Smothering start to 2024. Brianna Avis vs Maya Jones

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Smothering start to 2024. Brianna Avis vs Maya Jones

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Brianna Avis vs Maya Jones
Smother Match
Win by Smothering your opponent out any way you like

The blond Milf would just look at her reflection in the mirror as she was certain the fans were going to lose their mind when they saw her wearing blue wrestling boots , an blue skirt , black shirt and an blue jacket over it.As her only thought going through her mind was that she needed to win tonight. She needed to remove the shame she felt when Skylar beat her in the hentai tournament , and start 2024 with an dominate win over whoever she would face.

With those thoughts in her mind she would walk out the door , and towards the backstage area. Waiting for the moment her music would hit as she was gonna walk back with an win at all costs. As it did not matter what it would take to walk out with the victory as nothing matter then starting 2024 strong , and getting better for an eventual rematch with Skylar.

The moment Stacey's mom by Fontains of Wayne would start to play she would begin walking to the ring while every few seconds turning around to wave at the fans as they went nuts at seeing her breasts jiggle , but not being exposed yet at this time. When she was halfway down the ramp she would hear the announcer say 'now entering the ring from Orlando , Florida.Weighing in at 146ibs,It's Brianna Avis'' as she stepped into the ring as she awaited the arrive of her opponent.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Smothering start to 2024. Brianna Avis vs Maya Jones

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Maya stretched backstage, excited to have a smother match with another hot milf! She felt excited to get a win here, hoping to have fun humiliating Brianna, smothering the other woman between her plump tits!

"And her opponent, from Perry, Iowa, weighing in at 236 pounds, the Sensual Sadist, MAYAAAAA JOOOOONES!"

Maya came down to the ring as her music played, flexing her arms and giving her ass a little slap before joining Brianna in the ring, looking the other milf up and down. "Would you like a bed time story before I put you to bed, dear?" She asked teasingly.
Last edited by Deskfan45 on Mon Feb 19, 2024 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Smothering start to 2024. Brianna Avis vs Maya Jones

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Brianna would watch as her opponent came out , and she was unsure what to think. As she tried to remember what she knew about Maya as she heard the announcer introduce her as the sensual sadist. An nickname that did not really put her at ease , but also knew it would not matter as she would have to give it her all to start 2024 with an dominating with as she watched her opponent give her ass an little slap.

An obvious attempt to rile up the fans , and maybe signal how she intended to smother the blond out as Brianna just retorted ''was more hoping to learn how you wished to be smothered out tonight. Do you prefer my behind or chest as I slowly knock you out ''

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Re: Smothering start to 2024. Brianna Avis vs Maya Jones

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Maya put her finger to her chin as if in thought. "Well, with how saggy your breasts are, I don't think you could smother anybody with them. If you're lucky enough to win at all, it'd have to be with that ugly fat butt of your's." She said, taunting Brianna with a smug smirk.

The bell rang, and instead of locking up, Maya launched towards Brianna, slapping her face and going to grab her hair, starting this match as a good old fashioned catfight!

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Re: Smothering start to 2024. Brianna Avis vs Maya Jones

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''My tits aren't saggy you fucking bitch''yelled Brianna as that comment got under her skin straight away as Maya had struck the first blow. Her words cutting through her heart like an knife does through butter as the bell would rang. The match officially underway , and straight from the start the blond was put on the backfoot as the other wrestler went on the attack as Maya grasped her by the hair as Brianna would quickly return the favor as both woman were pulling hair as this catfight was about to go down.

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Re: Smothering start to 2024. Brianna Avis vs Maya Jones

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Maya smirked as Brianna snapped at her bantering. "Seems I hit a nerve." She muttered. The bell rang, and immediately the two milfs were at each other's throats in a classic hair pulling match. "Ngh, bitch!" Maya hissed in pain as her hair was pulled. She yanked harder on Brianna's hair with one hand and squeezed her t-shirt covered boob with the other.

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Re: Smothering start to 2024. Brianna Avis vs Maya Jones

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''Yes you did with your obvious slander as my tits are superior to yours''hissed Brianna as she would pull harder on her opponent's hair. Who in responds yanked on hers as the two woman kept pulling and yanking on the other person's hair as neither was backing down as their breasts grinded and rubbed together as only their t-shirts prevented them from making contact with pure skin.

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