Handa would be in the Kiyoko Sister’s locker room alone. Her sister took the day off after her match with Big Neptune, meaning that she wouldn’t be ring side. Handa hated how she was tied into another match with the girl she attacked
Handa was apparently being punished for “attacking a random wrestler”. She thought it was stupid since she didn’t actually kill her opponent. So now she was hit with a modifier. For the first 10 minutes of the match, Handa cannot fight back against her opponent. If she ever reverses, grabs, or counters a move, she instantly loses the match and Celina is declared the winner.
Handa smashed up the window in their locker room in a fit of rage. She was getting too tensed as she scolded herself in Japanese.
Handa: 「これはとても愚かなことです!彼らは私に罰金を科し、さらに最初の10分間は反撃できないような試合を設定するなんてよくありませんか。これは私のお気に入りの試合の一つでもありますが、彼らは私に何もできないと言いますか?これはでたらめです!(“This is so stupid! How dare they fine me and also set up a match where I can’t fight back for the first 10 minutes. This is also one of my favorite matches and they tell me I can’t do anything? This is bullshit!”)
Eventually, A scared LAW Staff Member would nervously knock on her door. Handa opened the door and the frightened Staff Member told her that they were ready to make her entrance. Handa screamed before throwing the bat onto the floor and stormed down the hallway. When the guy looked inside, she would see that Handa really needed therapy for her anger as the entire locker room was smashed up except for the furniture inside.
Handa then started berating the guy running the entrances in Japanese as she was very pissed. Not wanting to get hurt by Handa, the guy then played her music as Handa was accompanied by a LAW Security Guard.