Sliding into her pristine white attire, tight fitting around her perfect body, Hana Tanaka would finally dawn her boots before leaving the locker room. Having had less matches lately, Hana enjoyed the downtime with her family, friends and girlfriend, but the shy-gal had trained relentlessly as always, in preparation for her return to the ring. A feeling deep within her gut, told Hana this would pay off tonight, that this would be her biggest fight yet.
Hana knew nothing of her opponent besides a vaguely familiar name. "Skylar Jones." Frequently studying the roster, the greenette figured she had probably spotted Skylar before, but beyond that she didn't know anything. But once State of Mind began to play throughout the arena, Hana's determination shined through her shyness. Hana didn't need to know who her foe was, especially with her adoring fans behind her. On her way to the ring, Hana didn't do anything out of the ordinary. The greenette did her best to wave and be friendly, taking some photos, despite her face being beet red.
Arriving in the ring, the shy-gal found her foot impatiently tapping on the canvas of the ring. Hana hoped her gut feeling would turn out to be true. A tough fight that she may lose was better than an easy battle she wouldn't learn anything from. Ultimately, though, Hana had faith that this would be an exciting return to the ring.