La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

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La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

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Match Type
Resistencia Erotica Rules
Victory Conditions
A match with Resistencia Erotica rules is contested in the same manner as a Standard match up until a pinfall or submission is scored, at which point the competitor who scored the pinfall/submission is allowed a certain amount of time to pleasure their opponent, who cannot resist until the allotted time has passed. Once it has, the match resumes. This continues until an orgasm is scored.
As Bubbles Burste waited in the gorilla position, decked out in her wrestling outfit and ready to compete, she had to stop, take a deep breath, and let the whole situation sink in. As it did, she came to a less-than-stunning conclusion, but one that she, perhaps, took for granted sometimes - namely, she realized that she truly was one of the luckiest people in the world, and her upcoming match was the perfect example of why.

Bubbles, more or less, loved three things in the world: Sex, wrestling, and her wife. The fact that her ‘job’ required her to mix all three every time she came out was a true blessing. She got to be her best self, time and time again, got to mix it up with some of the sexiest, strongest, wildest woman from all over. Every day was a feast, and it wasn’t running out anytime soon. She couldn't have asked for more out of life, really.

And yet, somehow, she got it: La Dulce Estrella, the One That Got Away.

When Mariah told her about the match, Bubbles had been soaking in a bath, and the shocked outburst that followed created a tidal wave that they spent the better part of the next hour cleaning up. In her defense, Mariah should’ve known better than to just throw that on her out of the blue - after all, this had been a dream match of hers for years. She’d looked forward to her crossover match with La Dulce Estrella, following the woman’s career and lusting after her, so when it was all taken away because of some red-tape nonsense, well…

It hadn't been a happy time for her. She’d always regretted the way things went down, so the chance to put it right? That was surreal. It was an opportunity she wasn’t going to let go to waste, either.
Bubbles Burste!
She’d been so focused that she hadn't noticed her wife coming in from behind, but a quick pat on the ass was enough to make senses return. She smiled down at her wife as she made her way around and peeked out from the curtain. ”Big crowd out tonight.” Mariah whistled, then turned back and looked Bubbles over. ”Sold out, from what I’m hearing.”

That didn’t surprise Bubbles one bit. After all, she wasn’t the only one disappointed when the collaboration fell through. This match was a hentai wrestling fan’s dream, and they didn’t even have to shell out extra for a PPV. ”They’re expecting a show.” Bubbles cracked her knuckles as her blood began to race, her heart pumping so hard she could feel every beat. ”They’re gonna get one.”

A few moments later and Bubbles was making her way down the ramp, Mariah close behind, bobbing along to the sultry tones of her
. She threw a flirty wave out to the audience, then slid in under the bottom rope, popped up to her feet, and happily bounded around the ring, still popping with excess energy. She finally came to a rest as her music died down, and took up her position in the center of the ring, hands on her knees, leaning forward, a predator ready to pounce.

Just a few seconds longer…

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Re: La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

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La Dulce Estrella
The capacity crowd was going wild, filled with much of the same energy as Dulce herself. The sexy luchadora stood behind the curtain, head tilted forward, eyes closed, and hands brought together in prayer. When she told Mariah that their reunion was an act of divine intervention, she wasn't kidding. She could feel it.

God really did want this match to happen. Why? Her guess was that it was going to be a pivotal moment in their careers somehow. That their clash would inspire some kind of change. An evolution.

Dulce didn't know exactly what that would entail, but she was ready -- eager to find out.

was prompt; played just as the lord was given the thanks due to Him.

La Dulce Estrella would be met with cheers and whistles when she stepped out in front of the LAW universe for the first time, twirling to a stop just in front of the ramp, where she'd bring her hands to her lips and wave them out in their direction, raising her hands up high and to the side as the pyro machines beside her threw up the green, white, and red.

"Mamacita, where you at?
I've been tryna reach ya
So pull up, baby, can I see ya?
I'm down to meet ya"

Even the hook was in on this.

Seeing the mamacita in question staring ahead at her had her heart racing as she advanced down the ramp, hips swaying, every step producing bounce that made it look like a miracle that she wasn't popping out of her outfit. Every single time, salivating hopefuls would watch closely, certain that the next would be the one. The wardrobe malfunction would never come, and it never has. But it's been a real eye collector nonetheless, as it just screams "one of these days". It wouldn't stay on for too long anyway after the action starts, but the tease of getting a look at the goods beforehand...

"And introducing her opponent: Standing at five feet and five inches and weighing in at one hundred and forty pounds, fighting out of Mexico City, Mexico...! La Dulceeeeee Estreeeellaaaaa!"

