*While casually scrolling through the avalanche of messages she received on a daily, if not hourly basis Kieda managed to stop on one that caught her interest- She was scheduled for a match this evening, and against none other than the tenacious titaness Astrid Ostenberg. That name rang a bell for some peculiar reason, and after giving it a moment of thought, it finally struck her as to why.* "
Oh! That's right...she fell to Jess not too long ago, then managed to embarrass Gambit at her own game. Perhaps she could provide me with a scrap of entertainment tonight~" *The Azure Assassin ruminated for a bit before quickly changing into her ring attire. The possibilities were almost endless when going up against someone as versatile as Astrid- While not only boasting a high amount of offense and defense, she could seemingly outlast anybody she fought without expelling too much energy in the process. The winner would almost certainly be determined by who could outlast whom, and Kieda had no intentions on showing any quarter tonight.*
*After putting the finishing touches on her trademark ensemble, Kieda strolled down the hallways while making eye contact with the nameless jobbers that crowded her aura. It wasn't their fault that fate had been kind towards her while constantly keeping them in its crosshairs, but she wasn't about to sacrifice even a vestige of her spotlight for them- Tonight was going to be her night, as it always was, and nobody could pry it from her perfectly manicured nails!*
*As her anthem filled the arena, the crowd instantaneously reacted with a tsunami of applause. Kieda had amassed a humungous following over the course of her career on LAW, and while it personally caused tingles to travel up and down her spine, she knew that she couldn't break character. The Mauve Maelstrom blithely flipped her ponytail backwards while marching towards the ring, before promptly hopping up onto the apron and slipping through the center gap.*
"Yes, yes, I'm phenomenal. Thank you for pointing out the obvious." *Kieda remarked, and even with her scathing apathy, her beloved fans continued to shower her with praise. Before long, she was swimming in the attention they bestowed upon her.*
"Ass-assin! Ass-assin!" *She could hear them chanting while cavalierly resting her backside against an adjacent turnbuckle. Astrid had a rough night ahead of her, and Kieda wasn't planning on making it easy by any stretch of the imagination1*