Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Standard Match: Win via pinfall, submission, or knock out.

Tara cracked her neck and stretched her arms above her head with a smile as she got ready for her next match backstage by the guerilla position. She had been on a massive streak lately and she was quite proud of that, especially after the disaster that was her debut which she was still sore about. Shaking her bead before she got too caught up in those thoughts Tara would do a final double check of her gear to make sure that everything was where it should be and locked on tight.
Satisfied with her final check Tara began walking with a confident gait to the entrance ramp. No fear or hesitation in her stride her entrance music would kick on as soon as she passed the threshold, so by the time it was in full swing she was already outside on the top of the entrance ramp. Throwing her arm up in the air Tara would smile as she posed for the fans. Strutting down the ring with a small smirk on her face she gave winks to the crowd members as she passed them, making her way to the ring.

Jumping up and onto the apron in a crouch she smiled as she sensually stood up, making a show of her ass as she did much to the fans approval. Turning around Tara would wink at the crowd before jumping up and dropping into a perfeft split into on the mat before sliding her torso under thr bottom ropes before pulling ber feet under her and popping to her feet with a smile as she sauntered to a corner and climbed up it posing once more for tbe fans before dropping down and turning to lean against it as she waited for her opponet to come down.

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Re: Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Rarity was in the back room stretching. Prepping for her match at hand. Surely she had. planned to make a name for herself in tonights bout. Rarity only knew a bit on her opponent. With some help from Twilight researching. So Tara Jeager, quite the name. If I remember right she's as competitive as they come. Surely I can use that, lets see here... oh how interesting her debut match was interrupted. If I were a betting woman I'd say she has a chip on her shoulder from that. Rarity said finishing her prepping. Making one last check of herself. Rarity went on to show herself to her endearing fans.
Rarity would quickly come out as her music played. Greeted by the warm cheers of the audience. Rarity as pompous as ever would notice some of the audience members wearing her own merchandise. Rarity would even walk how you think she would considering her back ground. Not that it angered many people. If anything some enjoyed it, for whatever reason. Now onto the ring Rarity would walk herself up the stairs and ordered the ref to open up the ropes for her. Now sliding through she made note of her opponent. Ah Tara Jaeger, a pleasure really. You should be thankful that you are holding a match against me

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Re: Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Tara watched with a easy going smirk on her face as she watched her opponet make her entrance. ‘Well someone’s humble.’ Was the dirst thought to pass through her head as she saw the sheer aura of smugness that surronded Rarity as she strutted her way down like she was an actual princess. ‘Then again going off those looks... wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case.’ She thought to herself as the woman entered the ring.

Raising a eyebrow at her words Tara couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. ”Me be thankful? Uhh ywah I’m thankful I get to humble a cutie like you.” She responded back in her normal playful and teasing tone while also making it known how she felt about the other woman’s ego that dripped in practically all her mannerisms and words. But Tara being Tara decided to play it all off in a joking manner. Rolling her shoulders Tara began bouncing from heel to heel in preperation for the match which would no doubt start soon.

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Re: Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Whether or not you could tell or see it. Rarity was being quite humble in her opening display in the match. Rarity would describe her humbleness as being different than others. Though that was neither here nor there. Cutting back to the ring, Rarity would make her opening comment to Tara. Trying to gauge her reaction and see what she could do with it.

Seeing how the response was rather playful, Rarity knew that Tara wasn't one to be angered all to quickly. Ah you seem to think I shall be humbled, maybe I should take you on a forceful trip down memory lane. Say your debut match? A shame really, a more competent wrestler would've done better Rarity said to her opponent brushing her hair. Turning around now, back facing Tara. Rarity would use the ropes to do some last minute stretching before the match.

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Re: Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Tara kept her easy going smile on her face after comment towards Rarity. To her she could deal with pompous or arrogant people rather easily, after all it was easy to deflect with jokes, as well as as her own confident attitude. However the next words uttered by the woman did something very few in the league had done. It made her frown, in genuine distaste and even anger as she balled her fists up in anger.

