A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

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A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

Unread post by monkey299 »

Hakuno waited for her music to start while in the Gorilla Position. She wasn’t too sure what to think for this match. While she was excited for her match, she wasn’t too sure about her opponent for the match.

After finding out she was gonna fight someone debuting, a girl named Brittany Baxter, she decided to find some stuff about her. So far, most things said about her…weren't the most positive. Still she wasn’t gonna judge Brittany till she met her.

Hearing her music playing, Hakuno stepped out of the curtain and headed towards the ring.

She decided to try a bit off a different outfit for this match. She is wearing a simple black sports bra and tight shorts, barefoot with elbow and knee pads to finish the look. So far she like the new outfit. She was told that her opponent was gonna be wearing something similar revealing like her current outfit, so she decided to wear something similar.
No gun. Knee and elbow pads. Barefoot
Music entrance
Entrance Music:
Hakuno nodded towards a couple of fans, high-fived the closest ones before she reached the steel steps. She climbed them and got inside the ring through ducking under the second and third rope. She got on top off the second ringpost before she posed for a few seconds, making everyone cheer at her posing.

Afterwards, she stepped down and headed towards her corner.

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Re: A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Brittany was backstage and ready for her first fight. And the slobs definition of ready for her first fight was going without a shower, preparing to humiliate and disgust her opponent by shoving her crotch in their face. But more than that, Brittany was looking forward to getting her foe to kiss her foot. It was a perfect match type for the unwashed slob.

Hearing her entrance theme begin, Brittany exited the backstage onto the top of the ramp. The ravenette played to the crowd a bit, putting her arms behind her head and flaunting her body, despite her small breasts. Brittany followed up that pose with one displaying her much more prominent behind, wanting to display her ass.

With the fan-service/ego satisfaction out of the way, the slob made her way to the ring where she spied her victim for tonight. "Heya, I'm Brittany, the girl that's gonna beat up on your ass! Hope ya didn't wear any nice perfume, cuz my foot and my butt in your face are gonna stink it up!" Brittany snorted, lifting up her barefoot at her opponent before turning around and smacking her ass in her foe's direction.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

Unread post by monkey299 »

Hakuno stretched for a few more seconds till she heard her opponent's music. Her eyes locked onto her opponent, watching as she came down the ramp and soon flaunted her body around inside the ring.

Her eyes wandered all over her opponent’s body, a little surprised that she kept the hair not on her head pretty unkempt. She knew most, if not all previous opponents shaved and kept a clean appearance.

Hakuno narrowed her eyes lightly and scrunched her nose at Brittany’s words, this wasn’t the first time she heard someone was gonna beat her. Though it was the first time someone said she was gonna stink up her face with her body with her feet and ass.

Her eyes wandered across the bare foot and ass when Brittany exposed them. She could already see some sweat dripping from both spots and didn’t want to imagine the smell. She was hoping she was gonna face someone who’s nickname was misleading but guessed she was wrong.

“Sorry but you’re gonna be the one who’s gonna lose and kiss my foot.” Hakuno said as she walked into the center of the ring. She would wait till the bell rang and brought her arms up.

Hakuno was planning on doing a classic collar and Elbow against the black haired girl, planning on her opponent would do the same.

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Re: A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

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Brittany snickered as she heard her opponent's response. The slob had appeared off-putting and unlikeable, as usual. She didn’t mind that, though, if Hakuno was weirded out by Brittany then she was glad. "Izzat right? How 'bout I make you kiss both my feet, then, huh?" Brittany threatened as a response to Hakuno's confidence. As Hakuno approached aiming to lock up, Brittany raised her foot to kick her foe in the face!
Last edited by Mysterdio on Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

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Hakuno wasn't weirded like most people would, though due to never really wrestled someone who takes pride in being sweaty before, she wasn't too sure how to handle someone like Brittany. "You'll have to win for that to happen."

Hakuno was so used to most characters following her example for a classic collar and Elbow lock up that she didn't predict Brittany to kick her instead. Instantly she got slammed to the ground by Britany's sweaty barefoot, leaving Hakuno a little surprised about what happened.

