Angie Samson Vs. Lexi Morgan - A rookie's first Hentai match!

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Angie Samson Vs. Lexi Morgan - A rookie's first Hentai match!

Unread post by Lycanstar »

"Wait, what?"

The staff near the curtain explained it one more time; "A Hentai match means sexual holds and items are legal, this is what the audience is here to see."

"...What kind of wrestling show is this?"

Angie found herself waiting behind the curtain of the LAW arena once again. Her previous nights being the worst of her entire life by far; but she had no choice but to keep coming back, lest she break her contract and get sued for every penny she had. The money she accepted seemed worthless to her at this point; no amount was worth the pain and suffering she had been put through in her previous bouts. Still though, she had to admire her own courage to come back for a third time despite the expectation she had going in. That was, until she was informed about the match she would participate in.

"D-do we just have to have... Sex? Isnt that a little too graphic for-"

The Generic LAW theme music that accompanied her whenever she went to the ring started playing once again and Angie's expression lowered into a disappointed sorrow. She stared at the curtain that would for sure seal her fate once more~ the wind from the Arena blowing in as if it was beckoning her to her ultimate fate. Not wanting to once again upset the staff or audience, she walked with an already defeated look through the curtain and stepped out onto the stage.


Once again donning the attire she had been contractually obligated to wear, she looked out at the audience with a mixture of fear and disgust. These people keep coming back just to watch her get battered and assaulted by Women ten times as strong as her; all the while probably oggling her skimpy attire. She walked down the ramp making sure to avoid eye contact as much as possible with the audience who she knew were already undressing her with their eyes... While she was used to the feeling from her time as a stripper, people were there watching her to have fun~ but she could see no fun in this. This was humiliating torture.

Walking up the metal steps once again, the cold feeling on her toes sent shivers up her spine as her bruised muscles recalled her previous experiences in this ring. Entering underneath the middle rope; she paced the ring towards the back corner and looked towards the ramp; already wishing this could be over and done with. While waiting however a thought occurred~

'If this is a sex match... Does that mean I just have to have sex with my opponent? M-maybe there's no wrestling moves in this match...'

The prospect of having sex or exposing herself to a massive audience stirred confusion in her brain~ On one hand, she may just have to have sex with a Woman and the "Match" would be over, maybe she wont be limping out of this one? On the other; the prospect of her nude body being seen by all these strangers in the centre of a stage while she has a intimate experience with another sounded extremely embarrassing... Do they blur stuff here? How many people are watching this? She was already dreading whatever came next as she shuffled her thick thighs together in a act of nervousness; her body involuntarily shuddering from the thoughts that clouded her mind.

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Angie Samson Vs. Lexi Morgan - A rookie's first Hentai match!

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Lexi was stretching in her locker room getting read for her match as usual hearing a rumor it was her opponent's first hentai match that fact alone made Lexi excited wanting to make sure she made it memorable for her opponent hoping she wasn't going to be too embarrassed when Lexi forced her to cum, possibly multiple times in front of the crowd as well as being stripped nude in front of everyone.
Lexi soon left her locker room clad in her gray attire walking towards the stage eager to lay eyes on her rookie opponent as well as get her hands on her. Lexi waited for a few moments before her theme started and she walked out onto the ramp cheers and whistles erupting from the crowd. The Texan smiled as she skipped to the ring high fiving fans on her way to the ring and sliding inside getting her first good look at her opponent and walking right up to her seeing she was nervousness deciding to do something different and surprising before the match.

"Hi, I'm Lexi" the Texan said giving Angie a warm and friendly smile before giving a surprising and brief kiss on the lips just possibly easy her opponent's nerves or fluster her a bit either way Lexi would be happy with the result. "A taste of what's to come" Lexi said with a wink before going to her corner ready for the match to begin and to really get her hands on her opponent and to see what she was capable of.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Angie Samson Vs. Lexi Morgan - A rookie's first Hentai match!

Unread post by Lycanstar »

Down the ramp came Angie's opponent~ It looked like she had a pep in her step as she gleefully skipped and hopped her way down to the ring; A stark contrast to Angie's defeated shuffled to the confines of her obligation... Once again her opponent was a fit woman wearing wrestling gear, which slowly dashed away Angie's hopes of this being something closer to a sexy playfight than another wrestling match...

The scar on her eye initially intimidated Angie, but then she spoke to her in a friendly manner; probably seeing how nervous Angie must have looked standing close to her.

"Oh um... hi... I'm-"

Lexi interrupted her introduction with a soft peck on her lips! She playfully smiled as she leaned in, Angie standing in bewilderment without any time to even react to the situation! What the? D-did she just kiss me? Lexi backed off and promised more before giving her a wink and gleefully skipping to her corner.

Angie continued to stare in shock~ She-she hadn't been kissed by too many girls before, especially not that... assertively. Lexi looked like she was about to have the time of her life across the ring while Angie dumbfoundedly stared, unsure of how exactly she was supposed to respond. Maybe this would be easier for her after all she thought as the bell rang.


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