The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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Match Type: 3 on 2 Handicap

Sophie would be in her locker room. Her first match as her new self would be a 3 on 2 handicap match. This seemed like a punishment for her since her return as she wasn’t even told who her partner was. LAW officials told her that her partner would be a surprise.

“It’s fucking bullshit that I’m put in a 3 on 2 handicap match where I don’t even know who my partner is.”

Sophie would stand up and walk down the hall. She then waited for her music to play as she was not happy about being in this match.
She then made her entrance as she was met with a booing crowd. She then walked down the ramp and entered the ring as she was pissed that she’ll probably be a partner down and possibly left alone to fight off three people. She then waited for her three opponents to make their entrance since executive told her that her mystery opponent would come out after them.
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Re: The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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Tonight would be the return of Candice Edison after a long hiatus from being fired, she is making her grand return to LAW. She wasn't alone it would be the Debut of the Harbingers, including Candice's best friends Annabelle and Bernadette. "Alright team! tonight we're going to make our Debut and crush whoever stands in our way" Bernedette stood on top of the bench looking down at her partners to give the instructions. " Yeah we know, I've been itching to return and tonight the woman we're facing our lucky this isn't me from a while ago'. Candice spoke back balling her fist into her palm. " i just hope whoever we face is cute, so i can take them home" Annabelle said softly sitting on the bench as she finishes adjusting her boots. "Alright girl's move out!" Bernadette said as she lead the trio out to the hallway with Annabelle walking to the left and Candice walking behind from the right.

making their LAW Debut, it's the trio of Bernadette, Annabelle and the returning Candance Edison.... The Harbingers!!!!
The Harbingers
They came out to the top ramp all wearing matching capes as they marched down " Hey Why didn't they say my full name I'm the leader!?" Bernadette asked in an annoyed tone "Maybe because Candice was in LAW before us" Annabelle added to try and help her friend's anger problem. All the while some attendees booed at Candince who was a vicious heel who was way too brutal to her opponents.

Once they stepped into the ring, Bernedette gestured for a mic and once she was given it "HELLLOOO LAW!!!" She shouted to make everyone shut up and listen to what she had to say"I am Bernedette Nobel, and my pink friend is Annebelle Valentine, next time say our full names!!!... thank you," She said before passing it to Candince ""it's good to be back, i was unfortunately fired for how i treated opponent's and was told i could only come back after taking an anger management class and this is who we're facing?" Candice explained the situation before the trio paused at her One opponent.
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Re: The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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Sophie looked at all three of them and groaned. She couldn’t believe that she’s stuck facing a trio as she was also given a mic.

“Well you know that LAW told me that I have a mystery partner for this match. Maybe if you wait until she comes out, you make your assumptions. Maybe it’s someone as big as you and can easily kick all three of your guys’ asses while I do none of the work. In fact, I’m so confident about it that I’m willing to wager the idea that whoever gets pinned has to be the winning team’s POW for the night.”

Sophie tossed the mic to the side as she looked at the ramp to see who her mystery partner was.
Out came her twin sister, Hannah. She looked a bit different than the last time she stepped into a LAW ring and made her way to the ring. The crowd was chanting “Holy Shit” as both twin sisters stood toe to toe against each other*

Sophie: (trying to talk like her old sweet self again but in a more sarcastic tone) “The hell are you doing here sis?”

Hannah: “Making my return, obviously.”
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Re: The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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The trio would stand across hearing what Sophie had to say. Bernadette and Candice snickered at her comment, she was all alone and thought that whoever it is, won't be able to take down the terrible trio. They all shared in a nod agreeing that they can win no matter who it is, Bernie grabbed the mic and said ""as the Leader of the Harbinger's we accept you're challenge!" She said with a confident grin before the mystery partner arrived on the scene.

The trio watched as Hannah came down with Annabelle saying"my it's a duo of adorable siblings" Candice grinned "doesn't matter if their sibling's we can crush them!" She licked her lips with excitement before Bernie chimed in "if that's the case Candice will start us off" Candice grinned with excitement taking off her cape and giving it them as Annabelle and Bernie we're at the ringside.

Candice would stare at the duo and said"so which one of you want's to deal with the Thunderbolt?" she asked with a hint of blood lust in the air as she had been dying to fight someone in LAW again.
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Re: The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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It wouldn’t even be a question as Sophie stepped out onto the apron as Hannah would be the one who’s fighting Candice. She also was dying to fight in a LAW ring again

Hannah: “Alright Candice. I’m ready to kick all three of your asses right here, right now. You guys aren’t worth nothing.”
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Re: The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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Candice smirked and said" ohh is that so huh? " Her eyes went wide as if it was a tiger hungry to eat it's pry.

The bell rung and as soon as it happened,"This is why I'm called The Thunderbolt!" She shouted as she dashed as her opponent with incredible speed aiming to send a brutal throat chop straight to her neck!
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Re: The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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Hannah held onto her throat as she wasn’t prepared for how fast Candice was. She then coughed up a lung as she fell onto the floor. This was not how she wanted to start off her return with a throat chop.
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Re: The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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Candice laughed as Hannah fell to the floor gagging for air "what's the matter, you said you can kick all three off our asses" she said in a mocking tone of voice before lowering her boot underneath her chin to make her raise to stare up at her. "maybe you're sister will do better" she pulled her neck back before sending it back to kick her int he neck to send her rolling to her partner"Hey? Sophie was it? why not give me a real challenge"

Bernie at the ringside gritted her teeth "we had her right where we needed, don't screw this up Candice" she said before Annabelle put her hand on her shoulder "don't worry Candy is more then capable of taking them down, she's just having fun" She gave her friend a smile.
Last edited by SRG on Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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Sophie sighed as she tagged herself in. She then entered the ring and taunted her to come at her

Sophie: “Cmon. Imma show you the new me, Hannah. Just watch what I do while you lay down on the floor in pain.”
Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Harbingers vs Sophie Shaw and a Mystery Partner

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Candice smirked"maybe this will be fun!" she shouted as she charged aiming to go for a running elbow to her opponent's breast area!
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