New Faces & No Rules: Claire Thompson vs. Aja Verdant

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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New Faces & No Rules: Claire Thompson vs. Aja Verdant

Unread post by B.Lemme »

Match Type: No holds barred
Victory Conditions: Victory achieved via pin fall, KO, or submission

Claire was ready for her next match and despite it being a no holds barred match. She was just happy to get more in ring experience, especially when it was against another new face in the locker room. Sliding into her standard attire, Claire pulled at the strap before letting it snap back against her skin. She decided not to wear the bikini underneath her competition top this time. The two layers of fabric weren't exactly comfortable, and she'd never had issues with this fabric coming dislodged in the past. "Alright! Here we go!"
Getting to the entry of the arena, her music blared across the speakers to, once again, a mostly meager reception from the crowd. Still being very new, Claire didn't expect much. However, she was hoping with a little more exposure she'd eventually come out to a massive crowd response at some point! At the very least, she got to enjoy her theme being played for the masses as she skipped down the ramp.
Sliding into the ring, Claire would stand and wave to the fans. She was eager to see this other new face to the LAW roster, and even more curious how she would stack up against her! Giving one final wave, Claire would move to the far corner before placing her leg on the top rope and being stretching herself out for the coming match.
Lemme's Ladies
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