Well this was an interesting little match. She had done smother matches and she never shied away from showing off at a pool. But this was a combo that she never expected to be in at the same time. She was excited even though she was going solo at this, and quite the solo outing it was. She was fighting someone with a legacy. Someone who probably had spent years of there life honing there craft, someone who Amber couldn’t underestimate for a single second. At the same time she had long since gotten over the fears of not being good enough now it was all about proving she was good enough and while she was apprehensive about what was ahead she also found herself more excited then before. Amber came out spinning she still had her Pom-Poms but she wasn’t wearing her traditional ring attire having instead traded it for something skimpier but still her color. A sky blue bikini that she danced to the ring in looking as extravagant as usual. Though unlike before she discarded the Pom-poms on her way to the ring knowing that wit the pool around it they’d just get wet or be in the way, entering the ring and blowing a kiss to the crowd. This was the kind of thing she loved to do and regardless of what came next she wouldn’t trade it for the world.