Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

Official Women's Wrestling matches take place here. There are multiple LAW Arenas throughout Japan, each offering different shows/rings
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Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

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Match Type:
Standard Match

Winning Condition:
Via Pin, KO, Submission, Ring Out and DQ

Jumping from foot to foot while throwing some fast punches towards the wall, sue was getting ready for her next match. It been a while since her last fight and she really needed to get back into action if she wanted to stay as an active member of law. Tonight was the perfect chance to do it, catching the fans and winning them back! She would begin to slow down a little bit and walked over to one of the tables to take one final sip of water before she was called over that it was her time to enter the arena.
“the following match is single fall standard match!” would the ring announcer explain. “Introducing from Japan, standing tall with 5´7 and weighing 190 pounds. She is the one and only Susana Kin!” The entrance music of Susana would hit, 10 seconds from panic and the girl would enter the arena on top of the ramp shadowboxing a little bit. Throwing the punches fast and dogging down, this time not to warm herself up but fire the crowed up for herself. She would keep doing this for a while before she walked down the ramp towards the ring. The Japanese woman would soon reach the ring and walked up the stairs on the side. When the reached the apron of the ring she would jump over the top rope in one big leap, pulling her legs up. She was wearing her typical combination of cargo pants and a black sport bra for the match. While she was entering the ring the referee would talk to her and would ask her to take off the glasses she was still wearing. She would hand them to a stuff worker outside the ring before entering and waiting for her opponent. She hated it being without her glasses… she only saw a few feet around herself what was going on, everything else was a blurry mess.

Sue would walk over to the corner furthers away from the entrance and leaned into the ropes awaiting her opponent for the night.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

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Alicja was getting ready in the locker room, more precisely, she was pacing back and forth, nervous about getting into another fight, and this time not against another young lioness or a newcomer but an established fighter. Her mind was racing with the possibilities she could foresee, none of them looked bright. Then as if the world sensed she needed something to distract her, the tv in the room showed her opponent's entrance. In other circumstances, she would think of how cool the women looked but now, it got her even more nervous. They were the same height but Susana was a lot heavier, and it definitely did not look like she had a gram of needless fat on her. Alicja was at the same time incredibly impressed and intimidated at the same time.

She didn't have much time to think about that however as she was soon called to make her own entrance. She slid her shades on, took a last deep breath and her posture relaxed as she took on her usual cool persona. Then she made her way to the stage, this time, her music finally played as she walked before the crowd.
Entrance Music
As she got on stage, red lights flashing behind her, she stood in the middle, hand on hip, serving the place slowly as the announcer spoke. "And her opponent, from Poland, standing at 5'7 and weighing 154 pounds, Alicja Piestrzeniewicz!" the way they always butchered the pronunciation of her last name somehow made her feel better, at least she wasn't the only one making a fool out of themselves. After the announcement was finished she walked down the ramp, clapping hands with people gathered on the sides before right at the end handing one of them her shades. Then she climbed the steps and grabbing hold of the top rope, lept over it right next to her corner. Then she turned to Sue and smiled, giving her e friendly wave before approaching the center of the ring.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

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Sue just saw a blurry figure enter the ring, leaping over the top rope in a similar fashion as her. She knew that it was her opponent, for just the fact that the announcer presented her. From the stats Sue was assuming that the two were quiet evenly matches when it came to size… She knew she shoulder underestimate anyone around here.
When she saw the blurry frame across the ring wave to her Sue couldn´t help but smile and wave back, hoping she assumed that was what her opponent did. Soon the referee would call out that the match would start soon so Sue would put her fists up and put up her guard. As soon as the belly rung sue would walk towards the center of the ring slowly circling with her opponent. Sue was watching her opponent closly and when she saw an opening she would step forwards, twisting her whole body and sending one fast kick towards the abs of her foe trying to smash them hard and fast, before pulling her leg back and getting back into a defensive position. She was leaning forwards and holding her fists in front of her head.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

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They circled each other for a moment and though it did not show on her, Alicja could bearly think through her nerves. Then a sudden pain erupted in her midsection as before she even registered, her opponent sent a powerful kick to her stomach. Alicja grunted in pain and stepped back. This was a good reminder to stop thinking and just get to business.

