Match Type: Standard Match Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout
Yuki hadn't fared well in her last high-profile match at We Are LAW 2020, but the former indie star was slowly but surely working her way back up, and all of her fans were eager to see how she was going to bounce back swinging. Since she had come back from a period of training and honing her skills to reach the levels of LAW's finest, Yuki had won a few victories, each one building her momentum and rallying her supporters behind her. This match, she hoped, would be no exception to this.
"Coming first to the ring, from Yokohama, Japan! Measuring in at 5'4 and weighing 118 lbs., YUKI KAZIKURA!!" Spoiler
The chords of Yuki's theme music playing over the intercom and the voice of the ring announcer quickly mixed with an uproar of cheers from the fans as Yuki stepped onto the entrance ramp. Placing her hands on her hips and raising her chin, she looked out into the crowds with a proud smile, taking in their attention. Even after all the ups and downs of her careers, from her greatest victories to her most crushing losses, Yuki's fans always seemed to count on her, and she couldn't help but feel moved by it. But of course, Yuki wouldn't let that attention get to her head - not before the match was over, of course. Until the bell sounded, she knew it was still anyone's game, and she needed to do whatever she could to assure it would go in her favor.
Soon adopting a more characteristic stoic look, Yuki took in a breath and made her way to the ring with careful, measured strides, keeping her attention fixed on what was in front of her. She slipped inside through the ropes, stretching for a moment as she came to rest in the corner. There, she awaited the appearance of her opponent, wondering just who she would be up against.
Amano was excited for this. It was just a normal match, but it had been awhile since she was in the ring and trading blows with people. After all the months of training in the dojo, hunting for some decent sparring partners, and taking quite a few knocks during her practice matches, she was pumped to finally get some real action in.
And as piano and strings of her music came on, the Rascal Demon walked out onto the stage. It was... way more populated than what she was use to. This Yuki person must had been quite the popular one to get something like this. From what she could make out from the distance, Yuki seemed to be just a typical wrestler. Typical wrestling outfit, typical wrestling boots, just... a normal wrestler. Given how the crowd was cheering Amano expected someone flashier.
Of course... the second she came down the ramp is was uneasy murmurs, some hissing, and even some jeers. After the bloodbath of a match with Himiko it seemed the crowd didn't little like her, scared of her even. Whatever. She stuck her tongue out at the crowd, flashing her black panties and she made her way to the ring, taking strides in her step to show off her legs and body. She slipped between the ropes and immediately sized up her opponent. Taller, but nothing she couldn't handle. "Heeey Yuki-chan~" She said, grinning. "Ready for the roughest match in your life?" Spoiler
Last edited by dlamp on Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yuki would admit that she didn't know much about who Amano Jaku was. The name was faintly familiar, and she recalled hearing about her before, but Yuki wasn't typically one to follow wrestling news or watch the broadcasts. It wasn't for lack of trying - Yuki enjoyed wrestling, and she was always happy to see others living out the same passions she herself felt. But she lived a busy life, and after recently graduating high school her schedule was only just now starting to open up. She would rather spend her time training and improving her own skills than watching others.
All that was a roundabout way to say that, when Amano made her presence known, Yuki didn't know what to expect. She certainly didn't expect what she saw, as a young woman in an outfit that hardly seemed practical for wrestling showed up; she wasn't sure if this was some sort of joke or what Amano hoped to gain. Yuki could tell from the reception she got that this girl wasn't the most well-liked - but, from her attitude, she didn't seem to care about that. She also seemed to be...less than modest, from the way she carried herself. A faint blush came to Yuki's cheeks, but she bit her lip and glanced off, crossing her arms and standing at the ready. No point in getting distracted; she had a match at stake!
As Amano entered the ring, Yuki stepped closer, keeping her eyes locked on her with a steely, focused gaze. "I'm ready for something, all right," she said, "but I like to think I'll be ready for whatever you have to throw at me! Do your worst..." She knew she was inviting trouble with that statement, but after her last few wins, Yuki was sure she could prevail. Besides, doubting her own abilities could only weigh her down - and she knew she had to keep moving up! She nodded to Amano, issuing the challenge between them.
Amano struck a wide grin at the Yuki's challenge. The girl seemed pretty standard at a glance, but Amano was glad to see a fighting spirit in there. This might not be a boring match after all if Yuki's steely look had some actual mettle behind it. Knocking the confident edge she had would be a treat. "Oh, I'll do my worst and more, Yuki-chan!" She declared. "I'll make sure you scream and cry real loud before I put you away."
She took a step back, waiting for the bell to sound off and start the fight. She was itching to fight this girl now.
Yuki bit her lip, hearing the taunts coming from Amano. Despite her initial impressions that her opponent didn't seem to take things as seriously as she did, Yuki could tell now that Amano was definitely committed to what she was doing - and that was to make her suffer! She spoke in the voice of a true sadist, relishing in the opportunity to torment Yuki. Not just to beat her in a match, but to hurt her, and humble her. Almost like...
No. Yuki had to shake that thought out of her head. She sucked in a breath, reminding herself she needed to stay calm and hold together. She couldn't let her composure waver here; that was exactly like Amano wanted. The moment she let a chink in her armor show, the Rascal Demon would tear her apart. If Amano was bringing the worst, Yuki would have to be ready for it. She sucked in a breath and straightened her back, standing taller and nodding her head to her opponent as she took a step back.
