Lights Out: Kimiko Nagasawa vs. Darina Daybreak

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Lights Out: Kimiko Nagasawa vs. Darina Daybreak

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

Standard Match
Victory by pinfall, submission, or count-out. Standard disqualification rules apply.

The report of a vacuum, like hot air after ignition, swept through the lower bowl! Slowly but surely, a sliver of gold rose up the entrance, tempoed by a rhythmic clicking. With each tick, both light and sound sped their ascent. A silhouette came into view: Arms up, hooded, and standing tall!

Then the clicking broke into bouncing synths! As the verse began, the golden backlight dropped, and Darina Daybreak came into view!
Darina Daybreak
She held her head high, stepped with a little more boast than even her usual swagger. Darina was hot. Hot off the presses, hot in appearance, hot off the heels of a rockin' debut. There really was no better way to introduce herself to LAW than to do exactly what she told everyone she came here to do. Her first few weeks in LAW were shaping up to be a proper tour de force. And tonight was gonna be more of the same.

Only with a quirk! See, unlike her previous employers, LAW didn't care much for weight classes. Sure, different divisions had belts and tournaments, but the vast majority of matches were open season! If the front office wanted to see Darina pound on someone half her size, who was she to say no? The Daybreaker would do her job, big or small.

As she finished her path to the ring, complete with all the fist bumps she owed her fans, Darina got ready to do just that. She stood with a confident aura, facing the entrance ramp in anticipation of the other half of tonight's entertainment.
Last edited by FreestylePoet on Tue Feb 07, 2023 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lights Out: Kimiko Nagasawa vs. Darina Daybreak

Unread post by TriggerBunny »

Kimiko saw Daybreak's entrance as she peeked from backstage. It was bombastic and unique, unlike anything Kimiko had ever seen before. Although Darina interacted with her fans plenty, Kimiko took note that she was making her way to the ring in what seemed like no time. "Wow. Daybreak, huh? She sure knows how to make a spectacle of herself!" Kimiko talked to herself.
Kimiko's Appearance
Kimiko noticed Darina had almost reached the ring. She stood up and readied herself to get out onto the ramp, anticipating the announcers to call her up. Kimiko took a final deep breath in, held it, then blew it out slowly. "You got this, Kimiko. You got this. You got this..." As expected, she then heard the announcers give her entrance call:

"...Now entering the arena, hailing from Japan...Standing at 5'4" and weighing in at 153 lbs... She's LAW's cutest rookie, it's THE STARRR POWERRRRR!!!"
Kimiko's Entrance Music
Kimiko launched herself onto the ramp to the audience's applause, her cutesy upbeat music went through the stadium! She waved and made poses showing off her form before starting her way down to the ring. Kimiko interacted with her fans who reached out to her and asked for pictures, which she obliged. She eventually made her way to the ring before vaulting over the ropes and landing with a reverberating THUD! She continued to wave, walking in a big circle around the ring before turning and finally taking notice to her opponent.

Kimiko didn't get a good look of her when she saw her from backstage, but now she was surprised by the sheer physicality of her opponent. The first thing she saw about Darina was her size, she was nearly a full foot taller and completely cut! Kimiko hands trembled before she quieted them by clenching her fists. She knew this match was going to be tough, but she needed to stay strong. "H-Hey..." Kimiko tried to call out to Darina, but ended up awkwardly stuttered instead. Kimiko was a little choked up, "I didn't know I'd be going up against a heavyweight tonight... Did I forget? No- I would've remembered!!" she panickily thought to herself.

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