She moved back in range, taking half a step to the right before switching sides and moving left, throwing a hook as she did that would be followed by an uppercut. What she didn't know what that her punches were telegraphed, likely giving her oponent a better chance to avoid them anyway.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

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Sue watched her opponent lean over in pain, showing her how affective her kicks where or how poor the defence of her opponent was. Alicja was seemingly not feeling very forgetful as she was throwing punches towards sue. The blond fighter would see her opponent pull her arms backwards and wind up the punches giving her enough time to step backwards to avoid the first hook, having more then enough air between the two to feel safe. Then aljica tried another attack giving sue a big opening so when the polnish fighter threw her fist up for the uppercut sue would try to sidestep her and grab her opponent shoulders at the same time. With a small smirk on her face she would jump upwards and place her feet on the hips of her opponent trying to pull her forwards. Sue tried to fall onto her back and roll over it, shoving her feet into the hip of Alicja to send her flying over her with a big monkey flip.
Aterwards sue would bounce right back to her feet spinning around and putting her fists up. “keep your head straight!” would she tell her opponent with a smirk.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

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As both of her attacks missed the target, Alicja was grabbed and tossed in a very impressive display, landing on her back with a loud impact. As much as she was shocked by that attack, she didn't stay in place after it, immediately rolling to the side to avoid any potential attack even though none came. Then she got up and laughed nervously. "Trying to, you ain't making it easy." She said with a wink, trying to come off as flirty to hide how actually nervous she was.
Then she charged in, throwing a cross that suffered from the same mistakes as before but the attack she actually wanted to connect was a knee strike that she would attempt to follow up with a hip toss.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

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Sue would see her opponent charging towards her. She would smirk and get ready to douge, when she stepped to the side she would look on in shock. Alicja learned from her mistakes and threw a fast knee towards sue, having the knee drill into her abs. The blond woman would scream out in pain and lean forwards from the impact. She was about to stumble backwards when her opponent grabbed her under the armpit and then threw her over her hip, making sue Hit the mat hard with her back. Sue was bouncing upwards after the impact, leaving her mouth gapping open. She would try to roll over onto her front and slowly rise back to her feet. “Oh seems like you got it..!”

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

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Alicja did not expect that to work in the slightest so when she actually managed to toss her oponent, she would be too slow to follow that up as Sue rolled and rose up to her feet. Alicja smirked at her words and shrugged before replying. "Beginners luck I guess"

Next Alicja would try to go back to her offensive. She would rush forward as if trying to go for a buckle before coming to a full stop, picking her leg up and throwing a sidekick aimed at Sue's head, however combination if her sudden stopping and a very modest experience, made her lose balance as she attempted that move, leaving her wide open.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

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Sue saw how her opponent went on the offensive again. The blond woman got ready and so when her opponent was going for a big kick sue was ready, she throws both of her arms up to the side of her head and blocked the incoming attack, taking the full force away with her forearms. She smiled and would try to capitalize on her block, by pulling down the leg and tucking it away under her armpit. She would pull on the leg to get her opponent even more out of balance and hopefully take the chance from Alicja to get the guard up. Then Sue would throw a big hook towards the face of her opponent trying to nail her right in the center with it, using her free arm while the other one didn´t let go of the leg.
No matter if the punch contacted or not, sue would follow it up right away by spinning around and using the leg of her opponent as a lever to pull her along and then throw her into the nearest corner full force.

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Re: Alicja Piestrzeniewicz vs Susana Kin, Slugging it out.

Unread post by ThatPolishDude »

As Alicja's leg got grabbed she gasped, not expecting that turn of events and trying to figure out what she could do to get out of such a predicament. Her thoughts were preoccupied with that she was too slow to bring her hands up to defend herself from the coming strike as her head whipped back with the force of the attack. A startled yelp escaped her lips.

This wasn't over, however, the strike shaking any semblance of a plan as to how to get out of her predicament, Sue would have no problem slamming Alicja's back into the corner with a loud thud, the impact forcing all the air out of her lungs. Disoriented and trying to catch her breath, the polish woman would slump in the corner, her body hanging on the ropes as she remained defenseless for the moment.

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