Tara was a prideful fighter, she took her wins and losses seriously, or rather she took HOW she attained those seriously. Thats why to her, the biggest, most disrespectful and mortifying thing was a win or loss via disqualification for any reason. Hence why her debut to this day remained a sore spot for the belly stretcher and a quick spark to her fuse.

Nostrils flaring and teeth gritting Tara had to tske a few deep breaths before she could respond to to her opponets slight, trying to keep ber composure so as to not give Rarity any satisfaction. “Heh... good one... She ground out with sarcastically as she cracked her neck. “But I’ll show you what competence REALLY looks like.” She said while tensing her body, readying herself to shoot forward the moment the bell rang.

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Re: Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Rarity knew what she said. Hoping that it would have the desired effect, being that it would anger Tara. That way in the match her actions are clouded by her emotions. That only makes it easier for Rarity to take advantage of. From the looks of it the reaction is exactly what she wanted. Little tells like balling up her fists, taking deep breaths to calm herself down. Sure Rarity would rather some sort of tantrum, but either way she got what she wanted.

Rarity could tell that there was a character shift in Tara, not as free going as before. Ah well it seems someone is eager, thats a good look in your eyes. Maybe you can give these people a good show Rarity said prepping herself from whatever Tara had in mind.

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Re: Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Tara continued to glare at Rarity as she spoke again, her words not doing anything to quell the flame of anger that sparked to life in Tara. ”Oh you bet they’ll get a show.” She said, the sharp ring of the bell shooting off and giving Tara the offical ok to charge forward like a bull at a matador. ”I’m sure the crowd will love it when I smack that smug smile off you’re face!” She snapped out while she ran already tensing her leg muscles as she threw one of her lower limbs up in an attempt to strike Rarity in the gut with a vicious knee strike to her gut!

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Re: Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Rarity got what she wanted. Rarity wanted Tara mad and on edge so that she would make mistakes. Mistakes that Rarity can possibly take advantage of. Hoping to goad Tara into doing a risky maneuver to start. With the bell ringing Tara would flex those leg muscles of hers and dash at Rarity. The speed of it was honestly impressive. But nothing Rarity was not ready for, seeing Tara raise her knee looking to strike her gut. Rarity would use her hands to block the knee. Hoping to counter with a rising elbow to Tara's chin. If that were to land, Rarity would grab a hold of Tara's hand and toss her into a corner.

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Re: Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Tara continued to glare at Rarity all throughout her charge to the pompous woman. As she neared Tara viciously lunged up throwing her leg up to try and smash her knee into the woman’s face. The hope being to wipe that smug smile off the woman’s face through force. That was the idea at least. However Tara’s eyes widened in shock when she saw her strike being blocked by the arrogant woman. ‘What the..’ she thouhht to herself in shock before her eyes widened further in pain.

”Gah!” She yelled in pain as jer opponet’s own elbow connected with Tara’s jaw as she stumbled back, only for her momentum to be halted by Rarity herself grabbing hold of Tara’s hand. “...Shit.” She ground out before being sling shotted to the corner. Unable to stop herself Tara at least turned herself around, smashing into the corner with gasp of pain as her back blossomed in pain from the impact.

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Re: Shining Diamonds: Tara Jaeger vs Rarity

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Rarity was able to counter Tara's early and aggressive assault. Sure Tara made it seem like the words didn't get to her, but her actions showed otherwise. Now Rarity was able to show her foe that she was more than capable. Well that was quite simple, charge in like a fool with no plan. Seems like it is all you can do. Rarity said to her opponent, knowing she controlled the flow of the match now. Not wanting to rest on her laurels Rarity started her offensive push.

Moving close to Tara, Rarity would spread place her arms on Tara's shoulders. Hopefully to keep her from moving to much. Hoping to add some injury to injury. Rarity would look to raise her knee and hopefully strike Tara in her midsection! Just as she tried prior.
Last edited by Aqua on Thu Oct 29, 2020 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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