Dulce made a point of remaining in Bubbles's field of vision when she made it to the ring, stepping towards a corner and gripping the top rope before leaping up and over, almost cartwheeling in. Her other hand would reach for the other rope connecting to the turnbuckle, allowing her to stop her momentum. The Sweet Star would hang upside down for a couple seconds before finally bringing her feet down on the middle ropes.

She bent forwards, intentionally providing a delectable rear view as she raised her hands to her lips once more and waved the love out to the fans. And then her attention would turn to her opponent, a confident grin crossing her lips as she looked over her shoulder. She just knew that Bubbles would be taking it all in.

After jumping off the ropes, producing one last bounce and yet another fashion miracle, she joined Bubbles in the center of the ring, locking eyes with the white-haired amazon at last and leaning forward in a ready position of her own, one hand extended in a show of sportsmanship.

She felt no need for words. Just the way they looked at each other would say everything that needed to be said. This thing's been a long time coming, and that bell couldn't ring soon enough.
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Re: La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

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There was the music.

There was the woman.

It was everything that Bubbles had pictured in her dreams - no, maybe even better than that. This was a damn sight better than the arenas they would’ve wrestled in before. Bigger crowds, bigger lights, bigger stage, bigger everything. Bubbles was a stronger woman than she’d been back then, physically and mentally, more seasoned and streamlined, and she could only imagine that her opponent could say the same. She’d wanted this woman for so long, lusted after her more than just about anyone else with the possible exception of her wife. So many fantasies becoming fulfilled, so many itches being scratched.

La Dulce Estrella, in the fucking flesh. ”About goddamn time.”

Bubbles’ eyes were fixed as the Latin bombshell made her way down to the ring, so focused that she wouldn’t have looked away to see a UFO crashing through the roof. Had she ever wrestled anyone sexier? It was hard to say, there was so much competition, but she couldn't think of anyone hotter off the top of her head. It wasn’t just those hips, or those breasts, or that beautiful bouncing hair, either.

No, what set it all off was the way La Dulce Estrella carried herself, coming down to the ring like she knew she was the sexiest thing on the planet. There was a supreme confidence about her, the energy that drove Bubbles wilder than anything else. She wanted to be all over this woman, to feel every part of her delectable flesh, and it was taking a real effort not to come charging out of the corner the moment she hurled her hot ass into the ring.

”Easy, babe.” Mariah called out from the sidelines, leaning on the apron nearby and looking up at her extremely horny wife. ”You waited years for this. A few more seconds won’t kill you.”

”Easy for you to say.” She chewed her lip raw as she stepped forward to meet her opponent, breathing deep to puff out her chest as she approached. There were a ton of things she wanted to say to this woman, and she’d no doubt get a few of those words out before they were done fucking each other senseless. But, for now, she was more than content to simply reach out and shake her hand, a show of genuine respect between them.

Bubbles nodded, stepped back, and raised her hands, slipping into a classic grappling stance as the referee looked between. She wiggled her fingers and bounced from heel to heel, a coiled spring ready to burst forth. Just one more second, just one more…

She came charging forward the moment the bell rang, arms wide open, closing the distance with a single stride, trying to force La Ducle Estrella into a collar-and-elbow tie-up right away. In part to satisfy her desires, yes, but the strategy was there, too - power was her best advantage, and she needed to catch this woman to make the most of it.

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Re: La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

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Bubbles Burste. Six foot three and two hundred and twenty five pounds of woman. Strong, curvaceous, and by all accounts, practically nymphomaniacal woman.

That suit she wore made her look absolutely delectable. Dulce had already wanted to run her tongue all over that. For one thing among many, and the years have only exasperated those desires. It would take time and work, but it was time that she was willing to take and work that she was willing to put in.

Dulce thought that she would never see the day. Bubbles Burste, in the ring. Standing right there before her.

About. Damn. Time.

The handshake complete and honor shown, Dulce took a few steps back, wanting to give herself some space for what she had planned. But not too much; she didn't want to make it obvious. She too stood in a grappling stance, but a tad bit off. Her lead leg being brought forth further than normal, her arms not rising quite as high as proper. A sign that she was going to utilize her speed, but La Dulce Estrella was a known all-rounder. Would she go all out with her speed, or would she use it to back up her own considerable power in this opening clash? It wouldn't be the first time, even against an opponent as big as Bubbles.

The referee didn't even bother with asking if they were ready. One look in either direction, and she could tell that both competitors were practically dying to hear that bell ring. So she stood back and gave the signal.

