Electro Emilia (D) vs Gina Vandersmith - An Electric Clash of Heavyweights

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Electro Emilia (D) vs Gina Vandersmith - An Electric Clash of Heavyweights

Unread post by FinyBoy »

Normal Match
Victory via Pinfall, Submission, Count-out, or Disqualification

Gina Vandersmith was dressed and prepped for her second match in LAW. She had on her black and white sports bra, along with her black briefs. In addition, she wore black finger-less gloves and black and white wrestling boots. Over her attire, she dressed herself in a black robe that came all the way down to the floor, giving her that dark empress look she liked to have. She was primed and ready to get out there and kick some ass!
Gina Vandersmith
She was still licking the wounds to her pride after that extremely embarrassing defeat to Killer King. Despite her boasts and taunts to show how much better she was than him, he still completely dominated her in her first match here. In that single match, he had invalidated her entire dominating streak that she held on the indies, as well as her multiple title-runs. She was looking for redemption in this match. A new blood wrestler should easily do the trick! She felt bad about squashing a poor rookie, but her reputation was important here. If the girl put her over enough, she might even take her out for coffee as a thank you. The fans would never know, of course.

Her theme music hit, and she appeared at the top of the ramp. The fans were still a bit lukewarm to her, given the slaughter of a match she suffered last time. It didn't help that she tried to give off the appearance of a dominant wrestler, which didn't mesh well with her previous performance. Nevertheless, she made her way to the ring. Slowly slipping between the ropes, she got into the ring and took off her entrance robe.

She made her way to her corner, arrogantly leaning against it and waiting for her opponent to arrive. "Come now! Bring me the rookie so I can take the easy win!"
Last edited by FinyBoy on Wed Jun 19, 2019 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Electro Emilia (D) vs Gina Vandersmith - An Electric Clash of Heavyweights

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This is her first match, Emily has been training hard for this day. She has gone silent on social media about what she's been up to since quieting her music career. But of course there have been rumors. Some of her fans have put together that she's coming to LAW as a wrestler, but the big question is why. Why would someone quiet her music career when she was just started to make it big to become a wrestler? The answer being that Emily was bored and wrestling seemed fun. After getting dressed in her small blue dress with dark blue leggings and bridal gloves, and a head ornament for her entrance, she is ready to have some fun in the ring.
Electro Emilia
Electro Emilia was always somebody who like to make an entrance, and her entrance into the wrestling world will be no different. As she enters the stage, they turned off the lights. The only thing that can be seen are two dim blue lights coming from her head ornaments. She starts to slowly make her way to the ring, and her music starts off slow. As the announcer starts introducing her, the music picks up. When the announcer says "ELECTRO EMILIA!", the music hits the chorus, and the light turn on revealing Electro Emilia in all her 6ft glory. She slips under the ropes and into the ring, with a big smile. She waves at the cheering crowd and makes a heart with her hand at them. She then gets into her corner and turns to her opponent. She smiles and waves at Gina. Electro Emilia is ready for a good match.

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Re: Electro Emilia (D) vs Gina Vandersmith - An Electric Clash of Heavyweights

Unread post by FinyBoy »

Gina watched as her opponent, a girl called "Electro Emilia." At least, that what the announcer called her. Gina wasn't too big on pop culture, but this girl gave off serious pop signer vibes. That didn't really help her to understand why this girl was here in this ring now, but that was hardly important at this point.

The girl had a lot of spunk. Gina would give her that at least. Perhaps maybe too much. Gina scoffed at her as she waved from across the ring. How could she be so friendly against a woman who's going to slaughter her? Either way, if she wasn't ready for carnage, then it would just be easier pickings for the girl in black. Although she would try not to hurt the girl too much.


As the bell rang, Gina came out of her corner and began to circle her opponent. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, she would look to lock up in a grapple with Emilia in the center of the ring

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Re: Electro Emilia (D) vs Gina Vandersmith - An Electric Clash of Heavyweights

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Her opponent made a minimal response to Emilia's wave. It didn't bother her too much, just as long as her opponent can have fun. She is in this for the fun after all, she hopes her opponent is the same. It would be a shame if her opponent actually wanted to hurt her. Emilia can take the pain, but a lot of pain isn't very fun. Emilia removes her head ornament, sets it outside the ring, waits for the bell to ring and the match to start.

Emilia moves away from her corner, carefully eyeing opponent. They circle each other for a couple of seconds before Gina goes in to lock up with Emilia. Electro Emilia's arms are not the strongest. Most of her strength are in the legs. Gina is probably strong enough to best Emilia in a grapple.

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Re: Electro Emilia (D) vs Gina Vandersmith - An Electric Clash of Heavyweights

Unread post by FinyBoy »

The two girls lock up in the center of the ring, each one pushing against the other. After a few seconds, Gina gains the upper hand and begins to overpower her opponent. She starts to push Emilia backwards, using more and more of her strength to push the white-haired girl towards the corner. Her aim was push hard enough to smash Emilia back-first into the turnbuckle so she could start an offense going.

She held no grudge against this girl, nor did she hold any negative feelings for her. This was simply Gina's way of doing what she needed to do to win. She needed to show her dominance, she needed to show her power, she needed to recover from her humiliating loss. Emilia, was her ticket to showing that.

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Re: Electro Emilia (D) vs Gina Vandersmith - An Electric Clash of Heavyweights

Unread post by PrincessBlair »

Emilia loses the lock up and Gina is able to over power her. Her opponent manages to push Emilia back into her corner. Electro Emilia winces in pain as her back smash against the turnbuckle.

It seems that Gina is stronger that Emilia, and Emilia realizes she has to get away from her if she going to win. But Emilia is at a disadvantage for now, she can try to get out of the corner, but Gina can pretty do what she wants. If Gina doesn't immediately try to pull a move on Emilia, she will try to move out of the corner.

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Re: Electro Emilia (D) vs Gina Vandersmith - An Electric Clash of Heavyweights

Unread post by FinyBoy »

Gina manages to get Emilia into the corner, easy peasy. This match is already looking to be a wrap from Gina's perspective. Her gaze bares down into the pop star, who might as well be a tiny ant underneath Gina's shoe. Emilia is vulnerable, and the girl in black is about to make her suffer for it.

"Ohohoho! In a pinch already, are we?"

Gina cocks her arm back, and she quickly lets loose a solid forearm, which she aims to smash into Emilia's chest. All her power is going into this big hit. She wants to dominate this girl. She wants to humiliate this girl. Assuming the pop star doesn't dodge, this attack might just leave a mark.

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