally win an match as she could not let the company now. Since the only reason she was even her was to help promote Musashino Milk , and well she could not do it if she kept losing could she. As nobody would get behind someone who was an loser , and that also counted for the company who backed said loser.
Now she had not really gotten an wrestling attire so she stuck with the simple white bikini she wore last time. Still she really needed to find something else as that bikini was not really made to wrestle in , but that was something to worry about another time as it was showtime. Since she heard the lyrics of her favorite song being played as fripSide - final phase was being played.
An second later she got the all go to walk out as she would go down to the ring as she waved at the fans.When she was about halfway down to the ring she would hear the announcer said ''from Tokyo,Japan. Standing at 135ibs, It's Musahino Milk's favorite spokeperson Satomi Mii''as she climbed into the ring as she waited for her opponent to arrive