With the sound of the bell, the match was on. Yuki lowered herself into a stance, tentatively approaching on Amano with her fists raised. When she got in close enough, Yuki would reach toward her opponent to enter a lockup. Knowing what Amano had shown her so far, Yuki wasn't so sure she would accept it on fair and even grounds, but she was prepared should that happen.
The bell rang out and the match was under way. In an instance the atmosphere changed. Amano's eyes sharpened as she went into her stance. Hands out in front of her, feet apart. A more upright position than Yuki, but just as focused. Modern wrestling style against a more traditional one from the looks of things. Oh, I'm gonna' enjoy this.
Yuki started inching her way toward Amano while she circled around Yuki, examining and observing her. Still just as focused and ready as when Amano first saw her. Once close enough Yuki tried to lock up. Amano was tempted obliged, but...
Amano thrusted her arm out, going for a strike at Yuki's jaw with her palm. If Yuki wanted a standard fight she'd have to work for it.
As she lowered herself into a stance, keeping her eyes on Amano, Yuki had the opportunity to study her opponent's posture and movements. She was surprised to see that the girl abruptly stopped taunting her, and was now diverting her full attention to the match. Yuki had been expecting to be up against someone wild and unpredictable, but her eyes widened as she watched the girl across from her assume a more disciplined and careful stance. If Amano's boistrous and chaotic attitude had just been a front for her true skills, what else could she be hiding? Furthermore, Yuki was able to recognize her stance as more in keeping with karate and other striking arts than wrestling. While she knew a good few strikes herself, it was still part of a discipline that favored grappling and holds, and the opponents she had faced in the past more often than not had similar skillsets. She was used to dealing with them, but if Amano was could she expect her usual strategies to work?
Normally, Yuki would have been prepared for a tricky opponent. She would keep her eyes on her, watching for any sudden movements and preparing to counter. But now her confidence had been shaken, and even as the two girls came closer, Yuki was distracted by her own inner thoughts. She wanted to see the palm thrust coming, and to be ready to catch it. She knew she should've been. But she wasn't.
"Gah-!" Yuki's head cracked backward from the impact, her dark hair trailing behind her with the motion of her skull. Wincing, she stepped back and rubbed her jaw, glaring back at Amano through narrowed eyes. She panted under her breath. She couldn't let that happen again.
Amano smirked, seeing Yuki wince from the blow. The first strike was hers. It wasn't like she was using all her strength, but it a was feeling to know she could hit her opponent. Even nicer was the glare Yuki gave Amano in return, making her smirk wider. Practically a declaration of war by Amano's standards, as well as refusal to let the blow decide the pace of the match. Amano had a good opponent to play with. "Want more, Yuki-chan?" She teased, beckoning her to come at Amano. "C'mon, let's see you hit me back. If you can."
She was ready for a war now. A blow had been made, the two were set on conquering the other, and at the very least Amano wasn't letting Yuki walk away without some bruises to remember the match. "I'm waiting~"
Yuki huffed under her breath, deepening her stance. She hung back, pressing her heels against the canvas as she raised her hands and thought over her options. To strike now seemed like it would have been the most obvious of answers, and yet, Amano managed to make even that seem worthy of second-guessing. She was taunting Yuki, daring her to hit her. But if she did, that would have been exactly what Amano wanted.
Yuki sucked in a breath through her teeth, realizing that she had been caught in a deadlock. If she attacked, Amano would likely have a counter ready if she was this intent on Yuki meeting her head-on, but more than that, it wouldn't have been a blow that came from her own free will any more. It would have been her conceding to Amano's demands. Even a well-placed, hard-hitting strike from Yuki would have been a win for Amano on the psychological front, as she'd have managed to pierce through Yuki's iron will and determination in forcing her to make a move. And yet, if Yuki didn't attack, that would almost be just as bad; Amano would have free reign to make a move against her. She furrowed her brow in frustration. The match had barely begun, and already Amano was proving to be a uniquely difficult opponent.
The best option she had, she thought, was to meet her halfway. Yuki stepped closer, drawing back her hand and going to throw a chop toward Amano's chest. At the same time, she would use the momentum from the swing of her arm to circle around her foe's side in the same motion, trying to get behind her, where a counter-attack would have been harder to connect.
Aw, don't wanna' take the bait? Amano snickered. Yuki looked a little conflicted, likely debating between giving the little demon what she wanted or backing off. Either would work for Amano. Giving in meant there was a good chance to catch and counter an easy move. And waiting just gave the little demon more time to gloat and taunt the girl. And so she waited, hand on her hip and a coy smirk on her lips as she did so. "Today, Yuki-chan~"
Then, Yuki struck.
Either a chop or a lariat from the way her arm was stretched back. Amano braced herself, feet planted firm on the canvas and arms out and ready. Her initial relaxed stance made it hard to completely get ready though. And Yuki was far faster with her strike than Amano was ready for.
-Taking a hard chop to the chest that had her wince and stagger back a moment. It wasn't exactly painful, but Yuki could make a hit sting, that's for sure. Sucking in a sharp breath of her own, Amano brought a hand to her chest, gritting her teeth, and look to see Yuki slipped around her. "Tch," Amano pivoted on her heel slightly, her arms reaching out to grab Yuki's arm and toss her over Amano's shoulder in retaliation.