Hayasa Kondo vs Anna Sigrid
Win by pinfall , submission , count out or dq
Hayasa changed into her wrestling attire which consisted of an blue leotard with white outline , white knee and elbow pats , red wristbands and finally blue and white wrestling boots. As she hoped to keep her streak going by beating whoever she was to face tonight as she wanted to keep the current momentum she was on going by winning yet again.
Taking an good look at the mirror she decided that her attire looked good ,and would make her way to the backstage area. As she heard the announcer introduce her as it would soon be here time to shine as Easy Love by Sumire Uesaka began to play. Taking an deep breath she would walk out as she gave an mischief smile as she waved at the fans as she yelled ''who wanna see me make an fool out of my opponent''as the respond she got was laughter as the audience remembered how her debut match went.
Trying to not show how the lack of an reaction made her feel as the announcer said ''now entering the ring from Hayama , Japan. Standing at 4,11 and weighing in at 100ibs , She is the Prankster Queen Hayasa Kondo'' as she thought ''yes they added the prankster queen bit ''as she climbed into the ring , and wait for her opponent to arrive.