Now this was a stage worth fighting it. It was a mere imitation of her homeland and her even this sham was more comfortable to look at than the usual barebones of the LAW ring. Due to São Paulo’s diverse nature LAW had spared little expense getting tools that fit the environment from multiple populations that inhabited the city, two of which may be familiar to Alizeh but all were home to Robin. That state may have been hard to her at times but once she became a name in such a popular city she made it her home and never struggled again now she would take the various trinkets that she knew and battered Alizeh to pieces. While making her entrance and ignoring the roar of the crowd she looked around at the ring, the turnbuckle and ropes had been changed to match the color of the flag while the coat of arms was at ringside. A nice touch but what mattered to her was the things outside the ring. At her request she had made sure some toys were around for her to mess with, things she had seen in the main parts of the city of in the neighborhoods that made up parts of it that would make useful tools. LAW didn’t approve everything but enough got through to matter, and more importantly she had gotten word that the things she really wanted were Pam Ed where she requested them by one of the staff she paid to have set things up. When the time was right she could get to all of them and make short work if Alizeh Midori.
Her debut interview was rather rudely ended by Alizeh’s refusal to take any of Robin’s harsher questions. While it was obvious Robin was going for a reaction for the cameras Alizeh decided to direct her attention to Robin herself because she was a wrestler. This was a bad idea for two reasons, Robin hated when she was questioned as a member of the press and she hated being challenged like she was weak. Two offenses too many brought her here but now that everything was set her way and nothing looked like it could go wrong. It was enough to make Robin smile and bask in the moment while sheet the crowd think they were in for a fun match and not the brutal stomping Robin planned for it to be.