Dulce's entrance had the exact effect she wanted, having Bubbles salivating, figuratively, like a woman who had gone days without food and was now being presented with a full course meal. All you can eat. Bubbles charged forward from the outset, and so did she, but they were looking to do completely different things. Bubbles wanted to tie up, but with her libido backing up her power as much as it was, Dulce knew that she couldn't the larger competitor get a hold of her this soon. She could very well work out an advantage that she wouldn't be able to come back from.

So just before the moment of impact, the luchadora lowered herself to the mat. There was enough space between the white-haired powerhouse's legs to, if she timed it just right, slide right through. Risky, but the only other option was getting grabbed. And she had faith that her speed would carry her through, to do both what she set out to do and spring up to her feet to follow up.

With a dropkick, if she had the chance.
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Re: La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Focus, Bubbles. Eyes on the prize. Don’t let her distract you with those radiant eyes, or that long, flowing hair, or that sunkissed skin. Don’t get sidetracked by those succulent, swaying hips, or those bountiful breasts that looked ready to slip out of her slingshot bikini at a moment’s notice. Completely forget about all the times you’ve gotten wet while watching this woman wrestle, and whatever you do, don’t think about that one awkward time a week after the canceled match where you called out Dulce’s name instead of Mariah’s during sex.

…oh, this was going to drive her nuts, she could already tell.

Bubbles was pretty much always in a constant state of horniness, but that dial was up to 11 tonight, as she charged headlong at the object of her desires and tried to lock up with her. In the back of her head, she knew that it probably wouldn’t work, that her opponent had enough brains in her head to not lock up with a woman nearly twice her size. Most of her opponents did, but Bubbles had a way of catching them. The chase was half the fun, and there were so only many places they could run to in the squared circle. All the Virgin Killer had to do was get ahold of them one time and start working her magic, and it was all downhill from there. Or uphill. A matter of perspective, she supposed.

As she moved in, though, it looked like she might’ve lucked up with Dulce Estrella. She was coming in fast, and the smaller woman had nowhere to go, with her arms spread wide enough to cut off all escape routes. Bubbles let out a pleased squeal and lunged, aching to get a hold of her, needing that body against hers. ”You’re all-”

And she was gone.

Just like that. Gone.

She’d actually slid under Bubbles’ legs, but it happened so fast that she needed a full second to process it mentally, and in that second she’d legit thought the women had teleported. It was a fantastic display of quickness and quick thinking, and she could probably have counted on one hand all of the other opponents in her career that could pull it off. She wouldn’t need all the fingers, either.

Bubbles snickered and spun around, expecting Dulce to dance away from her, keeping the distance like the more petite women tended to do. Instead, she was greeted by a dropkick to her chest, right on the tits, hitting with enough force to send her staggering back. Instead of fighting the momentum, though, she rolled with it, kept going back until she hit the ropes and propelled forward. She charged at Dulce Estrella again, faster than before, and swung her arm hard and fast at the woman’s head, trying to nail her with a lariat.

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Re: La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

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Such soft targets. Targets that she hadn't set out to hit, but targets nonetheless. It was still like kicking a wall. Dulce's were the sort that were delivered with some extra oomph, like she was trying to kick through the opponent's body, using it as a makeshift launchpad to provide herself the momentum necessary to turn her body about while she was in the air. Her thicc ass jiggled when she landed, prone and with her head pointed towards Bubbles. There was a strategic element to it: It allowed her to get eyes on her opponent's reaction sooner, and act faster herself.

The luchadora rose to her feet with a running start, bursting forth like a cheetah, ducking underneath the giant's arm and using the ropes to get a boost so she could make this next one hurt: Another dropkick, aimed at the leg.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat Feb 24, 2024 6:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

It was just a dropkick. One of the most common moves in wrestling. You hardly went a single match without seeing someone do. About as commonplace as a chop. No big deal, right?


Bubbles had taken many of these in her day, and she couldn't recall one hitting with quite the force that Dulce Estrella brought to the table. So strong. So quick. So precise. It landed right on tits and might have dropped her right away if she wasn’t able to brace in time. As it was, though, she recovered, came running at her opponent, looking like she might be able to get a quick hit, and…

Nope, she was gone. Bubbles swung out and missed, the blow flying just overhead, after she’d totally committed to the attack. She was forced to make an awkward step forward, giving her opponent just enough time to make her pay for the blunder. Another dropkick this time, shooting right into her leg.

This was enough to bring the Virgin Killer down, if only to a knee and only for a second. She pushed her way up and stumbled her way into the corner, where she turned around and faced her opponent with her back against the pads, trying to get a bead on her before she went to the next move. From what she knew of her opponent, though, she knew that would be far easier to say than to do - like Bubbles herself, Dulce Estrella was a force of nature when she was rolling, and right now, she was rolling hard.

