'You better not make me look bad if we end up facing an couple of hotties Sis or I will kick your butt again once the match is over''yelled Thereshima as she saw her sister was busy getting dressed. As the blond had already chanced into her wrestling attire which consisted of an pair of boots with wings that were connected to the heel as they were made of white and gold , and an white mini skirt and blouse combo as her long blond locks were hanging loose as it reached her behind.
Once the other woman had gotten dressed the blond finally got an response as Elisabete replied ''
please remind me again which one of us was the one who pinned our opponents when we faced off against team jet girls again. As I seem to recall that an certain blond bimbo was getting her ass handed to her until I made the save , and picked up the win''as both sisters glared at each other as the blond hated her sister brought that up. Still she would never admit it as she replied ''
whatever ,but you should seriously stop eating all those snacks as you can barely fit in your outfit Elisafattie'' as the purplenette growled at hearing that as she checked out her attire which consisted of an pair of white shoes , purple and blue stockings and an white and grey corset while her hair was hanging loose like her sister.
With nothing more to do right now the pair would leave the dressing room as they made their way to the gorrila position.After arriving their they were pushed towards the curtain as an few seconds later ''Fly away by Panty and Stockings began to play as the pair of sisters walked out onto the stage. As they began to dance while waving at the audience. While walking down it became clear both girls were trying to outdo the other , and that the blond was winning as the fans began to chant her name more then Elisabete as the announcer said ''
The following team hails from Porto,Portugal . Standing at an combined weight of 275 ibs , It Elisabete and Thereshima Silva aka the Silva Sisters''as both girls got into the ring. However before the blond would get inside she would wiggle her ass driving the fans crazy as all Elisabete could do was watch as she glared at the blond.