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Re: A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

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As Hakuno responded to the slob by telling Brittany she would need to win to make good on her threats, Brittany seemed to be ahead of her there, as the slob's bare foot connected with Hakuno's jaw! Brittany snorted and laughed obnoxiously as Hakuno hit the canvas with a shocked expression. Making sure to capitalise on the opportunity, Brittany approached her opponent and attempted to mount their backs. Flexing her muscular calves, the greasy-haired ravenette would wrap her legs around her foe's neck before grabbing hold of her wrists, aiming to lock in a headscissors on Hakino! "Like the view of my feet? You better, you'll be kissing 'em reeeaaall soon!" Brittany taunted, wiggling her toes in front of her foe's face!
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Re: A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

Unread post by monkey299 »

Hakuno blinked a little, surprised at the sudden kick to her jaw. It’s been a while since someone had surprised her during the first few seconds of the match.
Hearing Brittnay laugh, Hakuno blushed a little in embarrassment as she tried to get right back up. But before she could, the slob was already on her. Hakuno struggled a little as she was forced onto her stomach as she mounted her back.

Hakuno immediately began squirming and trying to get out of Brittany’s headscissors as the legs wrapped and squeezed her neck. Even worse as her opponent grabbed and held her wrists, stopping Hakuno from pulling at them.

Hakuno soon blushed more in embarrassment as her opponent wiggled her small, smelly sweaty toes near her face, making Hakuno wince at the smell and the sight of the sweat dripping from the foot. “Guh! N-Never.” Said Hakuno muttering as seeing the toes only made her struggle more.

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Re: A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

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Brittany snickered and snorted as she tightened her muscular calves around Hakuno's head. Brittany licked her lips with an audible slurping sound as she took great pleasure from choking Hakuno right away, taunting and embarrassing her right off the bat. Grunts of effort escaped the ravenette's lips as she strained herself choking Hakuno as much as possible. Brittany wasn't satisfied with that, though, as her opponent remained defiant. Being as cocky as she was, rather than pressing her early advantage, Brittany simply released Hakuno's wrists and neck. The slob got to her feet and walked in front of the still downed Hakuno. "Time to give. Come on, kiss em and be my biiiitch!" Brittany mocked, sticking her foot right in front of Hakuno's face, no care for defense.
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Re: A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

Unread post by monkey299 »

Hakuno kept on squirming and trying to break free at Brittany's surprisingly muscular legs. But despite her best effort, she couldn’t wiggle her head free from between the legs. “Mnn!” Grunted Hakuno as she kept on trying to break free.

But surprisingly she felt Brittany releasing her wrists and neck. Hakuno blinked a little as the slob walked in front of Hakuno and stuck her foot in Hakuno’s face, making the girl flinch at the smell. But seeing an opportunity Hakuno took it.

No!...But how about you kiss mine!” And as Hakuno said that, she would grab the extended leg with a hand and use her legs to kick Brittany's standing leg, sending the slob girl onto her back. Hakuno quickly stood up and with the foot in her hand, Hakuno grabbed the other foot and tucked both feet into her armpits.

She then tried to force the black haired girl onto her stomach and hoped to lock in a Boston Crab! Though instead of a regular one, Hakuno focused more on having her feet in front of Brittany’s face, wanting a little bit of payback after Brittany wiggling her smelly feet in her face.
Last edited by monkey299 on Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Sweaty debut: Hakuno Kirishima vs Brittany Baxter

Unread post by Mysterdio »

Though Brittany had held Hakuno in a position that she seemingly had no escape from, the early advantage went to the brat's head. Releasing Hakuno, Brittany strolled up to taunt her with the idea of submitting. This proved to be an obvious mistake, as Hakuno grabbed the slob's ankle, sweeping Brittany's feet! "Hey hey hey!" Brittany yelped as she hit the canvas, getting turned over in a Boston Crab! The hold hurt and caused the sweaty ravenette to strain quite a bit, but it seemed Brittany's taunting had got to Hakuno, who decided to make sure her feet were now in Brittany's face. The bratty slob was annoyed at first, before revealing an exhilarated and villainous grin. Grabbing hold of Hakuno's ankles, Brittany pulled forward, trying to dislodge Hakuno!
if you don't like smother fights you won't like this roster

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