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Re: La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

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She had the initial speed. The ropes gave her the momentum. She leapt, chambered her legs, kicked out...and scored the hit! If Bubbles' upper body was a brick wall, however, her legs were tree trunks. But the axes that were her feet were enough to make her falter, if only for a few seconds. But those were a few seconds that Dulce could work with.

Without a hint of fear, she followed the larger woman into the corner, not wanting to allow her a single moment to breathe. When Bubbles fell back into the pads, Dulce clasped her hands behind her head to pull her right back out. And down, bent forward, and underneath a waiting arm that she wasted no time wrapping tight around her neck. There were none of her usual signals or calls to the crowd as she prepared for her next move. A foe as dangerous as Bubbles demanded nothing less than her complete focus, that she be "all business" in these opening moments.

The Sweet Star maneuvered to have Bubbles's side facing towards the corner, and then she went for it. Powerful legs propelling her upward, lifted high to get some extra momentum off the nearby rope, and she whirled round with Bubbles in tow, past the corner and around towards the center of the ring, looking to test how well her skull held up in comparison to the rest of her with a hellacious tornado DDT!
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Feb 29, 2024 7:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

An extremely pleased Mariah Burste looked on from ringside, enjoying the match in the arena’s best seat. She wouldn’t have it any other way - after waiting for this match, going through so much to get it done, having it fall through, only to have a second chance years later, she was more than willing to reap the rewards for her diligence. So far, it was proving to be well worth the wait, with Dulce already showing why she was the ideal opponent for Bubbles.

No fear. None. Where most women would have hesitated and tried to chip away at the fortress that was Bubbles Burste, Dulce threw herself towards her like a battering ram, taking her head on. It was clearly a working strategy, too - it was often that the Virgin Killer found herself against the ropes, and even Mariah couldn't remember that happening less than a minute into a match.

Not content to rest on her laurels, Dulce moved in on a stunned Bubbles Burste, snagging her by the head before she could get her bearings. She might not have given any of the signals, but any savvy wrestling fan would know what was coming, and sure enough, she went for it - a tornado DDT, swinging out of the corner at hurricane speeds. It brought them whirling around, downwards, and-


The ring shuddered as Bubbles brought her leg outwards and slammed her foot down, extending her base as her back surged with power to stop the move dead in its tracks, canceling all the momentum at once through sheer force. ”Nuh-uh!” She reversed the movement all at once, bringing Ducle back up with the frightening power she was so famous for, as her arms reached out and wrapped around the woman’s svelte waist to trap her in a crushing bearhug.

A stunning reversal, taking control - though, knowing Bubbles, it was mostly so she could cop a feel - which she promptly did at the same time, grabbing a handful of the Latina’s ass, even as she compacted her.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Fri Mar 01, 2024 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: La Dulce Estrella vs. Bubbles Burste - Sugar and Spice

Unread post by DSX93 »

Dulce didn't believe that the fact could ever be stated enough: This woman was insane. The luchadora had it! A set up with some damage to a leg to offset her balance. Momentum. Technique mixed with no small amount of power of her own. Yet through force of will and sheer freakish physical strength, Bubbles was able to literally put her foot down and put a stop to her offense. The foot attached to the very leg she had just given one of her highest quality dropkicks not even half a minute ago, at that!

And that was exactly why she couldn't waste any time playing around. And even with that, it was inevitable. Sooner or later, she was going to get caught. Walking away from this match unscathed was a pipe dream of a pipe dream.

The brunette's eyes went wide with shock as her long-awaited foe reversed that momentum, at first without the use of her arms or even her hands. Just pure base strength.

Bubbles Burste is a monster. The sexiest monster she's ever seen.

And she was about to be trapped in her vice-like clutches.

This is going to hurt.

And indeed, it did. Dulce would unwillingly fall into the trap of screaming while she was locked in a bearhug. The best ones always got you: How could you hold back a scream when it feels like your ribcage is mere seconds away from being crushed to bits? The problem with that was that it expends so much precious oxygen. And when you've got someone as strong as Bubbles holding onto you, you'll be needing every last second of air you can get. Because not only are you not getting it back while you're in the hold, it will take some time to be able to breathe normally after you're out of it.

And even with a lecherous hand devoted to grabbing her ass, the Virgin Killer was making it more and more unbearable to even make the attempt with each passing second. Dulce needed to work fast.

The industrial strength squeeze that was being put to her made even the slightest movements painful, snatching groans from her as she raised her legs to wrap them around that giant's waist and flung her arms around the back of her head, using a hand to guide her face directly into her buxom. No way was Bubbles going to fight that.

Dulce wasn't counting on getting herself free through motorboating alone, but maybe it could get her an opening.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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